Fight boldly/ 大胆に戦う
It’s a joy for parents to see kids able to do what they weren’t able do before. Liana can now reach the water tap and wash hands by herself. Lior can now play football with more braveness, and is less afraid or unconfident on the field. Impactful and the turning point was the encounter with Taishi, a Christian professional football player, who told Lior to ‘boldly fight (play) in Christ’.
Now Lior, also a goalkeeper like Taishi, tries to overcome his fear of facing the situation of one on one with a striker, of stopping a sharp shot, of making a mistake, or of conceding a goal. While trying his best to boldly play, Lior has recently been suggested and invited to participate in a trial training session at Lask academy (the junior team of an Austrian professional team). Seeing my son ‘boldly fights’ reminds me of the verse. 2 Timothy 1:7, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”
Japan has been and is the only country in the whole world that has experienced the destruction by the atomic bomb. Now Japan highly values and encourages “peace”, and the country doesn’t have the compulsory military service. My father, when he was still alive, was very active in preserving the Article 9 of the Constitution in Japan that limits its military power to the minimum required for its self-defense. Although I also very much value peace and no-war, I have a bit different stance to my father when it comes to self-defense. Ok, I will not go into this now, as it will get political.
There are different types of ‘fight’; from political, physical, mental to spiritual, and because of my upbringing, my default mode has been “to avoid fighting or confrontation”. But now I believe, fighting is not only unavoidable but also necessary, especially for us believers, because the Bible tells us to fight the good fight. Paul tells us to fight against our sin (Romans 6) and against Satan (Ephesians 6).
“Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well, holding on to faith and a good conscience…” 1 Timothy 1:18-19
What we must remember, however, is that we, Jesus followers, cannot fight the good fight without being rooted in the Word of God and without praying. Our fight starts with faith and prayer, and continues in faith and prayer. Our fight is by faith and prayer.
In Matthew 9:18, 23-25, there is a narrative of the death of the synagogue leader’s daughter and Jesus performs a miracle that brings this girl back to life. Throughout the Bible the Lord normally requires faith from the person first, before he or she experiences His miracle, like the woman who comes in between the narrative, who has the 12 year-long bleeding problem (Matthew 9:22-24) – she gets healed by Jesus because of her act of faith. However, in the case of this synagogue leader’s daughter, it wasn’t her faith that brought her back to life, because she was already dead. It was her father’s faith that brought in Jesus’ miracle to the daughter’s life.
When our family was going through the cancer treatments, even though we tried to hold on to the Lord with faith as best as we could, we were often physically and emotionally completely exhausted, having very little strength left. But it was your prayers and many people’s act of love and faith that sustained us and brought in the Lord’s healing to Sachi’s life, like the synagogue leader did for his daughter. “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16
There are now three people; one baby, one missionary and one church member in our close circle who urgently need prayers for God’s strong intervention, miracles and healing. I would like to ask you to please remember them in your prayer. (I will not write their details for privacy reasons but God knows whom you are praying for.) The world also needs prayers for the situations in the Middle East and Ukraine, and some parts of Africa where the evil, wars and conflicts are taking people’s precious lives – I often wonder how the Lord is seeing the situations, he must be in tears.
We want to boldly fight, because the Holy Spirit lives in us and God loves us.
私たちの日本は、原爆を経験した世界で唯一の国です。現在、日本は『平和』を守護し、奨励しており、兵役の義務もありません。僕の父親は生前、戦争放棄、あるいは国を防衛するための必要最小限の自衛権を行使するということ以外の武力行使、武力による威嚇を放棄する、憲法9条の改正阻止を目的とする憲法9条の会で長年精力的に活動していました。僕も平和と戦争の無い世界を心から支持しますが、自衛に関しては父とは少し異なるスタンスを持っています。政治的な話にもなってしまうので、これ以上は触れませんが、「戦い」にはさまざまな種類があります。 政治的、物理的、精神的、霊的などなど。
自身の生い立ちの影響で、僕のデフォルト・モードは「戦いや対立を避ける」ことでした。しかし今では、特に私たちキリスト者にとって、『戦うこと』は避けられないだけでなく、必要なことであると信じています。なぜなら、聖書は至るところで、勇敢に戦うよう教えているからです。パウロは私たちに、罪と戦うよう(ローマ人6 章)、またサタンと戦うように(エペソ6章)に諭します。
「私の子テモテよ。以前あなたについてなされた預言に従って、私はあなたにこの命令をゆだねます。それは、あなたがあの預言によって、信仰と正しい良心を保ち、勇敢に戦い抜くためです。」 1テモテ1章18節
マタイ9章18節23-25 節には、会堂指導者の娘の死に関する記述があり、イエスさまはこの娘を生き返らせる奇跡を行われます。通常主なる神さまは、聖書全体を通して、人や民が主の奇跡を経験する前に、その人から信仰を要求されます。たとえば、この物語の間に挿入された証し、12年間にわたる出血に苦しんでいた女性(マタイ9:22-24)のように、彼女がいやされたのは彼女の信仰の行為のゆえでした。 しかし、この会堂指導者の娘の場合、彼女を生き返らせたのは彼女自身の信仰ではありません。彼女はすでに死んでいたからです。娘の人生にイエスさまの奇跡をもたらしたのは彼女の父親の信仰でした。