New Year's Resolution / 新年の抱負


A happy blessed New Year!

1st January is the biggest celebration of the year in Japan, but our New Year’s Day (Austria is 8 hours behind Japan) began with the breaking news of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami followed by the airplane crash at Haneda airport. While thankful that no one of our friends and colleagues were hurt, our prayers are for people affected and brokenhearted by the disasters.

At the beginning of the year, people set New Year’s resolutions, that’s probably a good thing. But I was reminded again this New Year’s Day that there is nothing absolutely secure, nothing is certain – we don’t know what will happen in 2024 both individually and globally. One thing is certain however that God is there and He is good.

One of my most favorite Bible stories is Abra(ha)m leaving his home and country (Genesis 12), only because he was convinced God called Him. The 75 years old had no idea where he and his people would end up, but he was sure who (God) was with him/them, and that was enough for him. We don’t know what will happen to us in 2024, but we also know who is with us. Only in God’s Hands, we are secure.

The other day Liana asked, “what’s your favorite color?” Then she proudly dressed up pink, her most favorite color, and started dancing. What’s my favorite color? I would normally answer green or white (oh, red is cool too, blue is also nice, ahhh I like many different colors…), but this year I say ‘transparent’, and that’s my New Year’s resolution too.

We live in an era of desire for approval, wanting to be recognized by others, wanting to show one’s unique colors, wanting as many ‘likes’ as possible...

Some days ago, I was listening to the audio Bible, John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus. He later says in John 3:30 “He (Jesus) must increase, but I must decrease.”

Human beings like to promote good things; product, food, people, place, etc. John’s life was in a way ‘transparent’, pointing others to Jesus and not trying to attract attention on himself. John's life was not a life of self-promotion but God-promotion. I see this kind of life very attractive, because God is the very center of every good thing (James 1:17). God is good.

1 Corinthians 10:31 “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” We, God’s children want to live for Christ (His glory). I want myself and my family to become as ‘transparent’ as possible, so that God’s love can flow better and His light can shine more through us for others and for us to experience more of His glory. And what is wonder-full is that when we live with and for Jesus, we will be most joyful, at peace, satisfied and fulfilled.

What are your New Year’s resolutions?

Praise report: One strong Muslim with whom I have been spending some time accepted and received the New Testament in his mother language! Thank you for prayers and please pray that he will read it!








人は良いものを宣伝するのが好きです - 商品、食べ物、人、場所など。ヨハネの人生はある意味「透明」で、他人の目をイエスさまに向け、自分自身に注目を集めようとはしませんでした。 ヨハネの人生は自己宣伝の人生ではなく、神を宣伝する人生でした。このような人生はとても魅力的だと思います。なぜなら神はすべての良いものの中心だからです(ヤコブ 1:17)。神さまは良いお方です。




Akihiro Yabe