Thank you/お礼

Thank you so very much for your prayers! Praise the Lord that Sachi was able to finish all the 15 times radiotherapy! 

After Lior‘s Covid positive result, we asked the Lord for wisdom, protection and guidance and He showed us His grace and faithfulness once again. 

Tabea and her family offered Sachi and Liana to stay with them, so that Sachi would be protected from Covid before the radiotherapy. (Tabea’s mom even cooked something Asian, the delicious sweet-sour beef (?!) also for us in quarantine. Surely felt at home and God’s love) 

Sachi was then able to drive to the hospital with a free taxi this morning for the very important last radiotherapy, while Tabea kindly looked after Liana on her valuable day off. 

The doctor confirmed that the skin is still in a good condition despite the radiotherapy, and Sachi successfully finished the very exhausting treatment, Glory and honor to the Lord Jesus!

Lior‘s conditions are getting better - able to eat again and fever dropping a bit, but I‘m starting to feel a bodily pain. 

We would like to humbly ask you to keep us in your prayers. 





理央の状態は良くなってきています- 再び食べることができ、熱が少し落ちました、が、僕も体に痛みを感じ始めています。


Akihiro Yabe