First week in Japan / 日本での一週目
Thank you so much for your prayers. It's been a week since we arrived in Japan for our first home-assignment. Until September 5, we will visit different churches and supporters, and report what the Lord has been doing in Austria. We are now in Tokyo after our visit to Tochigi. Today we would like to share with you our little update:
1. Our flight back from Austria ended up taking more than one day with two airplane delays. But thanks to Tabea who travels with us this time, kids were never bored. Praise the Lord and thanks to Tabea!
2. Our first destination was Utsunomiya city, Tochigi where our sending church is located. There we had a privilege of staying at a guesthouse on the outskirts of the city. Sachi and I used to help a church-plant in this small village, and we had a reunion with people dear to us. In the small but blessed gathering Tabea and Sachi shared testimonies, and I shared what the Lord is doing in Austria.
3. On July 16, we had our first missions meeting at our home church in Utsunomiya. It was especially touching for us to reunite with people who have been faithfully supporting and doing Jesus' mission with us. Tabea shared her testimony, Sachi testified to the Lord's faithfulness and the power of God's Word, and I presented our mission report. Please enjoy the attached video clip our church made of what it looked like.
Yesterday we left Tochigi and moved to Tokyo where we will speak on Sunday. It's been very hot in Japan and all of us are feeling tired. Please remember us in your prayers that the Lord would sustain and protect all of us. Thank you for your love and prayers!
1. オーストリアからの飛行機は、2回の遅延にあい、オーストリア出発してから成田到着までに1日以上かかりました。しかし、今回同行してくれているタベアさんのおかげで、子供たちは全然退屈することはありませんでした。神さまとタベアさんに感謝!
2. 私たちの最初の目的地は、母教会・派遣教会がある栃木県宇都宮市でした。郊外のゲストハウス、ビオトープに滞在させていただきました。私たち夫婦はかつてこの小さな町で教会開拓のお手伝いをさせていただき、その時の大切な人たちとの再会もすることができました。小さいながらも祝福に満ちた集いで、タベアさんとサチは証を分かち合い、僕は主がオーストリアでなさっておられることの報告を行いました。
3. 宇都宮市の峰町キリスト教会で7月16日、最初の宣教報告集会が持たれました。何年も忠実にサポートしてくださり、イエスさまの宣教の働きを共に行ってくださっている人々と再会するのは特に胸がいっぱいになりました。タベアさんは証しをし、サチは主の忠実さと御ことばの力について証し、僕は宣教報告をお届けしました。教会が作成してくれた集会の様子を添付のビデオクリップからお楽しみください。