It’s finally here again/遂に再びここへ
We’re finally at the ministries of Building Bridges (OM Austria) again.
At our first week we participated in the team-study on how the Koran came into place, Church planting and House of Hope (Center for asylum seekers and refugees). There are several ministries that Building Bridges (the team we belong to) is doing but all ministries are aimed for planting a church specialized for immigrant and refugees who have Muslim backgrounds. Muslims and ex-Muslims need special approaches, explanations, etc when it comes to understanding the Bible.
Sachi and I didn’t understand Farsi, Turkish and German languages being spoken at the church service but we were deeply moved that we’re finally here in Linz where God has called us to serve Him and people.
Our family has been constantly sick (even Sachi, who is normally very fit and healthy has got very sick twice so far during this time’s short stay in Europe) and we’re daily reminded of the importance and power of prayers. Thank you very much for standing with us in prayers.
Prayer requests:
For our family’s health and God’s protection
For God’s guidance as we look for a house to live in, Lior’s school, a car, etc.
Church planting/教会開拓
この最初の週、私たちは「コーランがどのように生まれたのか」というチームの学び会で学んだり、教会の開拓ミニストリーに参加したり、ハウス オブ ホープ(亡命希望者と難民のためのセンター)で奉仕しました。
この渡欧中僕ら家族は常に病気にかかっており(通常は超健康で病気知らずのサチでさえ、このヨーロッパでの短い滞在中にこれまで2回ひどい腹痛や病気になりました)、日々祈りの重要性と祈りの力を思い知らされています。 祈りをもって私たち家族と共に立ってくださり心から感謝しています。
① 家族の健康と神さまの守り
② 住まいとなる家や理央の学校、車を祈り求めています。神さまが導いてくださるように