Hit and run/当て逃げ


Thank you who prayed for my German exam on Friday for the visa extension. I was on my way to the exam, and 40 mins before the exam, I got a SNS message; the exam has been cancelled! (It was the second time I had to miss the exam.) I was already emotionally and physically tired because I had a car accident three days earlier, and before that our family was fighting covid and other sickness.

On Tuesday 13 Sep, I picked up Sachi's self-injection for her white blood cells at the pharmacy. As I was back to my car and about to start the engine, a lady in a red car came out of the parking and hit my car. I was in a shock for a few seconds, yet wanted to reach my cellphone to take a photo of her license plate, but she had run away.

My body wasn't hurt but oil was coming out of my car and it didn't drive. I called the police and the car was towed away. The gearbox was badly damaged but no insurance pays for it. The mechanic is disassembling the car and is checking how bad the damage really is. It would cost a few thousand Euros/US dollars to repair it, otherwise we will need to buy a new second-hand car. But the Japanese yen has recently become much weaker and everything around us is getting so much more expensive because of the war in Ukraine, so it will be a big challenge in any case.

I am sad and disappointed. I regret that I couldn’t take a photo of her car. But am I angry with the perpetrator? I am not... and here is the reason.

After I saw the white haired lady run way, I was reminded of Jesus on the cross. “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)

The perpetrator does not actually have to pay anything from her wallet, because her insurance will pay for the damage and her fault will be covered. That's why we all have car insurance. All she has to do is to come to the police or me and confess, "I did it and I am sorry." Then her fault will be cleared and she will be forgiven. But instead, she ran away.

I thought it was like humans and Jesus. Jesus has done everything we need to be saved and free. He shed his precious blood for the forgiveness of our sins (1 John 1:7). He died on the cross ONLY BY WHICH we can be delivered from sin that sends us straight to hell. (Romans 8:2). All we need to do is to humbly come to Jesus Christ and say, "I am sorry for my sin. I will turn away from it and I will turn to You. I receive Your forgiveness." Then we will receive God's forgiveness and the problem of our sin will be cleared.

‘Sin’, it's not a popular topic today. But it's absolutely necessary to realize how devastating sin really is. We can gain the knowledge on the biblical sin/sins in our heads but only the Holy Spirit can break our hearts for the reality of our sins. It's because of our sins that Jesus had to die. It's our sins and God's love for us that put Jesus on the cross. We cannot deal with our sins lightly.

What is sin? I could write 20 pages on the topic but the essence of sin is 'Rebellion and indifference against the Creator God who gives us life' and 'I wanting my own god (lord)'.

The results of sin are many but three would be 'guilt (guilty before God and men), shame (wanting to hide from God and others) and anxiety (absence of faith and trust in a caring God)'. Sin is what breaks God's heart and takes us away from Him. Sin also destroys our spiritual, mental, emotional, social and physical health/life.

The Bible is clear on this; God loves us (John 3:16, Romans 5:8) and He hates sins (Psalm 5:5, Proverbs 6:16-19). It might not be the best example, but it's like this.

The most valuable/expensive bank note that I know of is the 10,000 Singapore dollar note (one bank note), equivalent to 7,100 US dollars. Imagine someone gave you that banknote on the tropical coast of Singapore surrounded by ocean. You thank the person and are about to put it in your pocket, when a gust of wind suddenly blows. The banknote gets blown away. There is a broken-down ship nearby, and heavy fuel oil is pouring out. Unfortunately, your banknotes falls into the oil. Even if it's covered in heavy fuel oil, the banknote has the same value, but you don't want to put it in your wallet. You don't even want to touch it, as it can be a health hazard. (Singapore is one of the most beautiful and clean countries in the world, the environmental management is fantastic, so there is probably no such scene in reality.)

In the same way, even if humans are covered in sins, our soul values do not change in God's eyes. God still loves us as we are and unconditionally. But like no one wants his/her bank notes contaminated in the heavy fuel oil, God doesn't want humans He created contaminated in sins. The Bible says “...all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) But it also says, "if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

The question is "Is your/my sin forgiven?" "Have you/I been reconciled to God?". If yes, we are Christ's ambassadors that proclaim this Best News.(2 Corinthians 5:18-20)

When I saw the lady run away, I was reminded of how much Jesus had suffered to save me from my sins, and how many times I have broken God's heart with my sins even after I became His child, yet He has forgiven me each time I confessed my sins. I then sensed a little how God sees the lady and people turning their back on Him. I'm not angry with the lady, but rather the accident made me thank the Lord that I have a citizenship not in hell but in Heaven. I gained hope again for the salvation of people heading towards the eternal destruction, because even I, who was perishing, was not out of God's grace and capacity for His salvation.

At last but not least we would like to thank our Christian brothers and sisters who have been helping us, especially W and M, the parents of Lior's best friend, F from our local church.

The accident has also turned out be an opportunity for us to have new connections. Non-believing neighbors and locals help us with transportation or invite us to their house. The best part is we can get to talk with them about faith in Jesus in a natural way! A family who invited us to their house wrote, "Danke ebenso, sehr angenehm mit euch - nächstes mal müssen wir früher anfangen " (Thank you likewise, very comfortable with you - next time we should start earlier).

Prayer requests:

- Please pray for God's strength and joy because we are tired.

- Please pray for God's wisdom in terms of what to do with the car. Please pray that He will provide for and meet our needs.




白髪の女性が走り去るのを見た後、十字架につけられたイエスさまを思い出しました。「父よ彼らをお赦しください。彼らは、何をしているのか自分でわからないのです。(ルカ 23:34)




罪とは何か?これについては 20 ページぐらい書けますが、罪の本質は「私たちにいのちを与えてくださる創造主に対する反抗と無関心」と「自分自身が自分の神(主)になりたいという思い」。


聖書は明確です。神は私たちを愛し(ヨハネ 3:16、ローマ 5:8)、罪を憎まれます。(詩篇 5:5、箴言 6:16-19)良い例えではないかもしれませんが、こんな感じです。

僕が知っている中で最も高価な紙幣(一紙幣)は、10,000 シンガポール・ドル紙幣で、1,017,075円に相当します。海に囲まれたトロピカルなシンガポールの沿岸で、誰かがあなたにその紙幣をくれたと想像してください。



問いは「あなた・僕の罪は赦されていますか?」「私たちは神と和解していただいていますか?」ということです。もし「はい」と答えられるなら、私たちはこの最も素晴らしい知らせを宣べ伝えるキリストの使節です。(2 コリント 5:18-20)




また今回の事故は、地域社会で新しい繋がりを作るきっかけにもなりました。未信者の近所の人や地域住民の方々が、送迎して助けてくれたり、家に招待してくれます。ベストなことは、彼らと自然な形で信仰について話せることです!家に招いてくれたファミリーは、「Danke ebenso, sehr angenehm mit euch - nächstes mal müssen wir früher anfangen」(同様にありがとう、あなたたちとはとても居心地が良いです - 次回はもっと早い時間帯に始めましょう)とメールをくれました。


- 疲れを覚えているので、主が力と喜びを与えてくださるようお祈りください。

- 車をどうするのか、神さまが知恵をくださるように。主が私たちの必要を満たしてくださるようお祈りください。

Akihiro Yabe