Kindness of believers/信仰者の親切
"How’s it possible? They're are really nice people!" K. was shocked.
K., the Iraqi barber I got to know a couple of months ago invited me to his apartment. In the Middle Eastern culture, not only does inviting a person to one's house mean friendship and showing appreciation, but it's also an honor for the host when a guest visits him/her at home. Hospitality is a big thing in the honor vs. shame culture.
K. shared with me how he had come to Austria. In 2015, ISIS came to invade some areas of Iraq. Feeling dangerous, K. fled to Finland alone to seek asylum. During the stay he encountered Jesus followers who kindly helped him for nothing in return. "How’s it possible? They're are really nice people!" He was shocked because he'd been brainwashed that Christians are bad people who bring destruction on Muslims. K. was a practicing Muslim. The situation eased in Iraq and he went back to his country. He owned three businesses and life was going well, but he had a burning desire from within to find more about Christianity; he began going to church in the capital city, Bagdad. He then gave his heart/life to the God of the Bible.
In Iraq, ‘churches’ are officially approved and Christians exist, but it's strictly forbidden for Muslims to convert to Christianity. The consequence of the ‘apostate’ is death sentence often by beheading, as the Hadith (the record of the prophet Muhammad's words, actions, etc.) says, "The Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) said: 'Whoever changes his religion, kill him.'"
Therefore, contacting Christians is strictly limited. If you're a Muslim, you can't interact with Christians except for greeting. Qur’an 5:51—O believers, take not Jews and Christians as friends; they are friends of each other. Whoso of you makes them his friends is one of them. God (Allah) guides not the people of the evildoers.
K.'s two brothers are an influential officer in the Islamic government and a solider. One day, someone reported to his brother that he had seen K. near the church in Bagdad. Soon K.’s cellphone was monitored and pictures from the church were found. The 21 year-old was tied to a chair and confined in a room, ready to be killed by his father and brothers. But his mother came to the room in quietness, handed him his passport and released him, only saying "go". He fled to Turkey in 2019, then Greece and arrived in Austria a few months ago.
As I was about to leave his apartment, K. told me that he wanted to be baptized, and we‘ll soon start learning about what it means to be baptized. Please pray for K. that he can deeply understand who he is in Christ (Roma 8:14).
Many Muslims come to faith in the Lord Jesus through supernatural visions and dreams, through Christian radio/internet programs or through the kindness of Christ followers like K. experienced in Finland. Jesus says to us, "Love your neighbor as yourself." (Mark 12: 31), "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12)
Sometimes, in some situations we don't know how to share Jesus with others. But please don't underestimate the kindness and friendliness you prayerfully show to your family, friends, coworkers, strangers, etc. in Christ, because, if the Holy Spirit works, THAT will become a life-changing experience/trigger/entrance for someone to come to faith in Jesus Christ.
- The first thing that came into my eyes as I entered K.’s room was this picture of Jesus.
- Pastor Yoshinaga visited us from Japan on his way to a conference in Germany. He is currently the director of Japan Overseas Missions Association (JOMA), and he himself had once served in Indonesia with his family. We thank the Lord for the blessed time with him and pastor Katsu from Romania, although it was only for an hour.
Kさんは、どのようにしてオーストリアに亡命して来たのかをシェアしてくれました。 2015年に、イスラム国がイラクに侵入してきます。危険を感じ、Kさんは一人フィンランドへ亡命します。一年間のフィンランド滞在中、彼はイエスさまを愛し従っている人たちに出会い、何の見返りもなく親切に助けてくれる彼らの姿に大きな衝撃と感銘を受けます。「どうゆうこと?彼らは本当にいい人たちじゃないか!」イラクでは、キリスト教徒はイスラム教徒に破壊をもたらす悪い人々であると洗脳されていたので、ショックを受けました。Kさんも敬虔なイスラム教徒でした。イラクの状況が改善し、Kさんは自国に戻ります。彼は3つのビジネスを経営し、人生順風でしたが、キリスト教についてもっと知りたいという内側からの熱烈な願望が湧き上がってきました。彼は首都バグダッドの教会に通い始めます。そして、聖書の神に心と人生を捧げます。
したがって、イラクでは、クリスチャンとの接触は厳しく制限されています。ムスリムは、挨拶を除いてクリスチャンと交流することは許されません。コーラン 5:51「あなたがた信仰する者よ,ユダヤ人やキリスト教徒を,仲間としてはならない。かれらは互いに友である。あなたがたの中誰でも,かれらを仲間とする者は,かれらの同類である。アッラーは決して不義の民を御導きになられない。」
- Kさんの部屋に入った時、真っ先に目に飛び込んで来たのが、このイエスさまの写真でした。