God’s goodness & prayer request/神さまが良くしてくださったこと&祈りのリクエスト
Today we would like to share with you God's goodness we have lately experienced.
But before sharing that, I would like to inform you of our new decision. Like I wrote in our last update, not only was our covid time physically exhausting, but it was also mentally and emotionally consuming. Sachi and I also had big discussions. Our covid time became a trigger for hidden problems to come up to the surface.
It's been a year since we received Sachi's breast cancer diagnosis. Sachi has been fighting a good fight and I admire my wife. And now, from my burn-out experience, I have started to notice some physical signs that if I continue all that I have been doing, I would burn out soon or later. If I collapse, our family's life in Austria will be over. Thus it was the high time we had re-evaluated our life and made some priority adjustments.
I consulted my ministry leader and the leader of OM Austria. Our decision is that I will reduce a bit of my ministry commitment for some time. I will still do some ministry but Sachi and I will now mainly focus on our German language study, which we haven't been able to do till now. At the end of this year, Sachi and I will have to pass the German exam in order to extend our visa.
So, here are the three miracles. All credits and glory goes to the Lord alone.
We were told that for an oncology/hospital visit, one needs a covid NEGATIVE proof regardless of the CT value that shows how contagious the virus is, and Sachi was very worried as she was still positive one day before the planned chemotherapy on Tuesday.
1. On Monday, we called a house doctor and explained our situation. Sachi's CT value was 32. (Over 30, you are allowed to go to most of the places but not some ‘risk places’.) The doctor allowed Sachi to come and she received a one-week delayed hormone injection, which she needed as soon as possible, despite the covid positive status!
2. Sachi had been looking for a suitable German language course for a year but it wasn't successful due to her physical condition as well as the time/location/cost of the course. However, on Monday Sachi was able to reserve the very last seat at an A2 level German course in Linz that Uli and Esther had found and told us about the night before.
3. Being very nervous, we called the oncology department on Monday. To our surprise they told her to come to the hospital for the scheduled chemotherapy! She went there the next day but at the entrance, as we feared she was refused to enter because of her covid positive status (CT value 36). She waited there for 5 hours until the doctor finally gave her the permission for the chemo. Praise the Lord that she was able to receive it at the end!
We know well that we experienced these miracles because the Lord is unbelievably gracious, and because of your prayers! Thank you for standing with us in prayer.
The prayer request:
Recently Sachi and I had some medical check-up and now we both need further observations/investigations in July. We would like to ask you to pray that nothing major would hit us again.
We too are constantly thanking the Lord for each and every one of you who participate in Jesus' Great Commission with us in various ways.
Photo: 1. Liana’s first drawing of humans. 2. Our good friends’ kids drew this for us. Gottes Haus = God’s house. Gott macht Sachi gesund = God will make Sachi healthy. Bad = bath. Küche = kitchen. 3. Most effective/protective way of wearing a mask.
1. 月曜日、私たちは近くのクリニックに電話をして状況を説明しました。サチのCT値は32。30を超えると、ほとんどの場所に行くことができますが、特定の場所には行けません。医師はコロナ陽性にも関わらず来院を許可してくれ、サチは一週間遅れていた、すぐにでも受けるべきホルモンの注射を受けることができました。
2. 過去一年、サチは適切なドイツ語コースを探していましたが、体調やコースの時間・場所・費用が希望や予算に合わず、見つけれずにいました。しかし日曜日の夜、ウリとエスターが希望に沿うコースを見つけてくれ、翌月月曜日語学学校に問い合わせてみました。すると、クラスの空きは残り一つ、サチはリンツにあるドイツ語学校レベルアA2のコースにギリギリ入ることができ、支払いも終わらせました!
3. 月曜日、翌日の抗がん剤治療のため、緊張しながら腫瘍科に電話しました。依然としてコロナ陽性だったからです。しかし驚いたことに、とりあえず来院するよう案内されました。翌日午前7時に病院に着くと、コロナ陽性(CT値36)のため案の定受付で来院拒否され、医師の抗がん剤許可が下りるまで5時間待つことになりました。でも、サチはその日、計画されていた抗がん剤を無事に受けることができました!主に感謝を捧げます!
写真:1. 理歩名のはじめての「人」の絵です。 2. 友人の子どもたちが描いてくれた絵。「Gottes Haus = 神の家。Gott macht Sachi gesund = 神さまがサチを元気にしてくださる。Bad =お風呂。Küche = キッチン。 3. 最も効果的なマスクの付け方を発案しました。