Not ashamed of the Gospel/福音を恥としない


I was house visiting an asylum seeker, N.last week, and he had an unexpected freeloader, S. in his room. (They'd previously met at a refugee camp in Greece) The freeloader’s life was now in such a mess. After seeking asylum in another European country, he married a local person. Even though she gave him so much support to start a new life, he took it for granted, squandered it all, and ended up in debt. He became alcoholic and his abusiveness made his wife mentally ill, and they divorced. Nowhere to turn, he travelled to N. for accommodation. (I heard this story from N. after S. left for a nightclub.)

It might be easy to blame S., but he is like many of the asylum seekers who are without hope, motivation and purpose in life. I was also without hope and wanted to end my life before I encountered the living Christ, so I somehow understand a little of their despair.

My life began to make a big 180-degree turn when two crazy but awesome Germans of integrity, Richard and Alex told me about Jesus Christ in New Zealand. (Here I won't go into the salvation details, the testimony is attached below.)

Lately, our and Richard's families attended a German Christian camp in Austria. (We had German culture shocks!) There were times of worship, Bible study and prayer, as well as fun events like mountain climbing. We hiked three mountains in one week?! Sachi was also able to climb them as it was on the third week from the chemo. (She often lays in bed on the first and second weeks) Liana didn't want to walk and we had to hold and carry her on the steep mountains, it was like a military training Lol.

Richard & Edith and Sachi & I had a blessed time of fellowship. The whole group also prayed for Sachi for healing. It was especially moving for me to see our kids being able to communicate in German, laughing and playing together.

About twenty years ago in Christchurch, I lived in the same homestay with Richard for a month. Alex was visiting him from Germany. And they told me about the love of God and the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ for the first time in my life. I sometimes wonder where I would be now, if Richard and Alex had been ashamed or hesitant to share the Gospel with me.

If I hadn't heard the message, I am sure I wouldn't have got hope for life, couldn't have found a meaning in life, wouldn't have married my wife and got children. So, seeing Lior and Liana playing with Richard's kids created in me profound gratitude to the Lord.

I believe you are also full of thankfulness to the Lord that you got to know Him sometime in your past. You are thankful that someone took courage to share the Good News of Jesus with you. But when it's our turn to share, thoughts like "What would people think of me if I talk about Jesus? Would they ridicule or discriminate against me?" might come across our mind. Yes, sharing our faith might cost us something.

But Paul says, "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile." Romans 1:16

I am forever thankful to Richard and Alex as the God whom they introduced to me has completely changed not only my life but also my eternity. From that experience, when I share Jesus with people, I am convinced our God can also totally change their lives, if they wholeheartedly seek Him (Jeremiah 29:13). Of course N. and S. are no exception. That gives me hope for their lives, even though their current lives might be in a struggle. We are not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.



ニュージーランドで2 人のクレイジーかつ人格者、ドイツ人のリチャードとアレックスがイエス・キリストについて教えてくれた時、僕の人生は大きく180 度変わり始めました。(ここでは救いの詳細は割愛します。英語になってしまいますが、写真欄に証しがあります)

最近、私たち家族とリチャードの家族は、オーストリアで開催されたクリスチャン・キャンプに参加しました。(参加者は全員ドイツ人、カルチャーショックを受けました!)礼拝、聖書の勉強、祈りの時間があり、登山などのイベントも楽しみました。一週間で 3つの山をハイキング?! 抗がん剤からの三週目だったので、サチも登山できました。(一&二週目は寝込みます)リアナは全然歩きたがらないので、ずっと抱っこしながら傾斜を登山、親にとっては軍隊の訓練のようでした(笑)


約20 年前、僕はクライストチャーチで、リチャードと同じホームステイで一ヶ月暮らしました。アレックスはちょうどドイツからリチャードを訪ねているところでした。2人は人生で初めて僕に神さまの愛とイエスさまの十字架と復活を教えてくれた人です。もしリチャードとアレックスが福音を分かち合うことを恥ずかしく思ったり、ためらっていたら、今頃僕はどこにいるのだろうと思うことがあります。

その良き知らせを聞いていなかったら、人生に希望を持てず、人生に意味を見出せず、妻と結婚することも子どもを授かることもできなかったことは確かです。ですから、リオウとリアナがリチャードの子どもたちを遊んいる姿を見て、 主への感謝でいっぱいになりました。


しかし、パウロは、「私は福音を恥とは思いません。福音は、ユダヤ人をはじめギリシヤ人にも、信じるすべての人にとって、救いを得させる神の力です。」ローマ人への手紙 1:16

リチャードとアレックスが紹介してくれた神さまは、僕の人生だけでなく永遠も完全に変えてくださいました。その実体験から、私たちがイエスさまを人に分かち合うとき、彼らが心から主を求めるなら、私たちの神さまは彼らの人生をも完全に変えてくださると確信しています(エレミヤ 29:13)。もちろん、Nさんと Sさんも例外ではありません。そのことに希望を見出します、たとえ彼らの現在の人生が葛藤であったとしても。福音は、信じるすべての人に救いをもたらす神の力だからです。

Akihiro Yabe