After a 2 year long lesson/2 年のレッスンを経て


After a lot of prayers and discussions Y&Y Ministry and Minemachi Christ Church (our sending church) have agreed that we, the Yabe family will start using the donations ($1,000 per month at maximum) in Japan while we do ministries with OM Japan. There were some reasons and a particular background that made us decide not to use the donations until Austria, but we’re thankful to God for this new decision. $1,000 per month is of course not enough for a family of four but let me share my testimony. 

When I got burned-out in 2018, I became unable to work. For the last 2 years, I’ve been tempted many times to go back to a secular full-time job, but whenever I asked God, His answer was “no”. Now I look back and know that He wanted to teach me some important things. I wanted an easy remedy and asked Y&Y Ministry for a financial help. But we concluded that If I can’t learn to trust God for His promise and provision now, how could I in the future on a mission field where things could be more difficult ? Their answer was “no” too. 

That was the point when I began seriously and wholeheartedly seeking God and trusting His promises to take care of our family. David’s testimony in Psalm 37:25 was my comfort and hope; “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous (One who trusts in the Lord) forsaken or their children begging bread.” 

The last 2 years our family spent 6 months in New Zealand. There Lior went to a private Christian kindergarten and elementary school for 5 months in total. Then we travelled to Europe for 3 months. During all these times we had no income. David’s testimony was true. 

Not only was God faithful, but He also wanted to break my unbelief and worry about finances and life. He wanted me to understand that whether He directly provides finances and necessities or a job for me to earn money from, in either case He is the One that provides and my/our life is in His caring hands as His Word says. So, I don’t have to worry. I should not worry. 

When God says, “Don’t worry”, it’s not a nice recommendation but a command. We either obey or disobey. But He knows that we're easily tempted to worry and lose perspective and lack trust in God. The Lord is patient and gracious to teach us to be worry-free because worry wrecks our relationship with God. I’ve learned the lesson in a hard way and I’ll continue learning to obey.

We’re more than grateful for this monthly regular income of $1,000 after 2 years of the lesson and we’ll use the money with much gratitude and care. And I know and pray that God will be faithful to provide everything needed for our family and for you who do God's missions together with us. 

Lastly, I have attached below the letter from Yuji Sato, the head of Y&Y Ministry.

Dear everyone that supports Y&Y Ministry,

    About the future mission plan of the Yabe family

 June 7, 2019

 Yuji Sato, the head of Y&Y Ministry 

Thank you for your prayers and various support for Yabes’ missions work. 

The family had been preparing for their missions work in Austria while staying in Germany and Austria. However, the preparation was suspended due to the spread of Covid-19, and they returned to Japan in April. Currently, the Yabe family is staying at Sachie’s parent’s house in Iwate prefecture and going to the OM office (Mission organization that the family belongs to) in Miyagi prefecture while coordinating the future activities. 

However, the future situation is uncertain, and we do not know when it will be possible to travel abroad or conduct missions work overseas. Having consulted with related organizations including the mother church and OM Austria, we have prayed and discussed many times about the future, and the decision was made that for the time being the Yabe family will stay in Iwate and participate in missions work (Church planting) that OM Japan has been in Tome City, Miyagi. Of course it does not mean that the Austria mission was canceled, and we will continue to prepare for the missionary activities mainly focused on the Muslim refugee ministry. Akihiro has already quit his job and is devoted to living for the Lord. Initially we were planning to use the donations you have given at the start of missions work in Austria, but if it is difficult to do missions work overseas now and if the Yabes will be involved in church-planting in Japan, in a broad sense, the missionaries’ work has already begun, so we would like to use the donations in Japan too. Regarding the income and expenditure, we will report it in the newsletter Y&Y Ministry regularly publishes, but if you have any questions, please contact our Y&Y Ministry staff or the Yabes directly.  

Please pray that the Gospel will be preached through the missionary Yabe and many people will believe in Jesus Christ both in Japan and overseas. Pray also that the road to Austria will open soon. We will keep you updated about the missionary Yabe through newsletters, blogs, Facebook, etc. Thank you.

Greetings from Y&Y Ministry support group in Japanese. 

Kids know how to unlock my cellphone and take photos. 子どもたちはどうやって僕の携帯のロック解除して写真を撮るか知っているようです。

Kids know how to unlock my cellphone and take photos. 子どもたちはどうやって僕の携帯のロック解除して写真を撮るか知っているようです。

たくさんの祈りと話し合いの結果、Y&Yミニストリーと峰町キリスト教会(母教会)は、私たち夫婦がOM Japanのミニストリーに加わるにあたり、献金を使うことで合意しました(最大月額10万円)。いくつかの理由や特有の背景からオーストリアまで献金を使わないと決めていましたが、この新しい決断を神さまに感謝しています。もちろん、月10万円では4人家族には不十分ですが、僕の証しをシェアさせてください。


真剣にそして心から主を求め、神さまが僕ら家族をケアしてくださるという約束を信頼し始めたのは、そのときでした。詩篇37篇25節のダビデの証しが僕の慰めと希望でした。 「私が若かったときも、また年老いた今も、正しい者(神に信頼する者)が見捨てられたり、その子孫が食べ物を請うのを見たことがない。」






YY ミニストリー(矢部宣教師を支える会)の皆様へ



YY ミニストリー代表 佐藤裕司


さて、矢部宣教師はオーストリアで宣教活動を行うため、ドイツ・オーストリアに滞在 しながら準備を進めてきました。しかし、コロナウイルス感染症拡大のため準備を中断 し、4月に日本に戻りました。現在は、岩手県にある妻の幸恵さんの実家に滞在し、宮城県にある OM(矢部宣教師を派遣する宣教団体)の事務所に通いながら、これからの活動 について調整を進めているところです。

しかし、今後の情勢については見通しが立たず、いつ海外渡航や海外での活動が可能になるかわからない状況です。関係団体と相談をしながら、今後について何度も話し合いを重ねてきましたが、しばらくは岩手県に滞在し OM が宮城県登米市で行っている開拓伝道 に関わりながら、日本での宣教活動を行うこととなりました。 もちろんオーストリアでの宣教が中止になったわけではなく、難民支援を中心とした海外 での宣教活動の準備は今後も進めて参ります。矢部宣教師はすでに仕事を辞め、主のために献身をして生活しています。本来であれば、オーストリアでの海外宣教が始まった時点 で皆様に捧げていただいた献金を用いる予定でしたが、海外での宣教が難しい今、日本で開拓伝道を進めていくということであれば、広い意味で矢部宣教師の宣教活動はすでに始まっておりますので、捧げていただいた献金を日本にいる間も活用させていただきたいと 考えています。収支につきましては、定期的に発行していますニュースレターにて報告を させていただきますが、ご不明なことやご質問等がありましたら、YY ミニストリースタッフにお声かけいただくか、直接矢部宣教師までご連絡ください。

日本においても海外においても、矢部宣教師を通して福音が宣べ伝えられイエス・キリ ストを信じる人が多く起こされるように引き続きお祈りください。また、オーストリアへ の道も早く開かれるようにお祈りください。矢部宣教師の様子につきましては、これから もニュースレター、ブログ、Facebook 等でお伝えしていきます。


Akihiro Yabe