Send-Out Meeting / 壮行祈り会
On 5 December Y&Y Ministry (YYM) did the Yabe-family's send-out meeting. In it, not only the YYM core members and our Pastor Kenichi Osumi, but Steven and Keiko Smithdorf (OM Japan leaders) and Gernot and Susanne Spindler (Leaders of Building Bridges OM Austria) also made a speech. Sachi and I shared the testimonies of God's goodness and faithfulness.
Though it was our send-out meeting, the spotlight was on the Lord Jesus Christ alone. It's not about the Yabe family nor Y&Y Ministry. The mission is God's heart and it is HIS mission. We worshipped God together at the place and through online, and committed ourselves again to Himself and His mission, and people prayed for us and commissioned and sent us to the mission field.
You can watch the attached video and listen to Smithdorff's (from 25:00) and Spindlers' (from 40:00) messages in English but Sachi's and my testimonies are found here in English below.
Sachi's testimony: So far we've had a lot of obstacles, but I think this year has been the toughest. When we entered Europe earlier this year and thought we could finally start serving in Austria, Corona became wide-spread all over Europe and we had no choice but to return to Japan.
It wasn't possible to apply for our visa in Europe as initially planned. We had to cancel the house contract that we'd miraculously succeeded in getting. The contracted house is also canceled ... All our schedules changed. In addition, I also had to pass the German test to apply for the visa. I had no German understanding. I don't have the gift of language, and when I first saw the exam questions, I thought it was really impossible to pass. I said to my husband I'm sorry we may not be able to go to Austria because of me. The Covid situation in Europe was getting worse and we weren't sure when we can be back in Austria. I felt the road was closed. But what didn't change even at that time was God's calling for us; "Serving among the Muslims in Europe," and I was convinced of that, or that was the only conviction. It made us not give up. In a situation where this human strength and wisdom cannot do anything, we were privileged to see and experience the work that only God can do over and over again.
・ In Europe, while the Covid situation was severe, our whole family was protected and able to safely return to Japan.
・ A place to stay in Japan and a car were provided.
・Wonderful teachers for German study. Even though they are non-Christian, they gave me an exceptionally reasonable tuition fee. (Almost the half price)
・ God helped my German study.
・ A miraculous encounter with an Austrian official at the embassy during our visa application. He helped us with the difficult visa application during the corona confusion.
All of above and much more couldn't be possible by our own. I think God wanted to put us in such situations and let us experience God who makes impossible possible. We were able to see the work of God and really experience His splendor and power. This year has been a year that I really became convinced that unless God opens the door and leads us, we can't go to the mission field. If God leads us and we can really enter and settle in Austria at the end of this year, we want to continue to see the work only God can do and testify to it.
Aki's testimony: After thanking the pastors of Minemachi Christ Church, our both mothers, Y&Y core members, all our prayer supporters(you!) and Lord Jesus, I said the below:
I've always had a missionary I admire in my mind. That is Pastor Ken Shibusawa. I wanted to be like him who has so much energy and joy, gets accepted by the locals straight away, and leads people to the Lord powerfully. He is my missionary role model.
Two years ago, when I was trying hard to make our mission dispatch happen, I burned out badly. The diagnosis was the autonomic nervous system disorder. I struggled with myself as I felt I was moving away from my ideal missionary image. My burnout has not been completely cured yet, and I remain weaker.
Many times I thought I should give up on my missionary call because of my weakness, but as the Lord says in Zechariah 4 ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ the One who has called us has always been faithful. This very fact that we are standing here today is only thanks to the power and grace of God.
One day as I was overcome by pain and uncontrollable fear and anxiety, and praying to God for help in my bed, I felt He spoke to my heart. He said, "You know where to ask for help." I understood that what He wanted to say was this: " You know who to ask for help. But there are many who are wandering in darkness and fear and don't know where to ask for help. I want to save them."
・ Matthew 18: 12-14
Why has the Gospel reached you and me? It could also have been the next person and not you. But you and I were saved. That is because Jesus really wanted to save you. Because you were the "one lost sheep" that Jesus was looking for. God does not want any one to perish. It's written in the Bible. God really loves you and your family. That's why He was able to endure the Cross. And there're so many other "one lost sheep" in the world who do not know Christ yet. Jesus wants to save those people as well.
If I was God, I would not not choose our family for the mission. There should be more suitable people out there. But, the fact that we are standing here shows God's passion. Even by using such a weak and small family like us, God wants to tell the redemption through the cross and the hope of resurrection to those who don't know Jesus yet.
We will bring the Gospel to refugees and migrants with an Islamic background in Austria, by helping the refugee center, immigrant children's programs, and visiting refugee homes. And we'll be involved in a church planting project specialized for them.
Our first contract is for two years, but as long as the Lord calls us, we want to serve Him and people in Europe for a longer period like, 10, 20 and 30.
With God's mercy and your prayers and support, we have finally come to the start line. Thank you for your prayers and support. And we would like continue serving the Lord and doing His mission together.
Y&Y Ministry Send-Out Meeting
わいわいミニストリー・コアメンバーや峰町キリスト教会大角健一牧師のあいさつだけでなく、OM日本代表 スミスドルフ夫妻は宮城県から駆けつけてくれ、OMオーストリア・ビルディング・ブリッジーズ(BB)代表 スピンドラー夫妻もビデオメッセージで参加してくれました。
① 開会のあいさつ&賛美:6:05〜
② わいわいミニストリー代表 佐藤裕司あいさつ:18:20〜
③ わいわいミニストリー コアメンバーあいさつ:19:20〜
④ OM日本代表 スミスドルフ・スティーブン&契子あいさつ:25:00〜
⑤ OMオーストリアBB代表 スピンドラー・ギャーノット&スザーナあいさつ:40:00〜
⑥ 峰町キリスト教会 大角健一牧師あいさつ:43:25〜
⑦ 矢部ファミリーあいさつ
⑧ 事務連絡:1:05:00〜
⑨ 送り出す祈り:1:10:15〜
⑩ 賛美&閉会:1:14:15〜