Going even to such a place? ! - Reaching the unreached- / そこまで行くか?!〜未伝部族に福音を〜


Today I'd like to share about a struggle I had when I first felt led to the mission in Europe. The struggle was about the unreached people groups. They're the people who haven't yet heard the Good News of Jesus Christ, or who have no access to the church or the Gospel in their area. 

It is said that there're currently 17,446 ethnic groups in the world. Of these 7,408 ethnic groups are those who have no access to or opportunity to access the church or the Gospel. Currently, the world population is about 7.75 billion. Of these, the number of people who haven't heard the message of Jesus' forgiveness of the cross and the hope of the resurrection reaches 3.23 billion. As a matter of fact, the Gospel has not yet reached 42% of the world population. (https://joshuaproject.net) One, regardless of nationality,  should have the chance to hear the Gospel of Christ at least once before he or she dies.

Around the similar time I received a calling for German speaking nations, I also got to know about the unreached people groups. The mission for the groups is highly urgent. I so wanted to be involved in it. However I was also strongly feeling that the Lord was leading me to Europe. "There're already tons of churches in Europe!" My logic said I should go somewhere else. Furthermore, the refugee problem was not so obvious at that time before a series of anti-government protests in the Middle East (The Arab Spring). I was often asked, "Is it worth going on a mission in Europe?" and that was what I was asking myself too. (But I always somehow felt/feel that the Lord so loves the German speaking nations.)

However, the world situation has dramatically changed, and Europe has been flooded with refugees. And God has led us to the mission’s work among a unreached people group namely Muslims (refugees and immigrants) in Austria.

People in Islamic countries have very little chance to hear the Gospel if they stay in their own countries. Missionaries cannot enter there. However, God brings them to Europe as refugees and immigrants so that they can hear the truth of Jesus Christ. Europe is now post-Christian and the Christianity is often under attack, but I believe that if a revival breaks out among refugees and immigrants in Europe, it would lead to a revival not only in the Middle East but also in Europe. 

Last but certainly not least, I'll introduce to you a Japanese missionary, Mr. K. He has gone to a place where no missionary has entered in history. When I burned out two years ago, K was very kind as to listen to me and help me. I called him on his mission field from Japan and New Zealand. His family lives in a closed country A where the Christian persecution is severe, and he and his wife work on the mission's front line. Amazing work of God has been happening there. 

As the mission’s work and missionaries are forbidden in their area, he and his wife do missions while undertaking the projects to support the locals. One of the projects is the production and sales of ginger powder. The married couple works hard with local people to contribute to the local community. This ginger powder, without flattering, is amazingly delicious! ! What's more is it's 100% natural and additive-free. It's recommended for BBQ, honey ginger drink, spice for many dishes. I received a message from Mr. K below. 

① What kind of mission's work are you doing?

We share the Gospel with the unreached people group in Country A. Country A is a multi-ethnic nation, and if you look for it, there are still tribes whom missionaries haven't contacted in the history. We didn't even know the people living in the town, but we were able to miraculously meet and deepen relationships with the tribe called TN tribe, whose existence has only been recognized even by the government in recent years. They are a fine race living in a unique language that is completely different from the language of the surrounding tribes and official languages, and the total population is about 1500 people, and five villages remain, and the five villages are established within 5 km. Although TN is a language used only within 5 km of the earth, we miraculously encountered this tribe because of God's own zeal that He doesn't want anyone to perish. The village mayor has opened his heart to the Gospel and from there people gradually come to believe in Jesus as their Savior and are guided to baptism.

② How can buying ginger powder contribute to reaching out to the tribe?

We're intense persecution and surveillance. The Gospel alone is suspicious as we continue to be involved in the village. Under such circumstances, we thought about the holistic support and sustainable business for the people who are small in number, oppressed and in poverty. What can we do with things from their village? …There was ginger. If we make ginger into powder, it will become much lighter, clear the quarantine and can be sent to Japan and overseas. We started doing that. By selling and purchasing the powder, we aim for the people's independence and a sustainable community, not just for a support for poor villages. Being given a job and being able to generate the economy for the villages' public works by their own work is more rewarding and rewarding than a simple donation. The next dream we have with the villagers is to dig a well that this nation has never made, using the profits of the ginger powder project. It won't be easy in the drought-prone areas. But they are dreaming.

③ Appreciation to you who are considering the purchase

Thank you for considering purchasing our ginger powder. It is the ginger that we carefully cultivated on a desolate land, using a hoe and cows in a village without any machinery. We're living in an era where everything can be done in a large factory, but hearts of the villagers are in the ginger powder made by hand and dried by the power of the sun. Believers in the village are also praying that those who use ginger powder will become healthy. We would like to send our utmost gratitude to you purchase the powder and support us. We would also appreciate if you could introduce our ginger powder to your friends and acquaintances.

Please remember the unreached people groups in your prayers. Also, it'd be more than grateful if you purchase the ginger powder and support the mission's work of K's family together with us. (1 bag 50g: $5 plus shipping fee. If you would like to purchase it, please send me a message. Thank you.) 

We pray that the Gospel will reach the unreached people groups at a higher speed and the Good News of Jesus Christ will cover the whole earth!

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14 

The ginger powder / 生姜パウダー

The ginger powder / 生姜パウダー

Big smile as the tribe person hands (entrusts) gingers to Mr.KKさんに生姜を渡す(託す)現地の人のこの笑顔

Big smile as the tribe person hands (entrusts) gingers to Mr.K


Please pray for the K’s family.Kさん家族のためにぜひお祈りください。

Please pray for the K’s family.


A famous Japanese singer also recommends the ginger powder in her Facebook page.「さよなら大好きな人」などの大ヒットで一世を風靡した花*花の こじまいづみ さんもオススメしています。.

A famous Japanese singer also recommends the ginger powder in her Facebook page.

「さよなら大好きな人」などの大ヒットで一世を風靡した花*花の こじまいづみ さんもオススメしています。.



世界には現在、17,446の民族グループがあると言われています。そのうち7,408の民族グループは教会や福音にアクセスする方法や機会がない人たちです。現在世界人口は77億5000万人です。そのうち、イエスさまの十字架の赦しと復活の希望のメッセージが届いていない人は32億3000万人にのぼります。実に世界人口の42%に福音が届いていないのです。(https://joshuaproject.net) 人は国籍に関係なく、誰でも死ぬ前に少なくとも一回は、イエス・キリストの福音を聞くチャンスがあるべきです。








私たちはA国の未伝部族に対して福音を分かち合っています。A国は他民族国家で、その中で探せば未だに宣教師が入っていない部族が残っています。私たちは町の方に住む人はもちろん知らず、政府すら近年になって存在を把握したTN族という部族と奇跡的に出会い関係を深めることができました。彼らは周辺部族の言葉とも公用語とも全く異なる独自の言語で生活している立派な一民族ですが、総人口約1500名、そして5村しか残っておらずその5村は5km圏内に固まっています。TN語はこの地球の5kmの範囲でしか使われていない言語ですが、「一人も滅びることなく」という神様ご自身の熱心によりこの部族に私たちは奇跡的に出会わされました。  関わりながら村長が心を開き、それからイエス様を救い主と信じ洗礼へ導かれる人が少しずつですが起こされつつあります。


強烈な迫害と監視の中です。福音だけでは村に関わり続ける中で怪しまれます。そういう中で小さく、虐げられ極貧の中にある彼らの全人的なサポートと持続可能なビジネスを考えました。彼らの村にあるものを使って何かできないか?…生姜がありました。これをパウダーにすれば軽くなり、検疫もクリアでき日本へ送れる。そうやって始めました。 このパウダーを購入いただくことにより、私たちは単なる貧しい村へのサポートではなく彼らの自立とサスティナブル(持続可能)なコミュニティーを目指しています。彼らに仕事が与えられ、自らの仕事によって村の公共事業のための経済をも生み出せることは単なる寄付をもらう以上に彼らの生きがい、喜びとなります。次に村人たちと共に見ている夢は、この民族が今までの歴史で掘ったことがない井戸を生姜パウダープロジェクトの収益を用いて掘ること。干ばつの進む地域において簡単ではないでしょう。しかし彼らは夢を見ています。


この度、私たちの生姜パウダーの購入をご検討いただき誠にありがとうございます。 何の機械もない村でくわ一本と牛を使い荒涼とした土地を耕し、大切に育てた生姜です。大規模な工場で何でもできる時代ですが手作業と太陽の力だけで乾燥させた生姜パウダーには村人たちの心がこもっています。また村の信者たちは生姜パウダーを使う人が健康になるようにと祈っています。その祈りを購入いただいた方々への感謝とさせていただければと思います。また知人・友人の方々にもご紹介頂ければ幸いです。




Akihiro Yabe