God’s care/神さまのケア


① Lior has turned 6 years old today and is starting school tomorrow!

When Sachi and I look back the last 6 years,we're so grateful to the Lord for our boy. 

Because of his parents' calling, Lior has had to change his living places and environments a lot in the past and he'll also experience it more in the future. 

He's always sad about saying goodbye to good friends he’s made. But we know God's hand is upon him and we all trust the Lord for His continuous care.

This is another testimony of the Lord's care. When we came to New Zealand, we didn't have much finance available to us as our support group and we have decided not to touch the finance we raise and collect for the future mission in Austria.

Regarding the finance, the biggest faith test was whether we really trust the Lord for Lior's education here. Not only was the education fee expensive (Four times more than the local students?!), but Lior's schooling also seemed impossible due to our visa type; visitor’s visa.

When Lior started a local Christian kindergarten, we were told by the head teacher that the first 20 hours per week of his fee was free. “This is the policy New Zealand kindergarten offers to the locals as well as visitors”, she said. ?!?! Wow… We were initially wanting 3 hours of kindergarten a day for Lior, so he could basically attend it absolutely free of charge. Truly God’s grace. We felt His care.

At the 6th birth day, every kid has to leave kindergarten. Lior also had to find a school. (Lior’s official school start is next April in Japan.) We called local schools but sure enough the receptionists said he couldn't enter school either because of his visa or because there was no vacancy at school.

But thanks to pastor Ken's help, one local Christian school was willing to have us for a family interview. And Lior was accepted and new adventure of schooling has started! Not only that, the school made his school fee affordable for us to pay! Though the school was already full, they treated Lior’s case as an exception as he’ll attend only for 3 months. Praise the Lord! (We heard later that Christian schools are very popular even among non-believers and there is even a waiting list since child's birth at some schools. Lior’s kindergarten teacher was also surprised by his school admission.) 

We believe that the next 3 months of schooling would benefit Lior tremendously for his life. Thank you for all your prayers that make the impossible possible. We worship and give all glory to our Lord Jesus alone! 

② We had a privilege of meeting with ex-OM missionaries, Mr T and Mrs P who had been serving Muslim people in various countries. Big thanks to Geoff Colvin for setting up the meeting.

We received a lot of encouragement, insights and challenges as to work among people of different faith.

God loves Muslims and we pray they would be touched by the reality and goodness of Christ. 

School has begun!/小学校始まりました!

School has begun!/小学校始まりました!

Last day at Kindergarten/幼稚園最後の日

Last day at Kindergarten/幼稚園最後の日

Best friend from Republic of Mauritius/一番の友だちはモーリシャス共和国🇲🇺出身です。

Best friend from Republic of Mauritius/一番の友だちはモーリシャス共和国🇲🇺出身です。

Lior was so happy to be able celebrate the birthday with Shibusawas/渋沢夫妻と誕生日を祝えてリオウはとてもハッピーでした。

Lior was so happy to be able celebrate the birthday with Shibusawas/渋沢夫妻と誕生日を祝えてリオウはとてもハッピーでした。

Warm welcome at school/あたたかい歓迎に感謝!

Warm welcome at school/あたたかい歓迎に感謝!

Class room/クラスルーム

Class room/クラスルーム

Thanks to ex-OMers, Mr. T and Mrs P, and Geoff!/元OM宣教師のTさんとPさん、ジェフさんに感謝!

Thanks to ex-OMers, Mr. T and Mrs P, and Geoff!/元OM宣教師のTさんとPさん、ジェフさんに感謝!











Akihiro Yabe