Together /一緒に


There is an African proverb that goes something like this: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

A few weeks ago, the Lord God opened the door to a refugee house in a neighboring town. I visited the house on the outskirts of town to invite refugees to the international soccer that we play every Saturday. The skeptical eyes of the Austrian care worker and the Middle Eastern refugee, who were sitting in the garden talking, softened as soon as I told them of the purpose of my visit. And that weekend, eight young refugees joined us on the soccer field.

Then, during my regular visits to them, they told me about their own countries, we talked about hobbies and family, enthusiastically discussed religions, and they even cooked a local African dish.

Four fellow African Muslim young men share a small room. They had each had their own private room until recently, but when three Syrian families moved in, they gave up their rooms. The room looks cramped, but a young man told me that being together offers them a sense of comfort and peace of mind. He said that although the single room was comfortable, being alone forced him to remember past traumas, and there were nights when he could not sleep at all due to fear and anxiety. He then showed me his history of medication prescribed by the psychiatrist.

The boys led me to the table and we shoveled the food to our mouths with our right hands. In their country, they said, every meal comes with a banana. Is it something like kimchi for Koreans or green tea for Japanese? Their staple diet is rice or pasta. Rice with banana, meat with banana, spaghetti with banana. It is surprisingly good and delicious! Despite my excitement at this first banana experience, the young men suddenly turned their heads down, as if a switch had been turned off. They told me: since six months to a year after they arrived in Austria, their daily activity has been to just eat and sleep, day after day. They have no job, and just waiting to enroll in a German language school, these are hard days for these energetic young men.

This is true not only for them but also for the majority of refugees, but even these people can change for positive little by little, when someone visits them regularly, stays close to them (not because it’s one’s job, but as a friend), and listens to them (their heart‘s cry). Cultural, language, and religious differences shouldn’t be a reason for not visiting or not spending time, if we believe they are also human beings love by the Lord God. You can play soccer, work in the garden, drink tea, make CVs, or whatever. By doing something together, they slowly change - Jesus changes them. I have witnessed such changes several times.

One Sunday I sat next to someone who was sitting alone during the Sunday worship service. The next couple of weeks, I sat next to him. I decided to do it, because I had seen someone else do it and was impressed. I just sit next to him, praise God next to him, and listen to the sermon next to him. After the worship service, he told me with tears in his eyes. He said, "I know you have a family and would prefer to sit with them, but thank you for coming to sit next to me." Needless to say, time with family is very important. But maybe I can take time with my family at other times, but not with him. With the understanding of my wife and children, we have decided to sit that way, as needed, asking the Holy Spirit.

In the first place, Jesus left heaven and came down to us, so that the Creator God and man could be "together" again (John 6:38). The Lord died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected on the third day. He voluntarily and willingly did it to remove the gap that existed between God and man, making possible a life again in which man could worship and walk with Him. There is no other life greater than the life we live with the Lord Jesus, with our sins forgiven, with the assurance of and hope for heaven, and with the love of God all around us.

Jesus' words. He said, "Love one another, just as I have loved you." (John 15:12) "Love your neighbor as yourself." (Mark 12:31)

We may feel more at ease alone. We may be more free by ourselves. But we have the heart of Jesus as children of God. There is strength in being together and sharing life together. So, don’t we want to live life together with the Lord, with our faith family, and with unbelievers?


(If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.)









Akihiro Yabe