Mosque visit / モスク訪問


Suddenly, “the world of the Middle East” appeared before my eyes. The eyes of all the men sitting tightly on the floor of the large meeting hall suddenly turned to me, an Asian from the Far East. “I've come to the wrong place”, I thought for a moment, but the memories of Egypt, where I had spent for good two months previously, came back to me, and I was enveloped in a nostalgic feeling. “Go to the back room, here it’s full.” It was all in Arabic, but it was obvious we were told so. I left the nostalgic feeling from my time in Cairo, as I put my shoes in the shoe rack, and hurried to an inner room in the back of the mosque.

“Mr. M invited me to a mosque, would you like to join us?'' I had asked my colleague, Gernot, a week before and he was very excited. Last Friday Mr. M finally took us to a mosque in Linz, and it was my the first mosque experience in Austria. On our way from the Linz central train station, I was about to pray quietly in my heart once again to get prepared for the coming adventure, when suddenly the aforementioned “Middle East'' spread out in front of me. It was about a 15 minute walk from the station, and we arrived quicklier and earlier than I had expected. “I’m glad Gernot and I have prayed for the Lord’s presence, guidance and protection beforehand at the train station.” I said to myself and I felt a little relief. Although I wasn't completely prepared, a determination came to the heart; “No other choice, I gotta go!”

The Linz's only Arab mosque is located on the first floor of an apartment building a few streets away from the main street. There was neither a crescent-moon decoration nor a dome-shaped building unique to Islam, so it was difficult to recognize it as a mosque from the outside. Outside the entrance of the mosque, a Muslim who had arrived at the same time called out to us, “salaam alaykum” (the Arabic greeting), and I grabbed my shoes, which I had already taken off on the street, and stepped into the mosque.

The mosque was filled with people who appeared to be Arabs, Africans, Southeast Asians, and Europeans. There was nothing unnatural about Mr. M nor Gernot, but I felt a little out of place. We passed the people lining up in the narrow hallway to cleanse themselves in the washing area, and proceeded to the middle-sized room. The room was also almost full, but fortunately there was a space near the door, so I sat down leaning against the wall. The attendants were all men, from the oldest of about 80 years old to children aged 5 to 6. Three boys aged around 10 years old, sitting next to their father, were curiously looking at me, so I smiled back at them. The normally noisy Arabs, who listen to loud music even in the middle of the night, who easily get into quarrels and fights, and who lack the Austrian manners, have now become strangely quiet. Some were looking at their phones, while others were silently concentrating on prayer.

It's now almost 1:30 p.m., and it's almost time for the worship service to begin. Just as the adjoining small room next to our medium room was filling up, a flood of people poured in at the last minute, and the large, medium, and small rooms were all in a state reminiscent of a crowded train in Japan. There were about 250-300 people altogether in the facility that should be supposed to contain a maximum of 100 people. There is a recitation of the Quran, and then the sermon begins. No one was sleeping, but from the expressions on the faces of the believers, I didn't get the impression that the Arabic sermon was particularly moving. However, I imagine now that around the same time a morale-boosting sermon was being preached at the Palestinian mosques during their holy Friday service the day before the brutal Israel attack.

The Muslims seemed to be curious about me and Gernot, who didn’t participate in prayers and instead sit on the floor all the time, so they occasionally took a look at us. I also couldn't stare at my surroundings, so I only sometimes looked around, occasionally lowering my gaze to avoid clashing with their gaze. Then, all of a sudden, everyone stood up and started moving, and in the blink of an eye, neat lines of men filled the room, and they started praying together according to the commands. From the posture of straight standing, bow, pause briefly with their heads lowered to the waist level, then lower the body, and from the sitting in a kneeling position, raise their buttocks high and press their foreheads tightly to the floor in prayer. . The prayer actions are repeated several times. Just when I thought the prayer had reached its climax, it suddenly came to an end and everyone hurried to the shoe rack.

Friday is supposed to be the most important holy day of the week, but there is no fellowship or lunch together like there is at church. Everyone quickly heads home. Seeing this scene, I began to see the answer to my long-time question I had got from the church-plant experience, “why don't Christian believers from the Muslim background easily commit themselves to a church? Why are they not often rooted in the church life?" For them, maybe, their faith is all about the relationship with the vertical (God), and the relationship with the horizontal (other believers) is less important? While I was thinking about this, Mr. M invited us to go have tea. Along the way, his friend who had come to visit from Vienna joined us, and just before 3pm, we passed through the entrance of an Arabic cafe (?). Then, Mr. M started ordering food at once. He even finished paying for everyone and returned to our seats. I then remembered him saying earlier, “as thanks to you and congratulations for finding a job and getting the Austrian passport, I would like to invite you to an Arabic restaurant.”

As the meal began, Mr. M made a parade of statements about how wonderful Islam is. Gernot, who is well-versed in Islam and the Muslim culture, continued to slowly put food into his mouth. However, there was something about his face that didn't look bright. (He told me afterwards that he wasn’t convinced by Mr. M’s claims and argument, but chose to be quiet as it was in a public place.)

Muslims are not allowed to ask questions or have doubts about their faith or Islam. It’s a. faith that takes what is preached and taught at face value. For many believers, the Quran is not something to understand, but to memorize and recite. This is very different from Christianity; you struggle with a verse or scripture you don't understand, ask God, study the Bible on your own, ask a pastor or mature Christians, contemplate it prayerfully, come to an understanding, and apply it to your life. Mr. M's claims were as if he just passed on what he had heard from an imam (Islamic teacher), but I was able to peer a little further into the world in which Muslims live. In a sense, it was eye-opening.  

I have not read the Quran or the Hadith (the sayings and deeds of the prophet Muhammad) cover-to-cover yet, so I cannot say for sure, but if you read these Islamic holy books literally, the words and actions of the so-called extremists begin to seem "natural" (it starts to make sense why they do such actions, because it’s written there). On the other hand, I cannot get my head around those who insist Islam a religion of peace.

There are some things I keep in mind when sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I try to get the person speak and share their world-view, belief and opinions. I try to be quiet and actively listen to what the other person has to say. There are indeed some people who immediately put their faith in Jesus, when they hear the Gospel for the first time. But often it takes time and prayers. Trapped within the worldview and beliefs that they have cultivated, they cannot immediately understand the grace of the Gospel. It’s like a towel soaked with water. If you try to wipe your sweat with that towel, it won't dry you, rather you'll end up getting even wetter. Only when you wring the towel and let the water drip off can you properly wipe the sweat. Actively listening to what the other person has to say is like wringing out a towel. Once I have had them talk enough, got them satisfied, and let them “squeeze out the water”, I will tell them about the ‘Water that will never make them thirsty again’, while praying that they will receive the Water themselves.

Finally, I would like to conclude this update by writing about our trip plan to Israel at the end of this month, which has caused many people concerns. Thank you to those who have sent us messages.

To visit Israel as a family has been a long-time dream of our family. We wanted to celebrate the completion of cancer treatment, our 10th wedding anniversary, and the finance was also miraculously provided, but due to the current situation in the Middle East, we have decided to postpone the trip. We have dear friends in Israel. For them, for the land and people of Israel, for Palestinian Christians, ordinary citizens, women and children, we pray that the Lord God will protect and keep them, and we are going to do what we can do to help them from here. May the Lord God judge evil, bring justice, and cover and heal those who have been traumatized, devastated and hurt.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm…Ephesians 6:12-14a














Akihiro Yabe