Through a surgery/手術を通して


Last Friday, I underwent a simple surgery. Since it was a somewhat sudden decision, I had told those close to me, but didn’t share it here because we didn’t want to worry anyone, as the doctor also told me that I would be discharged the next day after the surgery.

It was indeed a simple surgery and I was discharged the next day, but I still have a lot of pain even after a week. (In Japan, you are hospitalized for a week for the surgery) While I am very thankful that there is a hospital where I can be treated, I believe that prevention or early detection is just as important as treatment. I went to the regular checkup, and as it didn’t improve over time, a surgery was unavoidable, but I heard that many people come to see a doctor only after they have become seriously ill.... Why don't they go for a regular checkup or to a GP early enough? Because they think “they can’t be bothered”, they are “embarrassed”, they believe “they are fine”, or “they are afraid that something might be found” in the examination (from their neglect of health)? (Of course, I’m aware that there also are other reasons, such as financial ones.)

In the hospital room I was with Mr. D, a Muslim Turkish. He had immigrated to Austria 32 years ago, but still had trouble with German and could not satisfactorily communicate with the nurses. He seemed depressed, so I asked him how he was, and he told me many things: he retired after 28 years of working in a fast-food restaurant, about two months ago started having abdominal pain and diarrhea, lost almost 30 kg of weight, and was there for a medical examination. Probably pancreatic cancer. He hadn't been to the hospital for a long time because he thought he didn't have any problems, and going to a medical checkup was too tiresome. He told me he was afraid of dying. I asked him, “may I pray to my God for you?” He accepted with a smile, and I prayed for him as we both lay in our beds. I wanted to share the Gospel with him, but I was very frustrated because I couldn't due to my lack of Turkish language skills. I renewed my desire to start earnestly learning Turkish next year, which I have been thinking about for some time. As he was leaving the hospital after the examination, he put a bottle of iced tea on my table, saying, “Aki, thank you, drink this. All the best”, and he left for home with his family who came to pick him up.

All these events were linked to the “things that prevent us from coming to God,” which I have been thinking about for a while now, as I meet with a variety of people.

I was pondering that “tiresomeness” “embarrassment,” “arrogance (I'm fine),” and “fear of being pointed out” can hinder us from coming to the Lord God. When we think, “praying is a hassle/tiresome,” “I’m ashamed of what I did,” “I can do it on my own,” or “I have committed such and such a sin, God must be angry with me“, then it makes us difficult to go to God. That is exactly what the devil wants. So, how do we overcome this? I believe, having a right image of God is a key. A good God who accepts and welcomes me just as I am, while not compromising on sin.

What if you go to a hospital and the doctor doesn't sympathize your suffering, but rebukes and ridicules you? You don't want to go to such a hospital. But most doctors should not be like that (I hope). The kind of image we have of doctors and hospitals will affect our next actions.

If we want to confess our sins and confide our problems, but a frowning God accuses us, we don’t want to willingly go to such a fearful God. But is that image correct? (The Muslim image of God (Allah) is a bit like this) The one true God of the Bible is incompatible with sin, but He accepts us as we are. He sent Jesus to bear the punishment for my sins. He patiently relates to me and makes me grow so that I may be made like Jesus (sanctification). We can walk daily in the joy of knowing such a good God and being loved by Him. What a blessing!

The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; (Psalm 103:8-11)

Prayer requests:

1) Aki: Speedy recovery from surgery.

2) Sachi: In her relationship with Middle Eastern ladies, she has gained a more desire to share the Gospel more effectively, and come to feel the need for in-depth Bible study. She will begin studying online at a bible college in September. Please pray that the Lord would provide the necessary finances so that we can pay her tuition fees.

3) Tomorrow on Saturday, we will have four guests from Japan. Please pray that the Lord would bless our time with them.











①   晶宏:手術からの速やかな回復。

②   幸恵:中東の女性たちとの関わりの中で、より効果的に福音宣教したい想いから、聖書の深い学びの必要を感じるようになり、9月にオンラインで、バイブルカレッジの勉強を始めることになりました。主が学費支払いために必要な経済を備えてくださるように。

③   明日土曜日から、日本からの4名のゲストを迎えます。彼らとの時間を主が祝福してくださるように。

Akihiro Yabe