Humility / 謙遜
We love the Lord Jesus.
We came back to Austria on 6 September, and have been settling down in our daily routine. The Lord blessed our time in Japan and South Korea, and we had so much joy of reuniting with our beloved people and eating our Japanese food! Biggest thanks we send out to those who kindly welcomed us in Asia and you who supported us with prayers.
Today I would like to share with you what the Lord taught us in Asia, and I will put in writing about humility.
During our home-assignment in Asia, through Pastor Yoshiya Kondo of Morioka Bible Baptist Church, the Lord gave us a wonderful opportunity to get to know Taishi Brandon Nozawa, a professional football player, a candidate to represent Japan in the Paris Olympics next year – it was more than an answer to our prayers.
Our son, Lior is like a chameleon, a typical third-culture child; he can adjust himself quickly and fit into wherever he is at. When his friends are good, he also behaves well. And we are thankful he has good Christian friends at school in Japan and Austria. But as he grows, it’s not guaranteed that he would only have good friends around. I spent rough teenage years heavily influenced by friends and I had no role model, although I was into football; the outcome was absence of purpose of life, hopelessness and feeling loneliness inside. My wife and I wanted our son to have good friends and a role model who love Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
For his age, Taishi, the 20 year-old goalkeeper for FC Tokyo is a surprisingly and impressively mature believer. It’s been 30 years, since J-league (Japan professional football league) was established, and Taishi is the first Japanese professional football player, as far as I know, who publicly declares the Lord Jesus Christ.
Taishi invited Lior and us to come watch his club‘s team practice session that was closed to the general public. We left home at 5:30 a.m. to be in time for the practice at 9 a.m. in Tokyo. Liana who is not interested in football was like “why the heck do I have to wake up so early!”, but as soon as we met Taishi, she was happy too! In front of our eyes were players whom we normally only see on TV, and it was a surreal experience. After the practice, Taishi walked up to us, and as we strolled down to the club house together, Taishi gave Lior his goalkeeper gloves (he signed his signature on it) he had used at his debut match at J-league Division 1?! We were blown away by his generosity, and Lior was over the moon. Afterwards he made time for us, asked Lior what he wanted to eat, and we went to eat Sushi together. Now Lior has got a role model to follow, and has also chosen No.41 for his Union Neuhofen game shirt, as Taishi wears the number for FC Tokyo (His number comes from Isaiah 41).
Where Taishi is at and what he does is the dream of many children around the globe, but he doesn’t boast in his achievements, occupation or future prospects. On the contrary, he humbly gives glory to the Lord. He never forgets to thank everyone around him. Through Taishi, God taught us humility in Christ.
What is humility? I ask myself. Being humble is surely not self- abasement like many Japanese or East Asians misunderstand. Humility does not mean lack of confidence neither. In our faith life, Sachi and I have had a privilege of getting to know Jesus followers from all over the world who are humble. All of them have healthy self-evaluation. All of them are in fact confident (confident in the Lord) and have so-called ‘successful life’ even from the standard of this world. Yet, they don’t boast in their wealth, status nor accomplishments – instead they give glory to Christ, and serve Him and others.
The biblical definition of humility I have discovered is the absence of a sense of self-entitlement (self-centeredness/selfishness). It is, in other words, selflessness for the sake of the Gospel. It’s the attitude; “no one owes me. I owe God and I owe everybody.” That’s exactly what Paul says in Romans 1:14: “I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish.”
Where does that humanly-impossible attitude come from? It comes from being stunned by and soaked in God’s grace: I deserved hell for my sin, but the Son of God died in my place, so that my sins are forgiven and I may have the eternal life with the risen Christ.
As I was going for a jog, the wheat field caught my eyes. There were two types of wheat. One was green, stood tall and appeared full of self-confidence, the other was in golden color and lowered their heads, but they somehow had warm peace. The latter have experienced the goodness and grace of the sun in fullness. The more they grew and experienced warmth and grace of the sun, they could do nothing but lowered their heads –it looked like that to me. It is the same to our relationship with our Lord Jesus.
John testifies about Jesus in John 3:30: “He must become greater; I must become less.” But in what context does he say that? One verse before says, “The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete.” John states the well-known John 3:30 in the context of being full of joy at the presence of the Lord, in hearing of His voice and being in love with Him. In other words, humility is not something that one tries to do by his/her own willpower to make themselves look lower. When we are stunned by and soaked in God’s grace and love, "He must become greater; I must become less." Humility is the most natural and rational outcome of a person experiencing God's grace.
We thank God for Taishi and what the Lord has taught us through him. We love Jesus and we want Him to become greater in our lives. May God help us to daily preach the Gospel to ourselves and to be soaked in His grace.
大志くんは、理央と私たちを、FC東京の非公開練習へ誘ってくれました。東京での午前9時の練習開始に間に合うよう、宇都宮を午前5時半に出発しました。 サッカーに興味のない理歩名(リアナ)は「なんでこんなに早起きしなきゃいけないの!」と不満そう、でも、大志くんに会うや否や理歩名も大喜び!でした。 普段テレビの画面越しでしか見ないような選手たちが目の前にいるのは非現実的な感覚でした。練習後、大志くんが私たちのところに歩み寄ってくれ、一緒にクラブハウスに向かう途中、彼がJ1リーグのデビュー戦で使用したゴールキーパーのグローブにサインをして、理央にプレゼントしてくれました?!私たちは彼の寛大さに度肝を抜かれ、理央は天にも登る気持ちです。その後、大志くんが時間を作ってくれて、理央に食べたいものを聞いてくれ、一緒に回転寿司を食べに行きました。
僕が信仰生活の中で発見した聖書的謙遜の定義は、「福音のための自己権利(自己中心性)の放棄」です。自己権利の不在。言い換えるなら、「福音のための無私無欲の心」です。「誰も私に借りがない。私が神とすべての人に借りがある」という態度です。パウロがローマ人1章14 節で言っている通りです:「私は、ギリシャ人にも未開の人にも、知識のある人にも知識のない人にも、負い目のある者です。」
ジョギングをしていると麦畑が目に飛び込んできました。その麦畑の麦には2種類あります。一つ目は、緑色で背筋をピンと伸ばし、自信に満ち満ちているように見えます。もう一つは、黄金色で頭を垂れていますが、どこかあたたかい平安があります。後者は太陽の恵みを体いっぱいに体験しているグループです。 生育し太陽の温かさを感じれば感じるほど、太陽の恵みを体験すればするほど、ただただ頭を垂れることしかできなくなった――僕にはそう見えました。私たちとイエスさまとの関係においても同じです。
ヨハネは、ヨハネ 3章30節でイエスさまについて次のように証言しています。「あの方は盛んになり、私は衰えなければなりません。」 しかし、彼はどのような文脈の中でそう言っているのでしょうか?前の節にはこうあります。「花嫁を迎えるのは花婿です。そばに立って花婿が語ることに耳を傾けている友人は、花婿の声を聞いて大いに喜びます。ですから、私もその喜びに満ち溢れています。」ヨハネは、主の臨在、主の御声を聞き、主を愛する中で喜びに満ちているという文脈で、この有名なヨハネ 3 章 30 節を述べています。つまり、謙遜とは、人が自分の意思の力で頑張って自分を低く見せようとするものではないのです。神の恵みに圧倒され、その愛に浸る時、「あの方は盛んになり、私は衰え」るのです。謙遜は、神の恵みを体験した人の、最も自然で合理的な結果です。