Not fear but Love/ 恐れではなく愛を
After two weeks of quarantine, we came to my wife's home in Iware. We’d like to thank the Sendai Baptist Seminary and OM Japan that have been very helpful during our isolation and everyone who sent us various things and encouragement. And we wholeheartedly thank the Lord.
The “Mission Possible” program at the OM GO conference in Germany (final training before missionary dispatch) was very memorable. It’s a missionary-dispatch simulation where all OM buildings/dormitories/premises are made into a fictitious country called “Epöhon” (“No Hope” read in reverse: extremely strict Muslim (?) country), and we from the Kingdom of Hope go to tell the local people about Jesus there. Approximately 150 people including all the children, adults, and staff participated in it and the program took the whole day.
After completing the visa application → boarding (on a bus that looked like an airplane)→immigration examination, we finally went to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with a local family. The mission seemed impossible (Mission Impossible) but it was Mission Possible. Despite the language barrier (the local family spoke no English nor German), we were able to communicate the Gospel with them. The simulation/experience gave us a picture of what to expect in a mission field, how to endure in hard situations and how to overcome it, while trusting and depending on God.
Throughout the simulation in Epöhon we were treated unreasonably, deceived money, stolen our passports, and confiscated our lunch and got lost our food. The immigration room was dirty and dark, and we had to wait for a long time while weird music and prayers were played. Lior was scared and we had to explained to him what it was about. And we all completed the program!!
What I learned through this simulation and the various events in Europe that brought our family fear and anxiety was how to overcome fear and anxiety. "The key to defeat fear / anxiety is God's love"
Before our Europe visit, I was often trying to fight against fear and anxiety. (I’m a worrier by default. I’m good at worrying.) I believe it’s necessary to fight back Satan's attacks and negative situations in Jesus’ name, but if we’re caught up with it too much, we’ll tend to think about the cause/source of anxiety and fear more than necessary, and the anxiety and fear will become/look bigger and stronger. (That’s my experience.)
“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear...”1 John 4:18
So, I learnt: If we feel fear or anxiety, we are to seek and run to God who is love, rather than trying hard to eliminate it by our strength or will-power. Then, God (Love) Himself will drive out fear and anxiety. (He has done it many times for us in Europe.)
The world is currently in fear by the threat of the Coronavirus, and that’s why we want to choose LOVE (not fear). Let us get closer to God.
ドイツでのOM GOカンファレンス(宣教地派遣前最終研修)でミッションポッシブルというプログラムがとても印象に残っています。OM建物/宿舎をすべてEpöhon(逆から読むとNo Hope)という架空の国(厳格なイスラム教の国?)にして、そこに宣教に行くというシュミレーションです。約150人、子どもも大人もスタッフも全員参加で一日かけて行いました。
ビザ申請→搭乗(飛行機に見立てたバスに乗って)→入国審査を経て、イエスキリストの福音を伝えるため現地の人に会いに行くんですが...ハプニングをわざと起こされ、イライラしたり、不安や心配になったりする状況の中でどのように耐え、神さまを信じて乗り越えるかという宣教シュミレーションです。ミッション(宣教)は不可能かなと思いましたが(ミッション・インポッシブル)、ミッション・ポッシブルでした。 言語の壁(現地の家族は英語もドイツ語もわかりません)にもかかわらず、私たちは彼らに福音を伝えることができました。