God or money/神か金か
Yesterday was Sachi's chemotherapy. The blood test showed, although it did not yet reach the standard value, the white blood cell values were better than the times before. She was able to receive the treatment, thanks to the Lord and your prayers.
At first, we normally try not to make our updates and testimonies too long, but this time it’s a little longer than usual. It is because we felt the need to describe the background and details in order to fully convey the greatness of God. Please excuse us in advance for taking up your/reader’s time more than usual, but we‘d appreciate if the greatness and reality of our Lord Jesus could be conveyed in full.
Jesus says, "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. " Matthew 6:24
" But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things (whatever is needed) will be added to you." Matthew 6:33
These verses protected us and proved to be true again... Here is an testimony of God's unbelievable faithfulness and provision.
One day through our website we received an email from a "British Christian lady" whose earthly life was coming to a closure due to sickness, and wanted to donate her inheritance money to our ministry because she and her lately passed away husband had no child. The amount was millions of dollars.
According to the email, her husband had had a successful coffee business in Africa and left her with so much money, but her earthly life was also coming to an end. Her emails expressed faith and fear in God, words from the Bible and prayers to Lord Jesus. She also provided us with "official" documents from a lawyer, bank, passport, etc., everything looked real. In conclusion, however, it was a fraud and spam email, and thankfully we didn't get into trouble, or more precisely the Word of God in Matthew 6:24 protected us.
From July 2018 to December 2019 I had severe burnout. I couldn't work and had no income. Sachi was pregnant and Liana was born, so she couldn't work either. But despite our financial hardship, God took our family to Christchurch, New Zealand for half a year, and Lior was able to attend a really good private Christian school. Yes, that's right, we had no income.
Through my burnout experience and the provision of God, my worry and fear about lack of finance became dim and little, as long as trying to live in the will of God. My desire for money was gone. Our pastor used to tell me, "if you want to be a pastor or missionary, you must know a lot about money, but you should have no (greedy/selfish) desire for it. You have only one master; God or money." The pastor continued, "if it (what you do/where you are) is the will of God, He will provide everything you need." Sachi and I learnt to live in Matthew 6:33.
As I wrote in our annual newsletter, our OM monthly-required figure has markedly gone up since January 2022. Furthermore, although big part of our monthly support comes from Japan, the value of the Japanese currency has noticeably gone down. Therefore, each month we lack a significant amount and we need to raise more support, in order for us to continue serving in Austria.
Even so, when we received the email from the "British lady", we weren't tempted at all. Throughout my conversations with her, Matthew 6:24 was echoing loud in my heart. The verse protected me/us from getting into Satan's snare. In the end, the "British lady" wasn't a cute old English lady, but some cowardly criminals in Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast).
The story didn't end there. A few weeks later, I casually checked our OM personal bank account and saw a significant amount of donation come in. The donator's name wasn't familiar to us. It is nearly impossible to mistakenly send a donation to our personal OM account, because you have to clearly designate the donation to go to a specific person. Nevertheless we thought the donation was sent to a wrong account, and I honestly wrote an email to him. His wife replied;
"My husband and I sent a donation last week intended for Operation Mobilization general fund. Apparently, your website came up as Operation Mobilization. Do you work for Operation Mobilization? "
(We checked many times afterwards but our Y&Y Ministry website didn't come up as OM's when searched.)
As was expected, the couple’s donation was mistakenly sent to us.
I replied to her that Sachi and I serve with OM, and explained what we do and our personal situations. She then wrote back;
"God bless you, and maybe Jesus wanted our funds to go to you and your family, may you use the funds wisely and may God bless you. "
Sachi and I wrote back again and told them that we are happy to pass the funds to the general OM account as initially intended. They replied however,
"My husband and I would like you to keep the funds. We appreciate your being honest and forthcoming of the event. Honor God as I know you will."
We were completely blown away in awe of God. I had goose bumps all over my body because the amount of the donation was the EXACT amount I had been asking Jesus for, in order for us to cover our monthly financial shortfall and keep serving Him in Austria.
I had been praying like this. " Lord, we need $ ○○○. Can you please provide it in a way that is only possible for You, so that everyone will know that it's You and all glory will go to You?"
I didn't share about my prayer with anyone except for Sachi. We couldn't have even started our fundraising because of our current family situation. I just kept praying the prayer to God but the amount I asked for was huge, and I admit I didn't have full faith that the Lord would really do it AT ONCE OUT OF NOWHERE... I confess my lack of faith. But God really did it in a way that is only possible for Him, every single glory goes to Jesus Christ alone.
Why was I praying for such a huge amount? The simple calculation indicated that if the Japanese Yen continues to depreciate, or if we cannot fundraise and our monthly donation does not increase, that amount will be needed to cover our monthly shortfall and complete the five-year stay in Austria. After having lived for 5 years in Austria, you can apply for permanent residency, and we/our local employer will no longer need the high monthly-required figure currently presented by the government to employ foreign workers like us from outside the EU.
The incredible donation will now enable us to continue serving in Austria for the first 5 years while making up for our monthly shortfall for 2-3 years. We are extremely thankful to the Lord for the married couple who trusted God’s calling in our life. We know we don’t deserve it. The husband wrote :
"What we thought was at first a mistake in you receiving the funds instead of them reaching the general OM account was nothing less than Gods providence. What an awesome story for you to ask God to supply you and your family a certain amount of funds to keep serving Him in Austria and he did! We are glad to be part of that story!"
The lesson learnt is Matthew 6:24 and Matthew 6:33. No one can serve two masters. God or money. Whom will we follow? Whom will you follow?
Thank you for fulfilling Jesus' Great Commission together with us. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.
OM's Mission Statement is: We want to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached. Because God wants EVERYONE to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4), we strongly believe that everyone, regardless of nationality, culture, background and language, should have a chance at least once in their lifetime to hear about the forgiveness of sin and the new/eternal life that Jesus offers and gives us, if we humbly come to Him. We really want to see the least reached reached with the love and truth of our Lord and Savior. For this purpose and for the glory of our Lord, we give our lives, energy, money, resources, and everything.
イエスさまはおっしゃいます。「だれも、ふたりの主人に仕えることはできません。一方を憎んで他方を愛したり、一方を重んじて他方を軽んじたりするからです。あなたがたは神にも仕え、また富にも仕えるということはできません。」マタイ 6:24
「だから、神の国とその義とをまず第一に求めなさい。そうすれば、それに加えて、これらのもの(必要なもの)はすべて与えられます。」マタイ 6:33
メールによると、彼女の夫はアフリカでコーヒー事業を成功させ、莫大な財産を彼女に残しましたが、彼女の人生の幕も閉じようとしています。彼女のメールは、神への信仰と恐れ、聖書の御言葉、主イエスさまへの祈りで溢れていました。彼女はまた、弁護士、銀行、パスポートなどの“公式”の書類も送付してくれました。すべてが本物に見えました。しかし結論として、詐欺・スパムメールであり、感謝にも最終的に問題に巻き込まれることはありませんでした。正確には、先のマタイ 6:24 の御言葉が私たちを守ってくれたのです。
2018 年 7 月から 2019 年 12 月まで、僕は重度のバーンアウト(燃え尽き症候群)を経験しました。仕事もできず、収入もありませんでした。同時期に理歩名の妊娠、出産が重なったので、サチも働くことができません。しかし私たちの経済的困難にもかかわらず、主なる神さまは私たち家族をニュージーランドのクライストチャーチに半年間導いてくださり、理央はそこで本当に素晴らしいキリスト教理念の私立学校に通うことができました。はい、そうです、収入はゼロです。
バーンアウトと神さまの備えの経験を通して、御心に従って歩もうとする限り、生活に必要な経済についての僕の心配と恐れは消えて行きました。お金への欲求は霧のようになくなりました。私たちの母教会の前主任牧師が以前よくこのように諭してくれたことを思い出します。「教職者として仕えたいなら、お金についてよく知らなければならない。しかし、お金自体には無欲でなければならない。ふたりの主人に仕えることはできない。神さまかお金か。」このようにもおっしゃっていました。「(私たちが行うこと、置かれて居る場所が)御心ならば、主は必要なものをすべて備えてくださる。」僕もサチも、マタイ 6:33の御言葉に生きることを身をもって学びました。
年次ニュースレターで報告した通り、2022 年 1 月以降、OMで定められる毎月の必要額が大幅に増加しました。さらに、毎月の支援の大部分は日本の皆さまの尊い献金から成りますが、円安の影響を大きく受け、毎月かなりの額が不足し、オーストリアで長期で仕えるためには、より多くの資金調達の必要があります。それでも、“イギリス人女性”からメールを受信した時、私たちはまったく誘惑を受けませんでした。彼女とのやり取りの間、マタイ 6:24 の御言葉が僕の心の中で大きく響いていました。この聖句が、私たちがサタンの罠に陥るのを防いでくれたのです。結局、“イギリス人女性”はかわいらしい老婦人ではなく、コートジボワールにいる卑怯な犯罪者たちでした。
ストーリーはここで終わりません。数週間後、宣教団体OM の私たち夫婦の銀行口座を何げなくチェックすると、かなりの額の一件の献金が寄せられていました。献金者の名前に見覚えはありません。OMの口座に間違って送金することはほとんどありえません。というのも、送金前に「○○国OMの〜〜さん宛」と明記・指定する必要があるからです。それでも、間違った口座に送金されたんだと思い、正直に献金者にメールを送りました。すると彼の奥さんが返信から来ます。
案の定、ご夫妻の献金は間違って私たちの口座に送金されたようです。僕はご婦人に、私たち夫婦は OM で仕えていることを伝え、どんな活動をしているのか、そして私たちの個人的な状況も説明しました。すると彼女から返信が届きます。
僕とサチは再度メールを送り、ご夫妻が当初意図していた通り OM 一般口座に喜んで献金を移し替える旨を伝えました。すると、
「OM の一般口座ではなく、あなたが献金を受け取ったのは手違いだと最初は思っていましたが、それは神の摂理にほかなりませんでした。オーストリアで主に仕え続けるために、神さまがあなたとあなたの家族に一定額の資金を備えてくださるように主に祈り求めていた、そして神さまがその祈りに答えてくださったとは、なんと素晴らしい証しでしょう! 私たちもその証しの一部になれてうれしく思います。」
学んだ教訓は、マタイ 6:24 とマタイ 6:33 です。 誰もふたりの主人に仕えることはできません。神さまかお金か。私たちは誰に従いますか? あなたは誰に従いますか?
OM のミッション・ステートメントは次の通りです。「私達の願いは、最も福音が伝えられていない人々の間で、イエスに従う者による生き生きとしたコミュニティが形作られることです。」
主なる神さまは、すべての人が救われてほしいと切望しておられるので(1 テモテ 2:4)、私たちは、国籍、文化、背景、言語に関係なく、誰でも少なくとも一生に一度は、イエスさまにある罪の赦しと新しい・永遠のいのちについて聞く機会が与えられるべきだと強く信じています。私たちは、福音が最も届いていない人たち(未伝の人たち)に、主の愛と真理が届いてほしいと心から望んでいます。その目的と主の栄光のために、人生、力、お金やリソース、そしてすべてを捧げます。