Caterpillar 🐛 to butterfly 🦋 / 青虫🐛 からちょうちょ🦋へ
Unlike the school system we are used to from Japan, the new school year starts in September in Austria. (April in Japan) – Lior has begun his 4th grade. The 4th grade is the most important elementary school year here, because it’s the last year of elementary school. After graduating the school, depending on their school grades, at the age of 10 or 11, children have to decide on their education path, whether to go to Gymnasium; the school that prepares pupils for university entrance, or Mittelschule; the school that often leads to a vocational school and is not necessarily designed for university entrance.
Today I would like to share with you some of our updates from September, the start of the new school year.
1. We celebrated Lior’s 10th birthday. In Austria, a child often invites a lot of friends for his/her birthday party, but this year Lior had two particular requests: 1. he wanted to celebrate it with a few boys, and 2. he wanted no birthday presents but a good memory with them. So, the boys enjoyed their time, being soaked in sweat, at a bit expensive trampoline park.
After a week, Gerhard and Martina, Austrian grandpa/Opa and grandma/Oma, kindly threw Lior’s home birthday party, and we all enjoyed the time together. Sachi and I are very thankful to the Lord for our son, and that God has given Lior good friends and people around him.
Because many of Lior’s friends would like to enter Gymnasium, he also longs for it, but it means, of course, that Lior, having the disadvantage of having lived in Austria only for less than 3 years, has to learn a lot this year. Please pray with us that the Lord would grant His mercy on our son, because we, parents cannot satisfactorily help with Lior’s learning with our limited German abilities.
2. As the Austrian schools welcomed the new year, Liana started the local music school. She had been encouraged by Oma to enroll the music school as soon as we can, because Liana likes singing and the school is very popular - a loooong waiting list. Thankfully Liana could start the school without being on the waiting list, and Lior was also able to squeeze into the drum-class, as one child cancelled it at the last moment. Both kids are happy with the school and our involvement with the local society seems to increase.
3. Despite a long break due to our home assignment in Asia, I have been able to smoothly got back to my daily refugee visitation, by the grace of the Lord. A group of the Middle Easters, who had newly got the Austrian passports and moved out of the refugee home, invited me to a welcome meal, already twice! We have more and more spiritual conversations, and the Holy Spirit seems to be at work. One guy has also invited me to his mosque on Friday (Friday is the holy day of a week in Islam), and it’s such an answer of long-time prayers, because I always wanted to get into their world and learn more about their belief and world-view. I know it’s going to be a spiritual battle, and I humbly ask you for your prayer-covering, as I step into their territory.
Serving among people with the different cultural/faith background can be disappointing and frustrating at times, because their actions/decisions derived from their mentality, values and world-views are sometimes incompatible with mine as a Japanese and as a Christian. But I’m being reminded of two verses: Acts 18:10 “I have many people in this city (who are yet to experience the Lord’s salvation)”, and 1 Samuel 16:7 “For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”
The other day I was going for a walk, I saw a caterpillar busy crossing the street. I passed it once but came back and took a picture, because it it not like us?
When seeing the caterpillar for the first time, who imagines that it will turn into a beautiful butterfly one day? What makes it even harder to believe is, before turning into a butterfly, it becomes a pupa/chrysalis without any movement that looks dead from outside.
It could say, we are like caterpillars on this earth, chrysalises as we experience our earthly death, and butterflies, as we one day receive resurrection bodies. It could also say, we are like caterpillars and chrysalises before receiving Jesus’ salvation, and the Lord works in us to change us into butterflies/Jesus-liked individuals by justification and sanctification. Whichever it is, the process of “caterpillar to butterfly” happens, because God loves us, He knows our God’s given potentials in us, and He doesn’t give us on us. (Lord, please change me into a better person, a better husband and a better father, because I am so far away from any of it!)
If God sees the yet-to-come salvation in a person, God’s given potentials in him/her, and doesn’t give up on them, what attitude should I also possess for my friends who have different values and world-view? “It (love) always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 1 Corinthians 13:7.
We tend to forget God‘s goodness; how He has loved, forgiven and blessed us. If we remember it, would it be easier to be gracious towards ourselves and others?
I want to learn to see the “butterfly” in a person and in myself, not their/my current “caterpillar”, because God is working tirelessly in each of our lives. All glory be to this God who loved us even to the point of the Cross.
1. 理央はこの9月、10歳の誕生日を迎えました。オーストリアでは、自分の誕生日パーティーにたくさんの友達を招待するのですが、今年、理央には2つリクエストがありました。1つ目は、たくさんの友達ではなく、数人の友達と祝いたいこと。2つ目は、プレゼントはいらないので、彼らと楽しい思い出が作りたいこと。そこで、入場料がちょっと高めのトランポリン・パークで、汗びっしょりになり、思う存分楽しみました。1週間後、ギャーハートさんとマルティーナさん(オーストリアのおじいちゃん(オパ)とおばあちゃん(オマ)が、理央のために誕生日ホームパーティーを開いてくれ、家族みんなで一緒に楽しい時間を過ごしました。私たちは、息子のこと、そして主が理央の周りに良き友人や愛する人々を備えてくださっていることに感謝でいっぱいです。
2. オーストリアの学校が新年を迎える中、理歩名は音楽の習い事を始めました。歌うことが好きなので、音楽を習うことをオマから勧められており、人気のある地元のスクールは待機リストがとても長いので、早く申し込むようにアドバイスを受けていました。幸い、理歩名は待機リストに載ることなくスクールを始めることができ、理央も生徒一人が直前でドタキャンしたため、ドラムのクラスに滑り込みで参加することができました。2人とも習い事を楽しんでおり、私たち家族の地域社会との関わりもより一層深まりそうです。
3. 日本一時帰国により長い間中断していましたが、主の恵みにより、スムーズに日々の難民訪問に戻ることができました。
初めて青虫を見た人は、それがいつか美しい蝶に変わると想像できるでしょうか? しかも、蝶になる前、ピクっとも動きかない、外から見ると一見死んでいるようなサナギになるのです。