Impressions from visiting Austria / オーストリアを訪れての感想


From 20.7 till 31.7 we spent most intensive and fruitful 2 weeks with our visitors, Eriya & Noah, Koji & Chizuko from Japan. I will write later about what I learned from the Lord through the time with them, but I will share today their feedback and impressions from visiting Austria and seeing what the Lord is doing.

I am sorry, these two videos are in Japanese and without subtitles. What they reported, however, are basically two things: (from 10:00-) (from 31:00-)

  1. The importance of always seeking after and staying in the essence of the faith life (Christian life).

  2. Following the Lord Jesus is worth more than anything.

Our guests visited our local church, Rhema Gemeinde Linz on the second day. There they experienced the presence of the Lord and the leading of the Holy Spirit who rules not only the church service, but also the congratulation‘s everyday lives at home, school, work and elsewhere. Our guests said they discovered the “secret” to all the blessings and success; that is seeking Jesus always everywhere and staying in the essence of His Kingdom. In other words living in Jesus culture. Rhema is strictly against doing the church service or Christian life as performance. It has to flow from our genuine and loving relationship with the Lord Jesus.

Our family has got connected, by the grace of the Lord, with such a church. When Sachi got the cancer diagnosis at the beginning of our new Austrian life, in a natural and logical way, we thought we should return to Japan. God spoke a word of challenge, however, through the mouth of Gerhard and Martina on the table where our guests also found themselves, as they were invited to lunch this time. The Austrian married couple said, “you have spent more than 10 years for preparation. In the midst of Covid time where moving to overseas was extremely difficult, God opened a way and led you to Austria. Then, after 5 months you would return? Is it from God? Would you pray about it?”

As the couple finished talking, I looked back and found a plate by the window where it’s written “He is risen” from Matthew 28:6. Sachi and I said to ourselves, if Jesus is risen and alive today, He is with us and miracles could also happen. If He is with us, we could face the challenges with Him. Around the same time Sachi also personally received the word from the Lord : I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done. Psalm 118:17

We decided to stay in Austria, even if no one in Japan could understand our decision. The rest is a history (His story). Our guests experienced at first hand what we went through, by talking to various people from Rhema Church. They said, they were convinced that it was God Himself who called our family to Austria, and following Him at any cost is worth more than anything.

Thank you Eriya & Noah, Koji & Chizuko for your visit and thank you, Rhema Gemeinde for your genuine faith and love for the Lord and people. And above all, Thank you, Jesus for who You are.


峰町キリスト教会 宣教報告会(10分から)

高根沢キリスト教会 日曜礼拝(31分か)


① 信仰生活(クリスチャン生活)の本質を常に求め、そこに留まることの重要性。

② 主イエスに従うことは何にも勝る価値がある。



夫妻が話を終えたとき、僕はふと後ろを振り返ると、窓のそばにマタイによる福音書28章6節の「彼は復活した」と書かれたプレートが目に飛び込んできました。サチも僕も、「もしイエスさまが復活され本当に生きおられるなら、主は私たちと共にいてくださる、奇跡も起こるかもしれない」「イエスさまが私たちと共にいてくださるなら、私たちは主と共に困難に立ち向かうことができる」そう思いました。同じ頃、サチも個人的に主からの御言葉を受けていました。「私は死ぬことなく、かえって生きて、主のみわざを語り告げよう」詩篇 118:17

私たちは、たとえ日本で誰も私たちの決断を理解してくださらなくても、オーストリアに留まることを決断しました。残りはHistory 歴史(His Story イエスの物語)です。日本からの愛するゲストは、レマ教会のさまざまな人と交わりの時を持ち、私たちが経験したことを直接見聞きされました。彼らは、私たち家族をオーストリアに召されたのは神さまご自身であることを確信し、どんな犠牲を払ってでも主に聞き従うことは何よりも価値があるとおっしゃってくださいました。


Akihiro Yabe