Change of treatment plan/ 治療計画の変更
First of all, we thank you so much for your prayers. We are really and literally experiencing the answers of prayers and things that wouldn't usually happen.
Two days ago, on Wednesday we got this very spontaneous email from our house doctor:
Dear Family Yabe!
We have 2 second doses of the covid vaccine Pfizer/Biontech today, if you want to vaccinate earlier. In Austria we inject the second dose between 3-6 weeks from the first one. You can come today for the vaccination between 17.00-18.30. It would be the best for your wife to vaccinate before all the treatments start.
Again, we are not in the Austrian medical system yet (only from December), so we can't normally get the vaccination so quickly, even though we pay for it. We then found out that our house doctor had pressured the vaccine supplier so that Sachi could be vaccinated before the treatments start. Now, we are both fully vaccinated. When chemotherapy starts, immune system will be weakened. So, the timing was truly ideal.
...I only can imagine how difficult this time is for both of you now but all specialists are working at their best for your wife.
All the best
Ordination Dr. Schmid
We are continuously overwhelmed by and thankful for the thoughtfulness and kindness of our house doctor.
Yesterday, on Thursday we went to the Barmherzige Schwestern Hospital, one of the best hospitals for breast cancer in Linz, for the second opinion. Manuela, one of the worship leaders of our local church came to help us with translation. And again, without her we couldn't have made it. The consultation to the doctor was comforting for us because she was confirming that the treatments Sachi will receive at the Kepler Universitätsklinikum, the university hospital are good and exactly what they would do at their hospital. (I contacted our friend in Japan, a medical oncologist and she also confirmed that we would get the same treatments in Japan) Sachi was comforted and confident for the treatments she will go through.
Today, on Friday we went to talk with the oncologist for the treatment plan. Esther willingly offered to come with us again but from today the third (accompanying) person was not allowed to enter the hospital due to the increasing Covid cases in Austria. We felt God's mercy in this because we needed most help until today as it has been emotionally so difficult for us and we had to do much consideration and make many decisions. Now and from now on we could manage the communication with the hospital by ourselves because we know exactly what it is, what the plan to treat it, who is involved in treatments and what to expect, etc.
The talk with the oncologist was very beneficial. He happens to be one of top oncologists in Austria and he told us that the cancer is still in the earlier stage although it’s in the lymph node, and he is confident that it’s curable.
Then he offered Sachi a so-called "study protocol". Simply put, it's a medical experiment in treatment but in the medical world, if the new treatment doesn't look promising, it's not allowed to carry out. So, the results will be better or in the worst case the same as the standard treatment. Because Sachi happens to fulfill all the necessary conditions (cancer type and stage, age, etc), she can be entitled to the “study protocol” where she will get a bit less chemotherapy. Another good thing about this study protocol is that because it’s also for a study and research purpose, Sachi will be more frequently and closely checked, monitored and examined before/during/after the treatments. We have decided to participate in it.
But because of this, she has to do more check-ups in advance and her treatments start on 28 July now, not on 19th next Monday as initially planned. The study protocol (targeted therapy)/chemotherapy will be for about 6 months, then the surgery and hormone therapy follow. (Two different doctors confirmed that waiting 10 more days till the treatment wouldn't make any difference. Sachi will be admitted to the hospital on 27 until 29 July).
Again and again, we thank you for your continuous prayers. It's the biggest support we can get, thank you.
We really appreciate our local church people and Lior’s classmates’ families (believers) for helping us try to live the “ordinary” life in our out-of-the-ordinary days. When we spend time with them, we hardly think about worries, etc, and it’s a massive help.
昨日、木曜日にセカンドオピニオンのためにBarmherzige Schwestern病院に行きました。乳がんに関してとても評判の良い病院で、マヌエラ(地元のワーシープリーダーの一人)が通訳のため同席してくれました。僕たち2人だけでは病院内での手続きなどに倍以上の時間がかかったり、うまくセカンドオピニオン聞けなかったかもしれません。マネエラなしでは難しかったと思います。セカンドオピニオンはサチにとってとても励まされる内容でした。ケプラー大学病院でサチが受けようとしている治療は、Barmherzige Schwestern病院が行う治療と同じだったからです。(日本にいる腫瘍内科医の友人にも意見を聞いたところ、日本でも同じ治療を受けると教えてもらえたので、更にとても安心しました。)サチは、自分が受ける治療について安心し、納得や自信を得ることができました。