Great matters I can’t comprehend/及びもつかない大きなこと
Last few weeks have been full of events, and it feels good to be slowly back to everyday routines again. This summer granted our family very good memories and experiences with friends, for which we are very thankful to the Lord, while I, Aki personally confronted a heart-breaking piece of news.
If I may talk about myself, my personality is not extrovert. Yet it comes naturally to me to approach a stranger, regardless of age, gender and nationality, and it’s not a hustle at all. This helps me a lot in our work. And I believe, this predisposition might be largely due to my grandma (dad’s side) and grandpa (mom’s side). Grandma talks to anyone on the street and happily gives a candy to children. In my mom’s childhood, her dad (the grandpa) would spontaneously take his work colleagues home after work for drinks. Mom recalls having someone often at home, visiting him. Not only was he a friendly and caring boss at work, but he also did a lot for the local community in his free time and after retirement. His way of life has somewhat fashioned the way I am.
A few weeks ago, I unexpectedly received a message that the grandpa had fallen and hit his back head, and that he wasn’t doing well. I quickly organized family/work schedules and booked a flight in October, in order to see him once again. This Sunday, however, he passed away. My heart sunk. The almost unbearable pain is that I can’t know for sure where he is right now. I felt sorry, living far away from family and relatives, even though I am totally convinced I am where the Lord has called us. I regret having not verbally communicated Jesus with him as much as I probably should have done in my given limited chances. With a heavy heart I went to the Lord in prayer and I received two verses, Psalm 131:1 and Deuteronomy 29:29.
My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.
The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.
To find out where my grandpa is is beyond my reach and even responsibility. There are many things that we don’t and can’t know until we see the Lord face to face, but our God is a good God and a righteous God, and I should leave it to His mighty hand. I can and should only trust Him for my grandpa. And Deuteronomy 29:29 then tells me that I am to focus on what is already revealed: “the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.” I am expected to do what I already know from the Book. Matthew 22:37-38 and Matthew 28:19-20 sprang to my mind.
From 21 to 23 August, Rhema Gemeinde Linz hosted a family festival followed by the neighborhood celebration. Prior to the event, we, kids and adults, hit the street to invite kids and adults in our neighborhood, and the event was attended by almost 100 kids as well as a lot of parents and adults each day. The Good News of Jesus Christ was clearly preached and spiritual conversations were intentionally done over the meal table. Surprisingly, contrary to my expectation, neighbors appreciated that we came to invite them and led to conversations about Jesus. People are spiritually hungry.
Through the passing of my grandpa, I ponder upon eternity more and more.
If your beloved ones don’t know the love and truth of our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray that the Lord would give us courage and boldness to be His witness.
Please pray:
1. that the Lord would use my time with my family and relatives from 3 - 10 October for His glory and as their comfort. From 11 – 16 Oct I will be visiting our home church. Please pray that the Lord would strengthen our partnership with churches in Japan for the further spread of the Gospel.
2. Please pray for Lior for his new junior high school, for Sachi for her Bible collage studies from September.
3. Please pray for the Gospel spread among the unreached people groups in Austria.
主よ 私の心はおごらず 私の目は高ぶりません。及びもつかない大きなことや奇しいことに 私は足を踏み入れません。
祖父がどこにいるのかを知ることは、僕の能力や責任の範疇を超えていることです。私たちには、主と直接顔と顔を合わせてお会いするまで知らないことや知ることができないことがたくさんありますが、主なる神は良いお方であり、正義と公正な神であられるので、わからないことは神の力強い御手に委ねるべきです。祖父のことをいうならば、その良いまことの神を信頼することしかできませんし、そうします。そして申命記 29:29 は、すでに明らかにされたことに焦点を当てるように説きます。「しかし現されたことは、永遠に私たちと私たちの子孫のものであり、それは私たちがこのみおしえのすべてのことばを行うためである。」私たちに求められているのは、神にしかわからないことを悩み続けることではなく、聖書からすでに明らかになっていることにフォーカスすることではないでしょうか。そう考える中で、マタイ 22:37-38 とマタイ 28:19-20 の御言葉が心に浮かびました。
8 月 21 日から 23 日まで、リンツのレマ教会がファミリー・フェスティバルを主催し、その後、ネイバーフッド(近所の人たちのための)フェスティバルが行われました。イベントの前に、私たち大人も子どもも、近所の人たちを招待するために通りへ繰り出しました。フェスティバルには毎日、100人近くの子どもに加え、多くの保護者と大人が参加しました。イエス・キリストの福音が大胆かつ明確に語られ、食事の席では意図的に霊的な会話が行われました。驚いたことに、僕の予想に反して、近所の人たちは、私たちが招待するためにわざわざ地域に出ていき、救い主イエスについての会話をしたことに感謝してくれました。人々は霊的に飢えています。
2. 来月9月から、理央が新しい中学校(日本では小学5年生の年)に入学、サチは神学校での学びを始めます。お祈りください。
3. オーストリアの未伝の人々の間で福音がますます広まるようお祈りください。