Ministry highlights / ミニストリーのハイライト
Sachi has her planned chemotherapy tomorrow on 21 June and we would appreciate your prayers.
There have been some ministry highlights, and the best one is that Sachi said a few days ago, "I finally feel my strength is back after a long year", and was able to participate in the ministry again.
Doing the ministry and serving God together with her is the most fulfilling moment for me. Despite the extremely difficult past year and Sachi's continuing treatments that often force her to stay in bed, the fact that simile and laugher hasn't disappeared from our children's faces is a true testimony of God's grace and mercy. Glory to Jesus! and we feel better and thankful in our mission's field, Austria.
1.) 11 June, Aurora ran its first ever fund-raising soccer tournament named Kick'n für Aurora.
Aurora is a NGO that offers support to people in prostitution through social work. They do it by providing information in several languages via an online platform which will be launched in autumn. Another project will be a housing program for women who would like to take a break from their work due to pregnancy or who would like to reorientate and find another job. Please visit and support: (German only for now but you will see and sense their hardworking professional work).
In Austria, it's said, 6000-7000 women are working in prostitution and 95% of them are migrants. Our very good friend, Esther and her friend, Anna founded the organization just in 2020.
As it's a newly established organization, it needed to raise fund for their work. I had a privilege of helping plan and organize the soccer tournament, and Sachi baked the Japanese green tea cheesecake to bless the players and supporters!
As the planning team was organizing the tournament, there were challenges and difficulties one after another, but at each setback, the Lord intervened amazingly and faithfully. As I witnessed God's provisions for Aurora, I was really encouraged and convinced that the Lord of the universe has special plans for this organization. I had been to/played in/run many soccer tournaments before, but as many of our feedbacks testified, the Aurora tournament was literally the best tournament I have ever taken part in.
Aurora initially aimed for a few thousands Euros for the fund-raising event, but the Lord blessed with 14.266,03 € !! Praise the name of the Lord!
2.) On 12 June, the Neue Heimat celebrated "the celebration of hope". A team from Germany came to help prepare for the event, invite people in and do different booths and activities for people to enjoy. 58 adults (half of them are Muslims) and a lot of children from various countries came to participate in it.
"How do you find hope in unclear times?" was the theme of the event. Two people shared their testimonies of how Jesus Christ helped them through the most difficult times of their lives. The Gospel message was powerfully presented from Matthew 11: 28-30 that having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the key to unshakable hope in uncertain times.
Oh, how we love Muslim people! It's always very encouraging for me and Sachi to see Muslims hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ because it's the only truth that can set them and us free from the lies we believe in, from the bondage of sin and from the eternal death.
Big thanks to all who prayed for, helped or participated in the celebration. (We were a bit curious and concerned about how Muslims would find Sushi but the ones Sachi made were well received!)
Please pray with us that more Muslims in Linz will be reached with the Gospel and they too will be born again by the Holy Spirit. May the revival come and the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ be magnified in Austria.
Jesus Christ: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11: 28-30
Video: Pictures from the soccer tournament and the celebration of hope.
1.)6月11日、Aurora(アウロラ)はKick'n für Auroraというファンドレイズ(資金調達)のためのサッカー・トーナメントを開催しました。
Auroraは、ソーシャルワーク(社会福祉事業)を通じて、売春をしている人々を支援するNGOです。どのように支援するのかというと、オンラインプラットフォームを介して(インターネット上で)複数の言語で情報を提供することによって(今秋スタート)、またもう一つのプロジェクトは、妊娠のために休職したい、または売春を離れて別の仕事を見つけたい女性のための住宅支援プログラムです。 詳しくはホームページをご覧いただき、お祈りサポートお願いします:現在はドイツ語のみですが、彼女たちのプロフェッショナルさ、懸命さが伝わってきます)
トーナメントを一から企画する中で、次々とチャレンジや困難がありましたが、その都度、主は驚くほど忠実に介入してくださいました。Auroraに対する神さまの備えを目の当たりにして、創造主がこの団体に特別なご計画を持っておられることを肌で感じ、励まされました。僕は今まで多くのサッカー・トーナメントに参加・プレー・運営してきましたが、今回多くの選手や観客のフィードバックにあるように、Kick'n für Auroraはこれまで参加した中で最も素晴らしいトーナメントでした。
2.)6月12日、開拓教会Neue Heimatは「希望のセレブレーション」という伝道集会を祝いました。ドイツから短期宣教チームが来て、イベント準備の手伝い、人々の招待、楽しいブースやアクティビティーをしてくれ、さまざまな国から大人58名(半数はイスラム教徒)と多くの子どもたちが参加しました。
ビデオ: サッカー・トーナメントと希望のセレブレーションの写真