Blog start/ブログ始めました
Y&Y Ministry blog has started. We’re going to write our updates, prayer requests, etc here. Please check this blog when you remember us and pray for us.
From the bottom of our heart, we thank Michio Nagata, a very good friend of ours, who suggested and offered to create this Y&Y Ministry website from scratch.
Michio is a professional photographer and the founder of In Him Pictures. His pictures are appreciated throughout the world.
He and his wife, Megumi with their son, Judah have been serving the Lord and people in Israel through Bridges For Peace (BFP). Most of the videos that BFP broadcasts to the world are made by Michio. (Japanese)
Please remember the Nagata family in your prayers and if you feel led by the Lord, we’d deeply appreciate you participate in their Israel mission by prayer and giving!
We also thank so much Tomohiko Sagawa for overseeing the project, Chiharu Yuzawa for taking our family photos, Gahee Hong for her picture and Kojiro Matsubayashi for letting us use his lithograph.
Our great appreciation goes to Pastor Hiroyuki Anjiki, Pastor Martin Meyer, David Gava for writing endorsements.
Why have we made the website? Only one reason. To bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to people in need of it. We’d like many people to get involved in the Great Commission. We want to see many souls be saved and experience God together. To our God alone be all the glory!
Michio Nagata/永田道生君
The Nagata family/永田ファミリー
道生君はプロのカメラマンでIn Him Picturesの創設者です。彼の写真は世界中で高く評価されています。