Not knowing/知らないということ
After a long discussion with the doctor, we have decided to do the conventional therapy with chemotherapy. There has been unfortunately some disorganization at the hospital, and Sachi can only start the therapy on 2 August now, not on 27 July as we wished. (I'm trying to remember that our disappointment is God's appointment.)
Since the diagnosis, we have been literally bombarded with information on possible cancer treatments. Then I realized that to choose the 'right' treatments (for Sachi at this moment) is absolutely necessary and we needed wisdom that we didn't have. In a foreign country where we still have no clue for many things, we were/are vulnerable and desperate.
"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." James 1:5
We asked God for wisdom and asked a few people we trust for their opinions. All of their opinions were valuable, and the advice from our Japanese oncologist friend was very eye opening.
With their opinions in mind, I asked questions to the hospital, and the doctor said "Let's do the conventional therapy". We thank the Lord for the wisdom He has given us within the very limited time of decision-making. Thank you very much for your prayer support.
Let me share with you one thing I've been learning: Not knowing can be dangerous. Cancer has been in Sachi's body for a year or more, but because it doesn't hurt nor feel strange, she was living as if nothing was wrong. As she went to the house doctor "just in case" and the doctor made a referral to the ultra sound "just in case", the cancer was found. If it was in Japan, we think the discovery would have been much later since Sachi hardly ever goes to a doctor there. Because we didn't know the cancer, we didn't feel a danger of death, but once we knew the reality, our lives have completely changed.
I believe that sin is the same in a way. People don't know or don't want to know the reality of sin in our lives, so they are living as if everything was fine. But not knowing the reality of sin is a matter of eternal life and death.
The cancer treatments have tremendously advanced but there is not yet a wonder medicine to cure all types of cancer. If such a medicine is developed, it'd become the global breaking news immediately. There is a wonder medicine/cure for sin. The Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. If we know it and don't share it with the dying world, it'd be so cruel that such an unloving silence would be impossible.
Somebody said that we are on a rescue mission. Jesus was/is on a rescue mission for us, and so are we for others. There is a sense of urgency in it.
We all want Sachi to live long. We trust God for this. And I want my and your loved ones to live eternally with God. Let us pray for their salvations and break the silence (of not sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ) with courage from the Holy Spirit.
Please pray that:
Treatments will really start on 2 August and there will be no more delay.
Chemotherapy would have the maximum effects on Sachi and minimum side effects.
God would sustain Sachi during the treatments.
The Lord would take care of Lior and Liana during Sachi’s treatments.
One of Lior’s good and favorite school friends’ family often looks after Lior while we are at the hospital. They are also believers in Christ and we are very thankful to God for having allowed us to meet such a wonderful Jesus loving Austrian family. They are truly a big blessing from God in our life here 🇦🇹
① 治療がちゃんと8月2日に開始され、これ以上の遅延がないように。
② 化学療法がサチに最大の効果をもたらし、最小の副作用であるように。
③ 神さまが治療の間、サチを支えてくださるように。
④ サチの治療の間、主が理央と理歩名を守ってくださるように。