Final preparation / 最終準備
At the final stage of preparation for mission dispatch, we're surprised how challenging it is to prepare to move overseas with a family. Please pray for our final preparation.
I'll write a little update here.
1. As I wrote on Facebook's Y & Y ministry closed page (please contact me if you are interested in joining the page), Sachi successfully passed her German exam for our visa. We were told by her German teacher at her first lesson that if one wants to study and pass the exam in Japan, she/he would need to study for 1-2 years but Sachi has achieved it within 5 months thanks to God's grace, your prayers and support and Sachi's effort.
2. On December 20, at the Minemachi Christ Church, I did my last preaching before the dispatch. If you are interested, the video is attached below.
3. We have also bought items that are much cheaper in Japan or things that can only be purchased here. (Yes, we need a rice cooker!) That we can bring all of them in the plane, we don't know... (Can we put all of them in our suitcases?) But we will try bringing them to Austria!
4. Lior has started learning German!
We increasingly realize that missionary dispatch is not something that can be done alone. God's guidance and grace, your prayers and support, our dedication to our calling are all needed to make it happen.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ has reached our countries, our cities, our towns, and our places because God sent missionaries in the past. We feel so privileged to be sent likewise, to bring the Gospel to those who do not yet know the Lord Jesus, and we're blessed to do it together with you!
Comics for relaxation. 17 books for $30. What a bargain! リラックスのためのマンガ¥3000。
And she who doesn’t need to relax (she’s always relaxed) is reading it. リラックスする必要のない人が読んでいます。
1. FacebookのY&Yミニストリー非公開ページには書きましたが(非公開ページ参加に興味ある方は、ご連絡ください)、サチが無事にドイツ語試験合格しました。ドイツ語学校の初日、私たちは先生からこう言われました。「日本で勉強してこの試験に合格したいなら、通常1〜2年はかかります。」サチが5ヶ月で達成できたのは、神さまの恵み、みなさんのお祈りとサポート、幸恵の努力のおかげです。
2. 12月20日、峰町キリスト教会で、派遣前最後のメッセージ奉仕をしました。ご興味ある方は、添付のビデオをご覧ください。
3. 日本で買った方が安く質がいい物、日本でしか書けない物も買い揃えています。これらを全部飛行機に乗せれるかな?スーツケースに入るかな?どきどきです。
4. 理央もドイツ語の勉強始めました!