Meniscus & ACL tear / 半月板&前十字靭帯断絶


This post is long, but I am writing this also for myself, so that I won’t forget what happened on that day. If you don't have time, I would appreciate if you could just read the prayer requests at the end and pray even for three seconds.

In the 18 years since I said ‘goodbye’ to football I worshipped, the sport has been outside of my interest and I haven’t belonged to a team, though I was occasionally invited to play or to help rebuild the business of a football academy.

It all started again, when we moved to Austria and I started teaching our son football in order for him to ease his anxiety during the very hard time of Sachi’s treatments. The Lord has opened so many doors for us here through football.

Going back in time a little, when we were located in Iwate, Sachi’s hometown in Japan during the Covid lockdown, waiting to come to Austria, I saw the professional football team, Iwate Morioka Grulla practising at a nearby ground, while jogging. I prayed to the heavens, “I'm already in my late 30s and I don't think I'll ever play football in a team, but if I would ever play, I will play 100% for You.”

I like people. I like Austrians, just like I like my own people. The word, ‘like’ isn’t probably quite accurate, the more accurate word would be I care about them, or in biblical terms, I love them. I want them to know Christ not as a religion but in a personal relationship, because I care about them. I’m sure, not just me, but anyone who has experienced the passion of Jesus would relate to it. But Austrians, similar to the Japanese, place great importance on ‘from whom you hear, as much as what you hear’. Therefore, if they don't trust you, they won't listen to you. And also, just like in Japan, Austrian society is not easy to get into. But once you are in the circle of friendship, it lasts a long time and doesn’t fall apart easily. The definition of ‘friend’ is in many ways rigid here.

In such a cultural background, I joined a local senior football team and have been playing with them for about three years. However, I am at a great disadvantage; I cannot drink alcohol. Furthermore, I can’t speak the Austrian dialect, and only enough German to get by. Here in the countryside, dialect in everyday conversation and beer after training are a must. Without these, it is almost impossible to be embraced in the community circle. So, I always felt like I was outside the invisible circle.

Then, suddenly, the football association of the Upper Austrian State whose capital city is Linz, organized a senior league for over-30 years olds. The league is made up of 17 teams from the State, and our countryside team decided to take part in. I was also put in the squad of the team. Though it’s a “old men’s league”, the level is not low and our first game on Wednesday was against a team from a big city (Wels) with some former Bundesliga professional players. The odds were high that our team would lose by a large margin.

The Saturday before, my left knee had been kicked from behind during our weekly refugee and international football, and I felt a little pain, discomfort and instability in my knee, but nothing was of any concern. On that day, I invited an Austrian doctor, a devout Catholic believer, who has been playing refugee football with me since the beginning over two years ago, to join the senior league. He was hesitant at first, but happily joined us on our first match.

On Wednesday, when we arrived at the venue, we were greeted by a impressive stadium. As our goalkeeper was unable to come due to work, I was in the line-up as the goalie scheduled to play in the first half, and I played in the goalmouth. On the morning of the match, I received a verse from Isaiah 41:10, and I recited it during the match. My mind was clear about why I was playing (for the Gospel) and for whom I was playing (for Jesus and the local community), and only the Lord knows the purity of my motives. 

The match kicked off at 7pm. The opponents, a team with ex-professionals, were up against a ‘weak team’ and seemed to be at ease. Our defense and goalkeeper, however, worked hard in tandem to fight back, and the opponents, unable to score, turned on their fangs. Our attackers were inspired by our efforts, and the result at the end of the first half was a good 2-3, overturning a poor expectation. The number of spectators at the stadium increased, as the countryside team unexpectedly put up a good fight.

At the start of the second half, the opponents' attack intensified and they got into one-on-one situations with the goalie, but they were unable to score a goal. About 15 minutes (?) into the second half, my knee collapsed as I threw the ball and pain set in. The match stopped for a while. As I thought I should go back to the bench, the pain suddenly sloughed off. The knee was uncomfortable, but not at all in unbearable pain. The voltage at the stadium was maximal, and if I went off the field at that point, our team, without a keeper, would surely lose. I could sense that my teammates, who saw me fighting for the team and making the saves, were starting to bring me into the loop/their circle now more than ever. I couldn't leave the field then and there.

How many deciding goal-scoring situations did I save? Then, in an open space at the back of 10 opponent players attacking up front, the Austrian doctor got hold of the ball, dribbled it forward and passed it to our striker, who scored the equalizer. An atmosphere of ‘it can’t be’ filled the stadium. The team withstood the ensuing onslaught and the result was a 3-3 draw. It was a big topic among local football fans. 

Unfortunately I also had a heavy price to pay. The Austrian doctor and another local footballer took me to a nearby emergency hospital, where I was diagnosed with no broken bones and told that an MRI would be done in a week's time. It was nearly 11pm. Having gone home once, the Austrian doctor came back to pick me up again in the rain, causing him a 30-minute drive each way. When I thanked him in the car, he said, “Of course, a friend does it, we are friends. You don't need to thank me.” It was a very weighty statement, as I know the definition of ‘friend’ here. He immediately arranged for me to have an MRI in Linz and within two days, I had a full picture of my injuries. Not only that, he connected me to a knee specialist in a hospital, and the Austrian doctor, now a friend has been coming to our apartment regularly, lending me crutches, medically examining me and prescribing medication.

My diagnosis showed that I need surgery for a meniscus- and anterior cruciate ligament tear. However, despite the fact that the meniscus in particular should be operated immediately, the appointment for the surgery is now scheduled for 23 June next year. The specialist said that there are so many patients on the waiting list as well as a shortage of doctors that the appointment is so late. According to him, the situation is similar at other hospitals too.

It is the Lord Himself who gave me a chance to play football again I once said goodbye to. I have been playing it for God and for the Gospel, and have experienced so many blessings and wondrous works of the Lord. Football has also been a big part of my refugee work here. It was a great tool with which I could share the love of God. And now, football has been taken away again. The doctor told me that I might not be able to play football again.

I was depressed. I also felt angry with myself. “What are the thoughts of the Lord? What is He telling me?” As I lay in bed and looked up at the ceiling in the darkened room, the word that came to my heart was: “Do not fear, for I am with you.” Isaiah 41:10.

“The Lord is with me. Then how about me? Have I not turned my heart away from the Lord?”, I thought to myself. “Lord, I am with you too.” As soon as I spoke back heavenwards in my heart, though neither my condition nor circumstance had changed, it felt as if a ray of light came in. At least, my feelings started to become more positive. Peace is in my heart. Various questions and emotions still swirl around, but I haven’t doubted in the slightest that God is good. I am blessed to be able to call the One who can create man out of dust as my Father, so I believe that He will do what pleases Himself even through my injuries.

I am sorry for the worry and inconvenience my injuries has caused to my family, friends, colleagues and many others. Also, my visit to Japan has been postponed, I apologize. And I am very grateful to the many people who have warmly encouraged me.

At last, I have some prayer requests, and I would be grateful if you could remember them in your prayers.

-       I am currently contacting medical professionals and other hospitals to see if I can get an earlier appointment for surgery on my left knee. Please pray that the Lord would intervene and grant me an earlier appointment.

-       The right leg has also become so inflamed that I cannot walk even with crutches. Please pray that the inflammation will go away quickly.

-       The family, especially my wife, is under a lot of strain. Please pray that the Lord will have mercy on her and them, and give them the strength and help they need. 




















・ 早く手術の予約が取れるか、今、医療関係者や他病院に問い合わせています。どうぞ、少しでも早く手術ができるように、お祈りください。

・ 怪我したのとは反対側の右足が、ひどい炎症を起こしてしまい、松葉杖でも歩けない状態になってしまいました。炎症が速やかに引くようにお祈りください。

・ 家族に、特に妻に大きな負担がかかっています。どうぞ主があわれんでくださり、必要な力と助けを与えてくださるようお祈りください。

Akihiro Yabe