Chemotherapy completed/抗がん剤治療完了
Thank you so much for your prayers and various supports. By God's mercy, Sachi was able to get the last chemotherapy (thirtieth time) on Thursday, although the blood value was a little too low.
The doctor told us, looking at the data that Sachi's body was really weakened from the very strong chemotherapy and it was already at the edge and limit of her physical capacity.
The psychologist said, it will come as no surprise that Sachi will be going through some depressive days from now on, and she just needs some time and support to recover from the damage. In fact, my wife has been going through difficult times not only physically but also mentally for more than a month now.
We wholeheartedly celebrate the end of chemotherapy and thank the Lord and you!! Sachi wrote a letter of appreciation to the medical staff and gave each staff a chocolate of Dankeschön (Thank you very much). Many people have kindly written to us to congratulate the achievement and compliment Sachi's/our endurance and "strong" faith in the Lord. Thank you. We will be very honest, however. We have a very mixed feeling of gratitude and fear, as our new battle against anxiety about future life and psychological struggles has just begun. (According to Sachi's clinical psychologist, the majority who have completed cancer treatment experience it), We are not strong at all.
I don't want to pretend that we have no worry and everything has become fine, as the chemotherapy has completed. If I say we have no anxiety, it will be a lie. God knows we, humans, are weak and anxious at times. Therefore, the Lord says, "Do not fear", "Do not be afraid" 365 times in the Bible. One for each day of the year, because He knows fear steals our peace, our trust and faith in Him. God/Jesus said to His prophets and disciples, even to Paul, "Do not fear, do not be afraid", because they WERE afraid and they HAD fear.
Having said that, it is absolutely true that Sachi is now medically cancer free!, although her preventive treatments and close check-ups will continue next 10 years and more. We will continue to say 'NO! STOP!' to fear and anxiety, open God's Word and trust Jesus, not our feelings. Life of 'Faith > Fear/Feelings' is the life we want to live.
Next day on Friday, Sachi and I went to the house doctor, who also works as an oncologist. As soon as we entered the room, with a big smile she congratulated Sachi for the achievement and completion of chemotherapy (16 times + 14 times). The doctor shared, when she woke up on the last chemo day, she thought about Sachi. (During her holiday in Paris, she also thought of her Japanese patient.) She thanked us for the card and chocolate we had gifted her for the Christmas. She laid open that she'd shed tears, while reading the Christmas card. We're very grateful to have built such a trust relationship with the house doctor.
The competent physician revealed that many patients cannot finish all 14 times but are forced to stop the chemotherapy after about 10 times, because the body can no longer bear it or the white blood cells get into a dangerous range. She applauded Sachi, therefore, "your body is strong, you should be proud of yourself". She reassured Sachi that there is now no cancer in her body and the possibility of cancer recurrence has become much lower. (We believe it!) Sachi had always been discouraged during the therapies, believing that her body was too weak. So, to hear the doctor's words was like a healing to her heart and mind.
Sachi looks back on her treatments and testify to the grace of the Lord and thank you all.
I was able to complete the treatments (chemotherapy, surgery, radiation). I'm truly grateful to God for supporting me and giving me the strength to overcome. The comfort of the Lord kept my heart when anxiety grew great within me, like Psalm 94:18-19 sings.
The surgeon who told me, "we will help you. We will help you live longer." The oncologists who took time (more than one honor at times) to kindly answer all my questions. The clinical psychologist who understood my worries and with whom I could talk to like friends. The study nurse who always helped me/us in trouble, and gave me a hug many times and cried with me in joy at the completion of chemotherapy. The nurses in the chemo room who patiently listened to my broken German and always encouraged me by saying, "your German is improving." And our dear friend Tabea, the radiologist who came with me to nearly every MRI, CT, X-ray, and even to some doctor's visits. I am truly grateful that I could receive treatments under the care of wonderful medical staff at the wonderful hospital.
I sincerely thank each and every one of you who have believed in the healing work of the Lord and have prayed with faith for me for over a year and a half.
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal gloryin Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. (Peter 5:10)
My greatest desire now is to build an even more unshakable relationship with the Lord.
Like I wrote above, our faith is not yet as strong as we wish, but we have experienced again and again that every good gift comes from the Father of lights (James 1:17). The fact that the cancer was discovered in Austria just early enough for treatment, Sachi received advanced treatments, we were given unbelievably enormous support by the new faith family, you sent us prayer and practical support from all over the world, Sachi is now cancer free. All of these are God's grace. When going to bed and waking up, we remember that we are alive today again, thanks to God's mercy and grace. So, "I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done (Psalm 118:17)."
We will appreciate your continued prayers and thank you for your love and friendship in the Lord!
私たちは心の底から抗がん剤治療の完了を祝い、主と皆さんに感謝しています!! サチは医療スタッフに感謝の手紙を綴り、各スタッフにDankeschön(ありがとうございます)のチョコレートを渡しました。多くの方が親切にメッセージをくれ、抗がん剤治療完了を喜び、サチや私たちの忍耐力と主への「強い」信仰をほめてくれました。ありがとうございます。ただ、正直に打ち明けます。今後の生活の不安、精神的葛藤との新たな戦いが始まったばかりで、感謝と不安の非常に複雑な感情を抱いています。(臨床心理士曰く、がん治療終えた人の多くが経験するとのこと)私たちは全く強くありません。
それでも、サチには現在医学的にがんが無いことは確かな事実です!予防のための治療と精密検査は今後10年以上続くとしても。私たちは恐れや不安に対して「NO!ストップ!」と言い続け、神の御言葉を開いて、感情ではなくイエスさまに信頼して歩んでいきたいと思います。「 信仰 > 恐れ・感情」の人生が、私たちが生きたい人生です。
先で述べたように、私たちの信仰は自分たちが望むほど強くはありません。しかし、すべての良い贈りものは光の父から来ることを何度も体験しています(ヤコブ 1:17)。オーストリアで治療可能なうちにがんが発見されたこと、高度な治療(日本と同じ)が受けられること、新たな信仰の家族から信じられないほど多くの支援を受けてきたこと、世界中の皆さんからお祈りと実用的な支援を送っていただいたこと、サチは現在がんから解放されていること。これらはすべて神の恵みです。就寝時と起床時に、主のあわれみと恵みで今日も生かされていることを思い出します。ですから、「私は死ぬことなく かえって生きて 主のわざを語り告げよう」(詩篇118:17)。