God’s humor/神さまのユーモア
I am naturally an intense person, task/goal oriented. I hate wasting God’s-given time, energy and resources, and want to be a good steward (1 Peter 4:10). I am naturally a stubborn person, firmly holding onto conviction. I waited for 16 years (only by the grace of the Lord though) until moving to the continent where I/we feel called to serve God. I naturally tend to live in the future, and miss out the goodness in the present moment.
And no one wants to be around an intense, stubborn and future-oriented person who doesn’t enjoy the “now”. Outside home, I pretend to be an easy-going, flexible and present-oriented person, but my family knows the true me.
It is said that “our first mission field is our home”. I love my family and because of that try my best to “fulfill tasks for them”, but I often fail to be a good husband and father who “enjoys time with them”. I confess my shortcomings, and God has been breaking this intense, stubborn and not-living-in-the-present me (Heb 12:6). So, I wanted to do something fun with the family during our kids’ school break (the past week). We had planed to visit Romania for fun and work, but it had to be cancelled at the very last moment due to some unfortunate circumstances.
“What shall we do? Kid’s holiday plan fell to pieces.” We brought our disappointment to God in prayer, and His exciting and humorous plan began to unfold.
Lior and Liana’s Austrian grandpa and grandma (Opa and Oma) graciously took them to skiing and Liana learnt it for the first time this year. Sachi and I cannot ski, but our kids are good at it thanks to Opa and Oma. Another day we also went ice-skating with friends for the first time in Austria. Kids loved skiing and ice-skating with beloved people.
Our flight back from Romania would have arrived in the middle of the night, so we had booked a hotel in Vienna, but it couldn’t be cancelled. So, we decided to go sightseeing in the capital city for the first time on the weekend.
Soon after we got off the train at the Vienna station, Lior said he wanted to go to the toilet. The intense, stubborn and living-in-the-future me said to myself, “Ahhhh, why did he not do it in the train 5 mins ago! In the train it’s free, at the train station the toilet costs 50 cents!” But I suppressed my frustration and took Lior to the toilet. As we entered after inserting the expensive coin, we bumped into Michael (!!), an awesome American missionary serving in Vienna I had got to know in Malta during the conference last November, coming out of the toilet! I couldn’t believe my eyes. What is the probability of meeting him in the toilet! He was there, waiting for his American friends to arrive from Poland. I thought it as a God‘s moment and we took the below picture in front of the toilet (lol).
At night Michiko Ogata, a mezzo-soprano singer at the world-renowned Vienna State Opera, Salzburg Music Festival, etc. invited us for dinner. We had got to know the wonderful believer through the Japanese Christian community in Europe and were able to meet her in person for the first time. Like the Middle Easterners, the Japanese are also the least reached people with the Gospel. So, meeting a Jesus-loving Japanese is always special for us. Fellowshipping with her was a refreshing, inspiring and blessed opportunity.
When we were at Michiko’s place, a WhatsApp message came in, unexpectedly from Michael. He invited us to his church the next day and lunch afterwards with his wife, Rebecca and his visitors. So, we decided to join them. The international church service was a blessing and the special sword lunch was a blast for us all.
What blew my mind away was that the American couple visiting Michael and Rebecca lives in California, and the husband works in a company near Rise OC Church (https://riseoc.church/). Michael and Rebecca also graduated from a university nearby! Rise OC church is a church whose pastor, Tobi and his wife, Hosanna are respected friends of ours, and the church began to support us last year, although we have never visited it. I have not even been to the States before.
We felt that God was humorously orchestrating all this, and Lior and Liana’s school holiday turned out to be most wonderful. I was in awe of Jesus’ Lordship and arrangement.
I am an imperfect father, but God is the perfect Father. I am intense and goal-oriented, but the Lord is gentle (Matt 11:29) and values relationship. I am stubborn, but He is meek and steadfastly loving (Lam 3:22). I am future-minded, but He is present (Isa 41:10). Lord, I am sorry. Lord, I thank you. Please change me to be more like You.
そして、誰も、インテンスで、頑固で、今を生きない人の近くにいたくありません。 家の外では、気さくで柔軟で現在志向の人間を装っていますが、家族は本当の僕を知っています。
理央と理歩名のオーストリアのおじいちゃん・おばあちゃん(オパとオマ)が親切にもスキーに連れて行ってくれ、理歩名は今年初めてスキーを学びました。 僕もサチもスキーはできませんが、オパとオマのおかげで子どもたちはスキーが得意です。別の日には、友人家族とオーストリアで初めてアイススケートに行きました。子どもたちは、大好きな人たちとスキーやスケートを楽しむことができました。
そしてびっくり仰天だったのが、マイケル夫妻を訪ねに来ていた、彼らを支える会のアメリカ人夫妻がカリフォルニア在住で、夫のボブさんはRise OC教会(https://riseoc.church/japanese)の近くの会社で働いているというのです。マイケルとレベッカもRise OC教会近くの大学を卒業したとのことで、さらにびっくり。Rise OC教会は私たちの尊敬する友人夫婦(石飛恒牧師とほさな婦人)が牧会する教会で、私たちは一度も訪れたことがないのですが、昨年から私たちのオーストリアでの活動を支援してくださっています。
僕は不完全な父親ですが、神さまは完全な天のお父さんです。僕はインテンスでタスク志向ですが、主は優しく(マタイ11:29)、人間関係を大切にされます。僕は頑固ですが、神は柔和かつ揺るがない愛のお方です(哀歌3:22)。僕は先を考えすぎ今を楽しむことを忘れがちですが、主は「今」におられます(イザヤ41:10)。 主よ、ごめんなさい。 主よ、ありがとうございます。あなたのように、作り変えてください。