Letter to the leadership team/リーダーシップ・チームへの手紙


Neue Heimat, the church plant had been struggling with many factors but I feel like we've had a bit of break through recently. During the most daunting challenge time, every staff was praying and working hard, and the Lord impressed me to initiate an honest conversation among the leadership team. I'm still new to the team and I first hesitated. I only shared with Sachi, Uli and Esther beforehand, and I wrote a letter to the leadership team.

My stomach pain is stronger and more frequent these days and I wake up in the middle of the night with pain. After six different examinations, the doctor concluded the problem is gastritis. But with pain, fear and doubt floods my mind. "What if I still had something more serious that the doctor hasn't found? What if gastritis developed to something worse?" “We came all the way from Japan to serve but what we’ve been doing seems struggling with life and health.” I'm learning to say STOP to negativity and fear, and to trust Jesus instead. 

It was a letter to Neue Heimat, but the letter ministers to us in our current family struggles. A part of the letter is attached below if you have time and interest to read.

Worry or trust? Fear or faith? Complaint or word of encouragement? Doubt or hope? Negativity or positivity? In any situation we want to choose the latter because God loves us and He is with us. He is the victor and He gives us His victory. To Him all the glory and honor. Amen!

Prayer request:

We are advised that it’s not good to lose 10% of the body weight during chemotherapy and Sachi has already lost 3 to 4 kg, which is nearly the 10 %, although she tries to eat a lot and more frequently. Please pray that the Lord would help Sachi gain weight despite the side effects.

Letter to Neue Heimat

...............The Lord impressed me with Joshua 6. The story of the battle in Jericho. For six days the people of Israel were to march around the city once a day. On the seventh day, they were to march seven times and at the seventh round they shall shout! What struck me was verse 10. But Joshua had commanded the army, “Do not give a war cry, do not raise your voices, do not say a word until the day I tell you to shout.”

Joshua is saying, "Be quiet and be patient while marching!" Buy why? In such a situation if you were in the marching army, what would you feel? People of Jericho were watching you and even ridiculing you. If you say a word, what kind of word would it be? It'd likely be a word of negativity, complaint and doubt. It's natural to complain since such a tactic of war was unheard of when attacking a strong city. 

Joshua says NO to negativity because one person's word of complaint and doubt can influence the whole army, will spread very quickly and eventually decrease the motivation of God's people, which would interfere God's will and plan. 

From Day 1 to the sixth round on Day 7, there was not a hint of the city falling. People of Israel didn't see the result or the effect of their effort while marching. Their efforts seemed in vain. This is somehow similar to our situation at Neue Heimat. We do our best but we don't see the results.  

But the key is verse 2 Then the Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands.” The Lord said, it was His will and He will give them the victory. The most important question we must ask is "Is Neue Heimat God's Will?" Did God initiate the ministry to begin? After talking to Gernot and Susanne, I'm convinced that YES! It is God's Will. Then our responsibility is to be quiet and keep marching until the seventh round of the seventh day. 

I believe that in our situation "being quiet" means casting out negativity, overcoming doubt with faith, and keeping doing what we do. For example, in our staff meeting, it's necessary to share our struggles and hardships, but let's always end our sentences with a faith statement. "This and that is hard BUT God is good. He will make a way. etc". When we listen to struggles of refugees and immigrants, let's not only show empathy and sympathy but also help the person to look to Jesus and hold on to His promises. 

Our Seventh Day WILL come. We'll see God mightily move, lost souls get saved, people become refreshed and healed, and Jesus' name be glorified in Linz because Neue Heimat is God's Will and His Church. Until then, let us be encouraged, be quiet, cast out negativity and doubt from us, and keep marching! I love all of you, and God loves you even to the point of the Cross. 

We had a special prayer service for Afghanistan at Neue Heimat last week. 先週ノイエ・ハイマットでアフガニスタンのために祈る特別礼拝をもちました。

We had a special prayer service for Afghanistan at Neue Heimat last week. 先週ノイエ・ハイマットでアフガニスタンのために祈る特別礼拝をもちました。

Mr. A, a member of Neue Heimat from Azerbaijan has also had a break through in his life after 3 years of struggle. May God protect him and his family. 三年の試練の後、アゼルバイジャン出身のノイエ・ハイマットのメンバー、Aさんも最近ブレイク・スルーを経験しました。神さまが彼と彼の家族を守り祝福してくださいますように。

Mr. A, a member of Neue Heimat from Azerbaijan has also had a break through in his life after 3 years of struggle. May God protect him and his family. 三年の試練の後、アゼルバイジャン出身のノイエ・ハイマットのメンバー、Aさんも最近ブレイク・スルーを経験しました。神さまが彼と彼の家族を守り祝福してくださいますように。

When the weather was nice, we went for a walk. For us, Japanese rice balls 🍙 are the best lunch :) 天気のいい日に散歩しました。やっぱり日本人はおにぎり🍙

When the weather was nice, we went for a walk. For us, Japanese rice balls 🍙 are the best lunch :) 天気のいい日に散歩しました。やっぱり日本人はおにぎり🍙


僕の胃の痛みは最近より強くそしてより頻繁になり、夜中に痛みで目を覚ますこともあります。 6回の検査の後、医師は問題は胃炎であると診断しました。しかし痛みとともに、恐れや心配が押し寄せます。「医師が見つけられてないより悪いものがまだ隠れていたらどうしよう?もし胃炎が悪化してより深刻な病気になったらどうしよう?」「仕えるためにヨーロッパまで来たのに、やってることは生活や健康に葛藤しているだけに思えてします。」そんなネガティブな考えや恐れに、ストップ!と言い、イエスさまに信頼することを学んでいます。











しかし、鍵は2節です。主はヨシュアに仰せられた。「見よ。わたしはエリコとその王、および勇士たちを、あなたの手に渡した。」私たちが問うべき最も重要な質問は、「ノイエ・ハイマットは神の御心ですか?」神がこのミニストリーを始めまれましたか? ギャーノットとスザーナと話した後、私はそうだと確信しました!それは神の御心です。それなら私たちの責任は静かにして、七日目の第七周目まで行進し続けることです。



Akihiro Yabe