God is not limited


We are limited, but the Lord is not. 

When my knee got injured, I thought my activities and work would be significantly limited. That's true now, but only partly. We’ve been experiencing God in unique ways that I had not expected.

Neighbors see me with crutches and they, who otherwise normally just say hi and go, stop to talk to me. New contacts have been being made. 

I said to Syrian guys and a group of Iranians whom I've been regularly meeting with that I can't come to visit them at home for a while. They replied unexpectedly that they don't want to stop the meeting, so they will come to me instead. (In their cultures, it's generally more honorable to receive visitors at home than to go visit others.) Last weeks we've been meeting at our place, or someone gives me a ride and takes me to one of the houses for the Bible study. It's encouraging to see them proactively wanting to read the Word. 

On Friday late afternoon, an Iranian pastor approached me and said out of the blue, "on Sunday, you will preach in my Iranian church." (That's very typical of Middle Easterners being very spontaneous! :-) 

My biggest motive to learn the German language is to be able to share and preach the Gospel. However, I had never preached a whole sermon in German before (I thought I couldn't yet) and I had only one day to prepare, so I hesitated. But I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and accepted the request. 

On 6 October, I did my first sermon in German at the Middle Eastern church, and the following Sunday, I had an opportunity to present in Deutsch, our ministry, InterK (intercultural ministry) to the congregation of Rhema Church. For me it was a big milestone. 

I am being reminded again that we humans face limitations, but nothing can limit our God. His will surpasses all our obstacles and His Word continues to spread.  

Psalm 147:5 Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure.

And we are convinced more and more and I emphasize again and again that your prayers matter. Without you praying, we wouldn't be able to do what we are doing and see what we are witnessing. In a way, therefore, what we experience here is also what is yours. God's work and miracles we witness is also your experience. You, who pray for us and for Austria, are also joining the Lord in what He is doing here. (Matthew 10:40-42) Thank you for your prayers. 

We are limited, but nothing is impossible for the Lord Jesus. God is not limited.

Prayer request: due to the prolonged weaker Yen, etc., our monthly required financial support is fulfilled only 75% of what it actually needs. Please pray with us for God‘s provision of finances ideally from different countries. If the Holy Spirit puts a desire in you to join what He is doing in Austria, by prayer and giving, please contact us.









詩篇 147:5 われらの主は偉大であり 力強く その英知は測り知れない。

そして、祈りが重要であることにますます確信を深め、何度も強調して言います。皆さんの祈りがなければ、私たちの活動も生活も、今していることや見ているものも体験できていません。よって、私たちが実体験していることは、祈ってくださっている方々の体験でもあると言えます。私たちが目の当たりにする神の働きや奇跡は、お祈りしてくださっている方々自身の経験でもあります。ですから、皆さんも、今おられる場所に居ながら、同じようにオーストリア宣教の働きをしていると言うことができます。(マタイ 10:40-42)皆さんのお祈りに感謝します。

私たちは制限や限界を感じますが、主イエスさまに不可能はありません。God is not limited.


Akihiro Yabe