Lior's identity crisis/理央のアイデンティティー危機


Sachi's surgery is confirmed to be on 16 February followed by the radiation therapy. The doctor discussed with his team, and due to the original size of the tumor also spread to the lymph nodes, the radiation is now a recommended treatment. Sachi will stay at the hospital from 15 February for about a week. PLEASE pray that the Lord will use the surgery to take all the cancer cells out of Sachi's body so that no further chemotherapy would be needed. 

The day before yesterday, Lior said to me, "Papa, you sound like Japanese when you speak German 🤣" Thanks very much for the discouragement! 😂

In the afternoon on the same day was a parent-talk with Lior's teacher. The teacher said that Lior is doing well with study and friends at school. It's been a year since Lior started school and we're thankful to the Lord for all the blessings he's had at school.    

But it wasn't always easy for him. At the beginning (last February/March) Lior would cry because he didn't want to go to school. He said, "I look different from others. I don't know German." He often felt alone and was having a bit of identity crisis. The definition of identity crisis in a dictionary: a feeling of being uncertain about who or what you are.

Outside of home, Lior was embarrassed to do/speak anything related to Japan or Japanese, even to say he likes Sushi! He was the only Asian in his class (hardly any Asians in this town) and Jesus was a big part of his life, while others had different life values. During lunchtime, he would sit alone and pray for his classmates that they would also get to know Jesus. (After sometime he found out that three of his classmates are believers, which is very rare in Austria!) 

Around that time, we were invited to Esther and Uli for a meal. They have an adopted daughter, A. from Asia. Getting to know her was the beginning of Lior's break-through. He got to know someone who looks more like him and knows Jesus like he does. He saw her speak perfect German and live as an Austrian. Little by little Lior started to break his shell and now seems to accept who he is more. Now Lior and Liana consider A. like their own sibling. When they are together, they play hours and have a lot of fun. The presence of A. also helped me and Sachi to integrate to the Austrian society in various senses. We are extremely thankful for her and her family. 

Struggling together with Lior, it reminded me of the importance of knowing and accepting one's identity especially in hard times. 

" But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself." Philippians 3:20-21

God so loves us that He has made us His children. (1 John 3:1)

In Christ Jesus we are all children of God through faith. (Galatians 3:26)

Jesus didn't promise us that our life would be smooth and easy after we put faith in Him (the opposite might be true), but the Lord, who overcame the world, promised to be always with us. (John 16:33, Matthew 28:20)

Wherever we are, whatever we do, we have a privilege to face life as children of God. We are children of God. That's our identity. If we really get it, it does give us hope, encouragement, strength to face life. It frees us from bondages, sense of insecurity, inferiority and self-pity. It helps us grow and become someone God wants us to be.  

"Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. (James 5:13)" because God loves us as His own children. 








「しかし、私たちの国籍は天にあります。そこから主イエス・キリストが救い主として来られるのを、私たちは待ち望んでいます。 キリストは、万物をご自分に従わせることさえできる御力によって、私たちの卑しいからだを、ご自分の栄光に輝くからだと同じ姿に変えてくださいます。」ピリピ3:20-21






Akihiro Yabe