White blood cells/白血球
Last two times we had to overlook the treatments postponed because Sachi's blood counts were too low. At our last prayer request, we asked you to pray for a dramatic increase in the white cell value, and it really did! It wasn't yet within the normal range but enough for the next chemotherapy.
We also had a good talk with the doctor yesterday and he explained why the amount of chemotherapy had to be reduced from now on. Medically speaking, it's much better and effective to regularly (every three weeks) infuse even the reduced amount than wait for weeks and infuse the standard amount.
Thanks to God, Sachi was able to receive her 25th chemotherapy yesterday and 5 more to go until the completion! For us yesterday's infusion was a God's miracle because Lior was tested covid positive a week prior but didn't go into quarantine because I, who was supposed to take care of him, also had a severe tonsillitis, had a 39 degree fever from Sunday to Thursday. Even so, Sachi was protected all through our sickness. Praise the Lord! And thank you!
Here is a little update from us:
Lior's birthday party was unfortunately postponed. (In Austria children hold a birthday party where they invite their friends.) But we did a 'family' birthday party. Gerhard and Martina, the Austrian grandparents hosted a party and it was also joined by the family Krömer. It's still a miracle for us that we have local people whom we call family and friends. From our work and neighborhood, we know many non-Austrians who have no local friend although they have been living here over 10, 20, 30 years...The party reminded us of God's goodness and grace over Lior and us.
A couple of months ago, with the understanding and support of the church-plant team, I started playing soccer at the senior team of Lior's soccer club every Friday. Fathers of Lior's teammates invited me in. On the field I also get to know a lot of refugees! We kick a ball from 18:30 till about 20:00, and the real game starts; beer drinking! Although I don't and can't drink alcohol and can understand only about 10 % of what they are taking in the dialect, it's a valuable opportunity to sit with the locals. I learn the real Austrian mentality, value, and culture, so on.
A big challenge in language/culture learning is often that you have no clue about what's being spoken when you're with the people. It's awkward and uncomfortable, but it's the best way to merge into the language and society. Yes, it's more comfortable for me to go home and eat dinner with chopsticks but I tell myself, "awkwardness and uncomfortableness can never be the excuse for me to miss the opportunity." Little by little, the locals started to accept me on and outside the field.
Around that time, a responsible person of the club team asked me, if I could teach goalkeeping to children under 10 and 9 years old. We started our first training this Monday. It's not at all easy to teach them without sufficient German language skills. "Catch the ball like a slice of pizza! Catch like a bulldozer!" Kids laugh but get what I mean! We had a lot of fun at the training.
Austria has its very rich history, and helping others in need or doing the common good for the society seems to be a big part in their lives. Investing time in the local sports club is also one of the charities. I'm excited to see what the Lord will bring about from our family's involvement in the local society and we're looking forward to meeting a person of peace (Luke 10:6) there. Let the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread in this town too.
Please also continue lifting Sachi up in your prayers as the first and second weeks from the chemotherapy are often difficult with side effects.
夫婦で医師から話しを聞き、なぜ今後抗がん剤の量を減らさなければならないかの説明も受けました。医学的には、数週間待ってから標準量を投与するよりも、減量した量でも定期的に(3 週間ごとに)投与する方がはるかに望ましく効果的なのだそうです。
神さまのあわれみにより、月曜日サチは25回目の抗がん剤を受けることができ、完了まで残りあと5回となりました!私たちにとって、今回の投与は神さまの奇跡です。なぜなら、理央が一週間前にコロナ陽性になりましたが、隔離できませんでした。というのも、看病するはずだった僕もひどい扁桃炎なり、日曜日から木曜日まで 39 度の熱があったからです。それでもサチは夫と子の病気の間ずっと守られました。主をほめたたえます!皆さんのお祈りのおかげです。