Visitors from our sending church / 母教会からの訪問者
Even when I didn't know the Savior Jesus yet, God had a plan; He first used two people to give me a chance, namely my father and Alayne Madore. It was when I was 18 years old.
My dad wanted me to acquire English skills for my future as well as for his own business that had much prospect in overseas markets, and he got to know Alayne who was the director of the M.I.Studies Abroad, an agency for Japanese students wanting to study abroad. I had no interest, as I was wanting to end my life back then, but Alayne organized everything for me to study in Christchurch, New Zealand where I encountered Jesus Christ.
It was only later that we found out, Alayne, the Australian lady had come to Japan as a missionary and her company was a means to spread the love of God to Japan. For years Alayne has trusted Sachi and me, and supported us generously and faithfully, as we obeyed the Lord and followed His calling on us to make Him known.
As we visit Japan this summer, we wanted to meet Alayne again, and I contacted her, however no reply has arrived. It's not like her not to reply. I then learnt that she has suddenly gone to be with the Lord - we were in a big shock. Saying farewell for a while is very painful, but we know she is in a much better/the best place with her Lord, and a reunion is guaranteed for us. No one and nothing can give hope and victory over death, but the Lord Jesus, praise Him!
It was in the midst of the shock, when our friends from our sending church came to visit us here. Through their visit we received big encouragement and comfort from the Lord.
Upon retuning to Japan after 8 years of overseas life, I didn't go back to my hometown nor go to a big city, because I knew I wanted to be equipped for God's calling. I moved to Utsunomiya city where there is a spirit-filled church (now our sending church). Although I was very much blessed with the Minemachi Christ Church, living by myself wasn't easy.
The church members, Toshi and Keiko invited me for a meal or fellowship at various times, and took care of non-Japanese believers and singles living alone. After a year, Sachi and I married, and Toshi and Keiko became our parents-like friends in Utsunomiya.
During their visit to Austria, we had a privilege of showing the married couple our life here, and our faith family also kindly welcomed them - we all had a great time of fellowship.
Their visit made it “visible” again that we are not alone on our mission’s field and what we do here is not a mere human project. It became a fresh reminder that so many people around the globe are praying for the lost souls in Austria. The Christian population is only 1% of the population in Japan. Born-again believers are way less than the 1%. So, to me, it’s a miracle of the Lord that a church in Japan sends His servants to Europe. For the Lord God, nothing is impossible.
One of the highlights occurred when we brought some cakes to the refugee house on the way to our planed destination. Though it was already at 9:30 a.m., my refugee friends and acquaintances were either still sleeping or absent. Giving it the last try, I knocked on a door, thinking it was an acquaintance's room. However, an unknown young Middle Eastern married couple opened the door. (I had only briefly known the husband from the refugee soccer I participate on Saturdays, but I didn't know he was married.)
I thought to myself “oh, have I knocked a wrong door?!”, but the couple unexpectedly and spontaneously invited all of us into their room, served us delicious spiced tea and homemade sweets. We adjusted our plan and decided to spend some time with them. (In the Middle Eastern cultures, it is much more honorable to receive visitors than to be invited to someone's house. For us to refuse their offer would have been a disgrace for them.)
The young couple arrived in Austria only three months ago to seek asylum, and had no friends yet. They were very delighted to receive Toshi and Keiko as guests all the way from Japan, and the husband began to share some of their life history, which was rather surprising as it was our very first meeting. The couple wrote afterwards: "We were very happy to meet you. We also had a lot of fun. We will definitely meet each other again."
Not only was our family encouraged by our beloved visitors from Japan, but Toshi and Keiko also had a blessed time with our Austrian and Romanian brothers and sisters in Christ. Within their short visit, the Lord God even made a connection between the non-believing Middle Eastern couple and us, Jesus-followers. It's because He loves us and cares for us, no matter where we are from and what nationalities we have, for He created us all. May the Name of the Lord alone be glorified!!
Thank you, Toshi and Keiko for your visit!
今夏の一時帰国の際、またアレーンさんに会いたいと思い、彼女に連絡しましたが、いっこうに返信がありません。長い間返信がないのは、彼女らしくない。そして、彼女が突然召天していたことを知ります - 大きなショックを受けました。 しばらくの別れはとても辛いですが、彼女がより良い・最高の場所に主と共にいること、私たちにも再会が保証されていることを知っています。死に対する勝利、死の先に希望を与えることのできる人やものは何もありません。そのことができる唯一のお方、イエスさまの御名をほめたたえます!
ご夫妻の訪問が、私たち家族は一人で宣教地にいるのではないこと、ここでの生活や活動は単なる人間のプロジェクトではないことを改めて可視化し、「目に見えるもの」としてくれました。 世界中の多くの人たちが、オーストリアのイエスさまを知らない人びとのために祈ってくださっていることを改めて思い出させてくれました。日本のクリスチャン人口は、わずか 1% です。 新生した(ボーンアゲイン Born-again)キリスト者はその 1% のうちのどれほどでしょうか。ですから、僕にとっては、日本の教会がヨーロッパに主の働き人を送っているという事実自体が神の奇跡です。主なる神さまにとって、不可能なことは何もありません。
中東の夫妻は後で、メッセージをくれました:「We were very happy to meet you. We also had a lot of fun. We will definitely meet each other again. (お会いできてとても嬉しかったです。とても楽しい時を過ごせました。またぜひ会いましょう。)」
私たち家族がトシさんとケイコさんの訪問に励まされただけでなく、その宇都宮のご夫妻も、オーストリア人とルーマニア人のキリストにある兄弟姉妹と祝福の時間を過ごされました。ご夫妻の短い滞在の中で、主なる神さまは、イエスさまを知らない中東の夫婦と、主の弟子の私たちとを繋げてくださいました。 それは国籍、出身地に関係なく、ご自分が創造された人を神さまがこよなく愛し、大切に思われているからです。主がすべての栄光を受け取ってくださいますように!
メモ: オーストリアでは現在、コロナ規制がほとんど緩和され、病院内以外マスクをしている人はいません。コロナにかかっていても症状が無いもしくは軽ければ、マスクをして普通に外出できます。マスクをしていると、コロナ罹患中のサインになります。