I misunderstood it/誤解してました
In Switzerland, God spoke to me through Galatians 5:22-23 during my quiet time. " But the fruit of the Spirit is ... self-control. “
I always thought that self-control was something to do with an action or a behavior. And I falsely had confidence in it. For instance, I wanna eat this but since it’s bad for health, I don’t. Or I don’t wanna do that, but it’s appropriate in the particular situation, so I do it. To me that was self-control.
In Switzerland everything was becoming more restless and uncertain due to the Covid-19 spread. Our kids were often sick and we were all emotionally and physically weary. We often had anxious and negative thoughts. But through our hosts, God taught us important lessons that we'll treasure in our lifetime. One of these is “STOPP!” (“Stop” in German) When negativity comes to their minds, they say, “STOPP!” against it, get rid of the thought in Jesus’ name and re-direct their eyes on the Lord. The married couple don’t let the negativity dwell on their thoughts.
Sachi and I were often careless and easily let anxiety and negativity dwell in our minds and thoughts. It eventually eroded our mental and physical health. We often fought against negative situations in our prayers but not negative thoughts.
God taught me that self-control starts in the mind/thought. Thoughts in our minds are three if broadly classified: Thoughts from ourselves, from Satan or from God.
What thought do we want to dwell on? Whatever is true, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy. (Philippians 4:8) The more time we spend on a wrong thought, the more destructive it becomes to our lives. So, self-control is indispensable.
And the word, “fruit” is a singular form in Galatians 5:22. The fruit is Christ. Christ is the source of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (If these 9 qualities were the fruits themselves, then the word "fruit" in verse 22 would have been written in a plural form.)
The more one surrenders to the Lord, the more fruit/Christ the Spirit will appear in and through the believer’s life. Christ is revealed sometimes in the form of love, sometimes in the form of joy, peace…and self-control through a believer’s life.
There is no darkness in God (1 John 1:5). So, it’s fair to say that dark, disruptive, negative, anxious and fear-producing thoughts are not from God. When it comes to mind, Sachi and I have now learnt what to do: Say “STOPP!” against it and ask Jesus to fill our minds instead.
Self-control is both for the mind/thought and the action/behavior.
In the current situation, we're constantly bombarded with information that causes us fear and anxiety. So we want to always look to Jesus and practice self-control.
Daily walk to be fit/ 散歩して体を動かすようにしています
English practice and Lior writes a letter to his teacher and friends in New Zealand/英語の勉強で、ニュージーランドの先生や友だちに手紙を書きます
Feeling blessed to walk and pray in His creation/神の美しい創造の中で散歩して祈れるのは祝福です
神さまは僕に自制は思考・心から始まると教えてくださいました。私たちの心や頭の中には、大きく分けると3つの思いがあります。自分自身から出た思い、サタンからの思い、そして神さまからの思いです。 私たちはどんな思いを心に抱き続け、何度も何度も考えるべきでしょう?