To serve the isolated islanders/孤島の人々に仕えるために
There are many isolated islands in the world that do not have an airport. Ship is the only transportation to reach out to the people.
As the YWAM Ship KOHA (Youth With The Mission) called at Littleton Harbor in Christchurch for maintenance and repairs, current and ex-YWAMers (missionaries ) gathered and had time of worship and prayer.
Our family currently belongs to a mission organization called OM, but since I’m a former YWAM member, I attended the meeting with Geoff Colvin also an ex-YWAMer.
The KOHA is a medical ship that not only provides medical care but also shares the gospel, love and hope of Jesus Christ to the isolated islanders. (See the video for details)
Although we are all sent and placed in different places, it was a great encouragement to spend time with people who have the same heart to share the love and truth of our Lord Jesus.
Please remember the staff and medical practitioners of the ship in your prayers.
ユース・ウィズ・ザ・ミッション(YWAM )KOHA号が、修理のためニュージーランドのリトルトン港に寄港するのにあわせて、YWAM関係者が集まり、賛美と祈りの時を持ちました。