I trust you / 信頼しているよ


Sachi's treatment update: a mass in the womb had miraculously disappeared and she didn't need a surgery, Praise the Lord! Although the value of her white blood cells was very low, she was just able to receive the chemo on 19 July as planned. (It wouldn't have been possible, if the value had been even slightly lower.) On 21th she was able to finally have the infusion treatment for her damaged bones, for which the previous teeth extraction was necessary. Side effects are currently strong and we would appreciate your prayers.

Our recent highlight is that Costas (Sandro and Dorothee) came to visit us. They are our friend's parents from Switzerland. What was great is that they also got to know Führers (Gerhard and Martina). Sachi and I had always wished that the two couples would get to know each other because we're convinced, "Without Costas we couldn't have come to Europe. Without Führers we couldn't have stayed in Europe (especially after the cancer diagnosis)."

We all spent a quality time together; Führers made time to explain the history of Rhema church and showed Costas the church building. Our kids really enjoyed spending time with Sandro and Dorothee and their Austrian grandparents! It was also such a refreshing time for Sachi and me.

Without Führers we couldn't have stayed in Europe. I wrote about it before and will write again another time about how tremendous blessings they and their families are.

Why couldn't we have come to Europe without Costas? Here is why. In 2004 I received a calling to be a missionary and I wanted to go to Africa or somewhere poor. However, during my visit to friends in Europe in 2005, I unexpectedly experienced God's strong leading to missions work in Europe. Back then, however, Europe was in a good shape and almost no one (especially outside Europe) believed that it needed a missionary from Asia. They doubted and dismissed the vision of the 20-year-old Japanese. I then visited a good friend, Gianina with another Swiss friend, and her father, Sandro took me alone for a walk. He asked me how my first Switzerland experience had been and I shared what I had experienced with God last few days. He said, we should turn around and go back to his house. He then immediately called his friend, Sacha (now the director of AVC Switzerland) and introduced me to some leaders.

Sandro and Dorothee were the very first people who trusted the Lord's calling for me/us, and have been ever since encouraging and supporting us to seek the Lord and pursue His leading. And it was the Lord who was faithful to bring us to Europe for His mission about 16 years later.

When I think of Costas, the word that comes to my mind is 'God's love'. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 says, "Love is patient, love is kind... always trusts". Love and trust goes hand in hand. You can't truly love a person without trusting him/her.

I was young and without wisdom, not trust-worthy for such God's calling. I remember crying in a Swiss train in overwhelming gratitude after saying farewell to Costas in 2005 because I felt their trust and God's love. Trust is powerful force. When you experience someone's unconditional trust, it changes you.

When Jesus loves us, He also trusts us. He wishes and intents the best for us. He sees potentials in us, He foresees in us the Jesus-like person we could one day become by God's grace. With our sinful nature, we sadly sometimes betray His trust. Nevertheless He keeps loving us, trusting us. Do you hear God saying, "I trust you"? When we experience God's unconditional love and trust, it changes us from the inside out, and it's a natural response to want to love and trust back the Lord Jesus. Love-trust relationship is built.

Because God loves and trusts us, if we truly experience it, it compels us to also love and trust our neighbors (Mark 12:30-31). It encourages us to long for the best for others, see God's given potentials in them, and foresee in them their potential Jesus-likeness.

Reunion with Costas - finally on our mission field - reminded me of where I was and where we are now, all thanks to the love and trust of God and His people. It is therefore a huge privilege for us to be able to serve Jesus and people He loves on the front line of His mission.




フューラー夫妻がいなければ、私たちはヨーロッパに留まることができなかった。 以前そのことについて書きましたが、他の機会に再度、彼らと彼らの家族がどれほど大きな祝福であるかについて書きたいと思います。

コスタ夫妻がいなければヨーロッパに来られなかった?こうゆうことです。 2004年に宣教師の召しを受け、アフリカかどこか貧しい場所で仕えたいと思っていました。しかし、2005年ヨーロッパの友人たちを訪ねたとき、思いがけず、ヨーロッパで福音宣教をするという神の強い導きを体験しました。しかし、当時のヨーロッパは今より断然良好な状態にあり、アジアから宣教師が必要だとは(特にヨーロッパ以外の人は)ほとんど誰も信じてくれませんでした。20歳の日本人のビジョンは疑われ相手にされませんでした。それから僕はスイス人の友人と、友人のジャニーナを訪ねました。その時彼女のお父さん、サンドロさんが僕を一人散歩に連れて行ってくれたのです。「初めてのスイスはどう?」と尋ねてくれ、僕はここ数日神さまと体験したことを分かち合いました。すると突然、「散歩をやめて、家に戻ろう」とサンドロさん。家に着くなり、彼の友人のサーシャさん(現在AVCスイスの代表)に電話してくれ、僕を何人かのリーダーに会わせ紹介してくれました。


コスタ夫妻のことを考える時、心に浮かぶ言葉は「神の愛」です。 1コリント13:4-7は「愛は寛容であり、愛は親切です。...(愛は)すべてを信じ」と教えます。愛と信頼は密接に関係しています。人を信頼することなしに、その人を真実に愛することはできません。




コスタ夫妻との再会は − 遂に私たちの宣教地で −、以前僕はどこにいて、今私たち家族がどこにいるのかを思い出させてくれました。すべて神さまと神の民の愛と信頼のおかげです。ですから、主の宣教の前線で、イエスさまと主が愛する人々に仕えることができる幸いは、私たちにとってとても大きな特権です。

Akihiro Yabe