Live report from the toilet/トイレから生中継


I, Aki have used countless toilets in my life like you have, but the toilet at Shibusawas ranks one of the best. It has no latest technologies and the seat is cold but the toilet wall is full of Scriptures. (I personally call it “the Holy Toilet”. The walls of the Shalom House (the name of Shibusawa home) are with Scriptures too.)

I'm more and more aware everyday that the spiritual battle field is/starts nowhere but 'in our mind'. We're daily bombarded with flooding information from the media, SNS, TV, etc (a lot of them has no eternal significance or even has negative impact on us) and there's been no such time like 'today' in history in which we desperately need God's Word to fill our mind.  

In his book, The Prayer of the Lord, R.C. Sproul states, "I think the greatest weakness in the church today is that almost no one believes that God invests His power in the Bible. Everyone is looking for power in a program, in a methodology, in a technique, in anything and everything but that in which God has placed it—His Word. He alone has the power to change lives for eternity, and that power is focused on the Scriptures."

Though I think his statement is rather radical, it is true God has invested a lot in the Bible and His power is manifested through His Word. 

When we believe in God's Word, obey Him and take action accordingly by faith, God meets us there. He enables us to do what He has planned. He accomplishes it through us. It's proven again and again not only in the Bible but also in our world. 

Sachi and I appreciate privileges of meeting and living with people of such faith here in Christchurch through whom the Lord has been revealing His glory. Then our prayer is "Lord, fill us more with Your Word, Spirit and Presence."

The wall of the toilet/トイレの壁

The wall of the toilet/トイレの壁

In my ver private time I’m reminded of who I am/とてもプライベートな時間に「私は何者か」についてリマインドされます。

In my ver private time I’m reminded of who I am/とてもプライベートな時間に「私は何者か」についてリマインドされます。

With the founder of Rodem House, Young Gi (Center) and the current leader/top of the ministry, Kyoung Young (left)ロデムハウスの創設者、ヨン・ギーさん(中央)と現在の同ミニストリーのトップ、キョンヨンさんと一緒に

With the founder of Rodem House, Young Gi (Center) and the current leader/top of the ministry, Kyoung Young (left)


I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Very unreal but truly amazing testimony of God’s work through this man of God. I praised and thanked the Lord for what He has been doing through Young Gi.話してくださったことを聴きながら、何度も耳を疑うほどびっくりしましたが、本当に神さまの御業の証し。ヨン・ギーさん…

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Very unreal but truly amazing testimony of God’s work through this man of God. I praised and thanked the Lord for what He has been doing through Young Gi.


With uncle Graham and aunty Lucyファーセット夫妻と一緒に

With uncle Graham and aunty Lucy


Heroes of faith. Gideon and Grace of Japanese church in Dunedin. Geoff Colvin and Paster Ken.信仰のヒーローたち。ダニーデン日本人教会のギデオン牧師とグレイスさん。ジェフとパスター(渋)ケン。

Heroes of faith. Gideon and Grace of Japanese church in Dunedin. Geoff Colvin and Paster Ken.


僕も皆さんのように、人生で数え切れないほどのトイレを使用しました。しかし、渋沢家のトイレは最高ランクのトイレです。別に日本のトイレのような最新技術はありませんが、壁は聖書の御言葉でいっぱいです。 (僕は個人的にそれをホーリー(聖なる)トイレと呼んでいます。家中の至る所に御言葉が書かれています。)


The Prayer of the Lordの中で、著者R.C.スプロールは次のように述べています。「今日の教会の最大の弱点は、神が聖書に力を注いでいると信じている人がほとんどいないことだと思います。誰もがプログラム、方法論、技術、それ以外のあらゆるものに力を求めています。しかし神は彼の言葉の中に力を備えられました。神だけが永遠に命(人生)を変える力を持ち、その力は聖書に集中しています。」(矢部訳なので、原文の英文をご確認ください↑)




Akihiro Yabe