Turbulence and Pilot/乱気流とパイロット


On Tuesday, Sachi had the planed chemo but wasn't able to receive it because the result of her blood test wasn't good enough. It came as a shock and discouragement to us. Due to the prior teeth extraction, Sachi hadn’t been able to eat satisfactorily, and that could be one of the reasons. She will go to the hospital this coming Tuesday again to see if the values of her white blood cells are sufficient enough. Please pray that Sachi will be able to receive the chemotherapy on 28 June.

OM Austria (Linz branch) had a big move: its office moved from the outskirt of the city to the center of Linz. To be frank, the building and the surrounding was much pleasant with a lot of parking space in our previous location, but the new location is much more assessable in the central city.

One day my co-workers and I went to a kebab shop during the lunch break. To my surprise there were only Muslims (staff and customers) in the shop. They are one of the biggest unreached people groups. In fact some areas of the city center look like the Middle Eastern countries. The new office is not permanent, only until we move to our not-yet-built permanent building, but I felt the Lord has reasons and purposes for us in the heart of the city.

Last few weeks, I have heard from different friends about their life challenges, and within OM Austria there are also some serious health issues and life struggles. I have been in prayer. Due to the high inflation or the corruption of governments, the families and relatives of my refugee friends do not have enough to eat. A good friend in the US unjustly and suddenly lost his job. Another friend from South Africa lost his brother. Many others are suffering from sickness.

It describes such trials in English, "turbulent times". That reminds me of 'turbulence' the airplane faces. When my family visited Europe for the first time, our plane was struck by (thunder) lighting. When I took a plane from Thailand to New Zealand, the plane experienced the strong turbulence. The planes...shook...a lot.

In such a time, it doesn't matter if you're the world bodybuilding champion or the strongest Sumo wrestler. Your strength is insignificant before the power of the nature. You first panic but soon or later, you realize there is nothing much you can do, except for trusting the pilot. Whom you have as the pilot can therefore mean life or death.

I sometimes think the human life is like in the airplane. There are many things we can't control. But thanks to our God, we may have the best Pilot and Shepard - Jesus Christ. In and with Him we may have security and confidence.

"...now (God's grace) has been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel" 2 Timothy 1:10

In the turbulent flight from Thailand to New Zealand, my encouragement was the person next to me. She happened to be a believer in her old age. We encouraged and comforted each other to look up to Jesus. That's what we can do in our lives too. God intends that we go through life together. 1 John 3:16 "By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers."

One pastor told me, John 3:16 tells us that God loves us. 1 John 3:16 teaches us that with the love we receive from God, we love our brothers and sisters.

In our turbulent times, let's look up to our best Pilot and trust Him because He is good. In our/their turbulent times, let us love and care for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

(Last but not least, we want to express our gratitude. Our family is still on the mission field despite the turbulence, thanks to the Pilot and many of you who put 1 John 3:16 into practice. Thank you.)




そのような試練や葛藤を英語では「荒れ狂った時 / turbulent times」と表現します。それは飛行機が経験する「乱気流 turbulence」と同じ言葉です。私たち家族が初めてヨーロッパを訪問した時、飛行機が雷に激しく打たれました。タイからニュージーランドまでの移動中、乗っていた飛行機が激しい乱気流にあいました。飛行機は...めちゃくちゃ...揺れました。




タイからニュージーランドへの揺れるフライトで、僕の励ましは、隣に座っていた人、年配のクリスチャン女性でした。私たちはお互いにイエスさまを見上げるよう励まし、慰め合いました。これは人生でも同じです。神さまは私たちキリスト者が共に人生を歩むことを意図し、望んでおられます。 1ヨハネ3:16「キリストは、私たちのために、ご自分のいのちをお捨てになりました。それによって私たちに愛がわかったのです。ですから私たちは、兄弟のために、いのちを捨てるべきです。」




Akihiro Yabe