The risen Lord/よみがえられた主
The combination of simultaneously receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy is exhausting and increases fatigue and side effects. Next Monday is the last radiation therapy, but Lior has got a high fever and a bad cough, so he did the PCR test today and is waiting for the result. Please pray that the Lord will heal Lior and protect Sachi, so that she can receive all the necessary radiotherapy well.
The result of my allergy test came back, and surprisingly I don't have the gluten intolerance. Praise the Lord! But as my disturbing symptoms persist, especially after eating wheat products, my house doctor has planned some other medical tests.
Liana is often happy and sings at the supermarket, library and everywhere. Lior, however, has been having a difficult time. He would suddenly burst into tears at night, not only once but several nights. We were perplexed and concerned. He then told us that he is so afraid of going to hell. We talked him through the Gospel. He knows it and believes in Jesus and prays to Him, yet he was still in fear. One day he opened up to Sachi that he feared that mom might die. Lior was very afraid that if he couldn't go to heaven, he wouldn't be able to meet mom.
Since the cancer diagnosis, Lior had been keeping himself stable, but obviously the 8 year old was battling against fear. We explained to him that mom is under very good treatments, and that God has promised and will help her live longer. We then also told him that everyone will die 100%, and it's so important to have a personal relationship with Jesus and follow Him on the earth. He nodded and he is more at ease now.
What is hell? In a simple sense, it's the absence of God/the place where God is absent. God is in Heaven (Ecc 5:2), He is holy and cannot dwell with sin (Psa 5:4). Therefore, although many want to go to heaven, if one refuses God and the forgiveness of sin, there is unfortunately no way left except for hell (Mat 12:31). God became a man and died for our sins. (Phi 2:5-8) Why? Because He wants everyone to be saved (1 Tim 2:4-6) - that's His heart. So, we, who know His heart, strive for the salvation of the lost souls.
The topic of hell was repeatedly in my mind, and the Easter approached. On the Easter Monday, our family received a kind invitation to some Easter (extended) family gathering. We celebrated the resurrection of the Lord with the people from the Rhema church.
During the gathering Sachi and I had a big (God's Kingdom) culture shock. Great grandparents to great grand children, the four generations were pouring their hearts out before God, praying and worshiping, some even kneeling down to worship Jesus.
Sachi and I are the first generation believers in our families and we had never seen anything like that. At church, you can worship God relatively easily. But at your family gathering...? Your family knows not only your good sides but also shortcomings, so pouring our your heart in worship might feel awkward. Another time I will write how the Rhema church started, but at the family gathering, Sachi and I somehow sensed why God has blessed the church - the church loves, serves and follows the RISEN Lord.
After the gathering, we got this message: "The Lord has been so faithful saving us, why should we not praise him! Was a pleasure to have your family with us. We love Sachi, the Kids and you."
Yes, life can be difficult at times. It’s one of the first things I hear when interacting with refugees and immigrants. Life is not easy for our family neither but on your side and our side is the victorious One who rose from the dead and paved a way for us to Heaven.
Thank You, Jesus for the reality of Your resurrection that conquered death and has given us the eternal life. (2 Tim 1:10)
神は人となり、私たちの罪のために死んでくださりました(ピリピ2:5-8)。なぜ?神はすべての人が救われることを望んでおられるからです − それが主の御心です(1テモテ2:4-6)。ですから、主の御心を知っている私たちは、人々の救いのために尽力します。
僕もサチも家族の中で最初に救われた第1世代なので、そのような光景を見たことがありませんでした。教会で神さまを礼拝することは比較的容易です。でも、家族・親族の集まりでは...?家族は自分の良い面だけでなく、欠点も知っているので、そこで心を注ぎ出して礼拝することは、ぎこちなく感じるかもしれません。後日、レマ教会がどのように始まったか書きたいと思いますが、今回の集まりで、神さまがレマ教会を祝福しておられる理由が分かった気がしました − 教会がよみがえられた主を愛し、主に仕え、従っています。