A little courage/少しの勇気


Praise report: Due to a long lasting headache, Sachi went to a CT scan examination of the brain. The result didn’t find anything wrong. We thank and praise the Lord.

Someone new comes to your church service or church event. You notice him/her. What would you do?

I’m an extravert-looking introvert. I enjoy getting to know and conversing with people, but it costs me effort and energy. (In solitude I recharge myself.) So, I need to be intentional when going to a stranger to greet him/her; it doesn’t come naturally to me. But what would I feel, if I was in his/her shoes? I would prefer to be approached and friendlily welcomed after all, than left unnoticed.

On Saturday, Sachi and I took some international people to the Church Breakfast (a monthly event of scrumptious Austrian breakfast ministry) of Rhema church. At InterK, the intercultural ministry we do at Rhema, our team wants to work together with existing ministries of the church, so we are using every possible opportunity.

The internationals we took all enjoyed the Breakfast very much and said, they would invite some others from their ethnic groups next time. Mrs. M, the organizer of the event, sat at the table with us and held a welcoming and friendly conversation with the guests. Mr. F, a staff member of InterK also came to spend time with us later.

One of the guests, Y. was particularly touched and wanted to explore more in Christianity. Y. typed in the cellphone and showed us the translated texts, “I will research more about Christianity. When my research is complete and I become a Christian, I will be bold to my family that I am a Christian.” (Please note: in their culture to become a Jesus follower means that they may possibly be abandoned by their family or worst be killed.)

The next day, Y. wanted to visit a diaspora (same language/ethnic) church to learn more about Christianity, so Liana and I accompanied the seeker. This was especially encouraging, because we’d been encouraging Y. to visit the church for a long time, but Y. was always hesitant.

In our way home in the car Y. told us, “I’ve got a good understanding of the Bible for the first time because of the language, and people were very kind and friendly” and now wants to attend the Alpha-course offered by the church in their mother tongue.

Sachi and I learned from the Breakfast experience that just inviting people to an event and leaving them there doesn't make much of an impact, but when we sit with them and others approach them and welcome them, it leaves a big impression.

In his article, “How Are People Actually Coming to Faith Today?” https://www.biola.edu/blogs/biola-magazine/2016/how-are-people-actually-coming-to-faith-today Professor Gary L. McIntosh reveals a fascinating trend in evangelism.

According to his research, in the late 1970s, 85 to 90 % of people reported coming to Christ through family and friends, whereas today the number has dropped to 60%. Who else then leads people to Christ? 17% church staff/member, 11% other than family, friends or a staff member.

The research shows that non-believers are coming to church before they come to the Lord — that the church is playing a significant part in their conversion process. Gary’s research discloses that in the past a large number of people came to faith through a methodology like the Four Spiritual Laws, but today unsaved-people come to faith through natural conversations and discussions with believers. It indicates that building a relationship and friendship is a key.

I still strongly believe that Sunday church service is primarily for the Lord. We come together to worship Him - this has to be our main focus and objective. It’s unambiguously not the place where ‘I’ should feel good or ‘my’ needs should be satisfied, or even not a place of evangelism in the first place. But if we first wholeheartedly worship the Lord and serve Him, God meets us and we find ourselves being satisfied, and non-believers would become curious to find out what’s going on or they would be touched by the Holy Spirit. And it would lead to evangelism.

God is bringing unsaved yet loved people to His church. He is using His children to share with them His truth and love as well as our desperate state as an unsaved human being. The question to myself is therefore, “Am I ready to greet and welcome them?” “Do I have reserve energy and time for them?” “Am I not so occupied with my own things that I have no room for new people?” “Am I willing to show an interest in them and make time for them?”

How about you? What would we do, if we see a new comer at our church this weekend? We want to remember, a little courage makes a big difference and leaves a great impact.









「今日、人々はどのように信仰に目覚めているのか?」 https://www.biola.edu/blogs/biola-magazine/2016/how-are-people-actually-coming-to-faith-today の記事の中で、ゲイリー・L・マッキントッシュ教授は、伝道活動における興味深い傾向を明らかにしています。



僕は、教会の礼拝は、第一に『主のため』にあると強く信じています。私たちは『神を礼拝するため』に集まります。これが日曜礼拝の主な焦点であり目的です。そこは、 ‘私の’気分良くなったり、 ‘私の’ニーズが満たされたりする場所ではありません。そもそも、伝道の場でさえないと思っています。しかし、私たちがまず心から主を礼拝し、主に仕えるなら、私たちは自身が満たされていることに気づき、未信者はその理由を知りたいと思うようになります。そして伝道につながるのです。



Akihiro Yabe