Coming to reconcile/ 和解へ歩み寄る


Reading books was the least of my favorite (before I encountered the Bible), and getting the book-report homework felt like a torture, but a person's words always stuck in my mind and sparked my interest in reading; “after having completed reading a (good) book, the scenery in front of your eyes changes.” Now that I enjoy reading books, I agree with his words. In the same way, I would say, after experiencing a reconciliation, your life is no longer the same. It is warm, it is beautiful.

For about one and a half years I have been regularly playing football with refugees as well as with the locals in our small town with the purposes of integration and evangelism. When I was first invited to the Friday senior (over 30 years old) football practice with the locals, I decided to participate in it because there were some refugees playing with them. But after a few times refugees were kicked out, because some of the locals didn't tolerate the fact that the refugees weren't motivated for integration, they didn't want to learn German but were speaking English and Arabic, and many of them were rather too young. That is why the Saturday refugee football kicked off, through which the Lord began the Bible Studies at the refugee home.

Although I decided to stay in the Friday senior football for integration, many of us, including myself, have been hurt by the fact that refugees weren't included anymore.

Time had passed, and there had recently been some discussion and an initiative to tackle the situation; a social football match between the seniors and refugees was set up on 27th October, because the date seemed to be the only possible day when we could all meet and play outside, before the Indoor Football starts in November and playing on the field is not allowed until March.

Because our family trip to Israel was cancelled, the refugee boys and two Austrians with whom we initiated the refugee football insistently asked me to join them and play for their team, not for the seniors for whom I normally play. I am one of the few who have a fairly good relationship with the refugees as well as the locals, so I had some responsibilities for preparation and organization of the match.

We, the refugee team didn’t have uniforms, but were able to use the shirts Sportslink had donated to us as our uniforms, and our ex-mayor volunteered to be the referee. The match somehow turned out to be a "reconciliation" match, some of our hurt from the past has been eased as we played together again. Although the refugee team lost the game by 2:6, the boys became motivated to train over the winter and asked the seniors for a re-match in spring, the seniors have welcomed it.

Being a mediator somewhat required me to be attentive and mindful, and it was even daunting at times, but it was all worth the efforts, when watching everyone laughing and smiling. And it reminded of Jesus as the Mediator between God and humans. He even shed His blood for the role and it meant to Him the Cross.

“And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrew 12:1-3

How can we live a life that points people to the Mediator Jesus? How can I play sports to lead people to Christ? …this is one of the biggest reasons why we are on the earth for. OM gave me an opportunity to learn it in a 4-day conference, and I will be flying to the island of Malta this Thursday. I would greatly appreciate your prayers, as we come gather from all over Europe for the same purpose and goal of making Jesus known.

以前読書が嫌いで(特に聖書に出会う前は)、読書感想文などの宿題は拷問のように感じていましたが、ある人の言葉がいつも脳裏にあり、読書への関心を駆り立ててくれました。「(良い)本を読み終わると、目の前の景色が変わるんだよな。」読書好きになった今、その言葉は本当だったとわかります。同様に、和解を経験した後、私たちの人生は以前と同じではなくなる、と言えます。 あたたかさと麗しさに包まれます。

約1年半の間、僕は現地社会への融合と伝道のため、難民の人たちや地元の方々と定期的にサッカーをしてきました。そもそも当初、金曜日夜のシニア(30歳以上)サッカーに誘われたとき、難民の人たちが一緒に練習しているというので、参加することにしたのです。しかし、しばらくすると難民の人たちが追い出されることになってしまいました。現地社会への融合に意欲がなく、ドイツ語を学ぼうとせず、アラビア語や英語での会話、そして年齢もシニアサッカーには若すぎる20代が多いということが原因でした。 追い出されたことがきっかけで、土曜日の難民サッカーが始まり、それを通して主が難民ハウスでのバイブルスタディーの扉を開いてくださいました。





10月27日のフレンドリー・マッチは『和解』の試合となり、双方が再び一緒にプレーすることで過去の傷も多少和らいだ気がします。 試合は僕ら難民チームが2対6で敗戦を期しましたが、冬の間練習に意欲を燃やした青年たちは、シニアチームに春の再戦を申し出、地元の人たちもこれを歓迎してくれました。

「仲介」という役割は、気を遣うし、双方の機嫌を損なわないよう注意を払う必要もあり、骨の折れるタスクでしたが、みんなが笑顔になり、笑っている姿を見ると、苦労の甲斐があったと胸を撫で下ろしているところです。 そしてこの経験が、神と人の間の仲介者としてのイエスさまを思い出させてくれました。主はこの責務と使命のために自ら血を流され、それは主にとって十字架を意味することとなったのです。


私たちはどのようにして人々を仲介者イエスさまに指し示す生き方ができるのでしょう? 僕はスポーツを通してどのように人々をキリストに導くことができるのでしょう? …これが、私たちが地上にいる一つの大きな理由です。

OM は、この度キリスト教団体が主催する4日間のカンファレンスで上記を学ぶ機会を与えてくれました。今週木曜日にマルタ島に渡航し学んできます。イエスキリストを宣べ伝えるという同じ目的と目標のためにヨーロッパ中から集うカンファレンス、皆さんのお祈りにも覚えていただけたら幸いです。

Akihiro Yabe