Look only to Jesus /イエスから目を離さない


Thank you for praying for the surgery to be scheduled sooner. I was totally astonished by the way in which the Lord God heard our prayers and opened the new door for me. Today I would like to share God’s testimony and express my gratitude to Him and to everyone who prayed for me.

I contacted and inquired at seven different hospitals and private orthopedic clinics. Two private clinics said, they could do the surgery in about three weeks, but the cost would be 6,500-8,000 Euros.

On the 25th Sep, exactly two weeks after the injury, I took my MRI data with me and went to a hospital in another city, Wels, in order to ask, if they could perform the surgery earlier than June 2025 as scheduled in my previous hospital specialized in orthopedics. It’s the general hospital in Wels that I went to at the night soon after the injury two weeks ago.

The doctor who examined me treated me in a condescending manner. (In Austria there are many doctors with great character, but there are also a few who are not.) I explained the situation desperately in my insufficient German, but without getting emotional. After examining my knee and looking at the MRI and new X-rays, the doctor said, "It would be better to have the surgery sooner, but it will be in June or July of next year." As I was feeling disheartened, the doctor went to the back room and came back again after a few minutes and said, "Let's do it on 28th October." I asked, "Next year?", to which he replied, "Next month." After receiving the explanation of the surgery, I had a talk with the anesthesiologist and signed the paper.

I was utterly amazed. And I was really grateful, but for some reason I wasn’t 100% at peace. That's because when I asked the doctor if I could play football or sports again, he said, "You're already 39 years old (almost 40), right? You don't need to play football anymore. You shouldn’t and can’t play again." It's okay that I can't play football competitively anymore, but deep down I still wanted to be able to play again for the refugee and immigrant ministry. After doing some research, I found out that depending on the doctor who performs the reconstructive surgery, it's possible to play sports again.

Shortly before my visit to the hospital in Wels, an Austrian neighbor who has been a good friend of ours since we first moved to Europe contacted her colleague. The colleague is the wife of Dr. D, a famous knee surgeon. She asked her husband if he could perform my surgery sooner. Dr. D usually sees patients at a private orthopedic clinic, but a few times a month he holds a scalpel at the general hospital where our friend Tabea works as a radiology technician.

Tabea, who didn't know about it, uploaded my MRI data to the hospital's system and asked her colleagues and doctors, if some doctor could perform the surgery sooner. Tabea then recommended that I go to the knee outpatient clinic. On the 26th, I visited the knee outpatient clinic at the hospital in Linz where Tabea works, where Sachi had received her treatments. Dr. D was not on duty that day, but the doctor C who treated me was very kind. He said, "You know Dr. D? He's not here today, but he'll be here tomorrow, so can you come back tomorrow in the morning? If the hospital in Wels does the surgery at the end of October, we'll try to arrange the schedule, so that we can also do it soon."

When I visited Dr. D the next day, he had already heard about me from his wife, and now Dr. D and Dr. C will do the surgery for me on November 4th. I signed the documents and the surgery date was confirmed. Now I am able to have the surgery seven months earlier than first planned. Moreover, according to Dr. C, I woould be able to play football again one year after the surgery. I found out later that Dr. D is a doctor who has worked as a team doctor for a professional ice hockey team as well as a handball team, and he is a doctor who specializes in sports injuries. Before our neighbor contacted Dr. D’s wife, Tabea's colleagues also told her that Dr. D would be the best person for surgery.

Before I was injured, our family went hiking in the mountains with our friends’ family. When we crossed a bridge over a raging river, a gust of wind blew and the bridge shook violently. Looking down the raging river, fear entered my heart. But I lifted my head, shifted eyes forward and continued to walk, and though a little anxiety was still there, I was able to cross the bridge. The Bible warns that worry and anxiety produces nothing good, but rather corrodes our lives. Instead of worrying, it teaches us to trust in God.

Worry in Japanese is “Shinpai” and trust is “Shinrai” shinPai → shinRai. In difficulties and trials, we need to swap P for R. If we look down at our feet, we feel like as if we would be swept away by the torrent of problems and difficulties, but if we lift our head and look ahead, Jesus is always there. If we keep our eyes on Jesus and follow him, responding to His call and leading, the Lord will move us forward before we even realize it.

The reason why the surgery date has been brought forward is because of the power of your prayers and the Lord's mercy. We are truly thankful.

" Do not fear, for I am with you." Isaiah 41:10

" Let us look only to Jesus, the One who began our faith and who makes it perfect." Hebrews 12:2






この出来事の少し前、私たち家族がヨーロッパに移住した当初から仲良くしてくれているオーストリア人のご近所さんが、彼女の同僚にコンタクト取ってくれていました。その同僚は、膝の名医Dr. Dの奥さんだとのこと。彼女が夫に、僕の手術が早くできないか取り合ってくれたのです。Dr. Dは、普段は民間整形外科で診察をしているのですが、月に何回か、私たちの友人タベアが放射線技師として働いているその総合病院でメスを握るとのこと。

そのことを知らないタベアは、僕のMRIのデータを総合病院のシステムの中にアップロードしておいてくれ、彼女の病院で早く手術ができないか、同僚や知り合いの医師に尋ねてくれていました。そして、膝の外来に行くように勧めてくれたのです。26日、タベアの働くLinz市の病院、サチが治療を受けた病院の膝外来を訪れました。その日Dr. Dは当直ではありませんでしたが、対応してくれた医師Dr. Cは非常に親切でした。「Dr. Dを知っているのか?彼は今日いないけど、明日来るから、また朝イチで来れるか?Welsの病院が10月末に手術するなら、うちでもなんとか近日中にできるようにスケジュール調整してみる」と言ってくれたのです。

Dr. Dは奥さんから僕の話を聞いており、11月4日にDr. Cと一緒に僕の手術の執刀をしてくださることになりました。書類にサインをし、手術日が決定しました。来年6月より7ヶ月も早く手術ができる。しかも、Dr. Cによると、術後1年後には、またサッカーできるだろうとのこと。後ほど知ったことですが、Dr. Dは、プロのアイスホッケーチームやハンドバールチームのドクターを歴任された方、スポーツの怪我専門の医師。タベアも同僚から、手術を受けるならDr. Dがベストと言われていたそうです。






Akihiro Yabe