Moving forward/ 前へ進む
“Hi together,
I am 〇〇 the Personnel Officer of OM Austria and I am responsible for the entry and visa process of Aki & Sachie 😊
First of all, I wanted to mention that it’s very encouraging for me/us to see your perseverance over the past months/year in spite of all the uncertainties in the process and that you still have a heart for mission in Austria to serve amongst refugees.
From OM Austria side, there is no obstacle to your entry anymore and we would like to move forward with the process now... we schedule your arrival date for beginning of June this year. This means that we need to focus on the preparation work now.”
We’ve got a full acceptance from OM Austria to serve God and people with them. “Umm? Were you not accepted already?” you might ask. Yes, we were but after my burn-out in July 2018, OM had to re-evaluate our coming because working among refugees is intense even for people who are well and fit.
This acceptance differs from the normal one. OM talked with my counselor, prayerfully discussed among the staff and the international team. They understand I’m not yet physically and mentally fit like normal people and contemplate all the risks and danger if they are to have us. The whole team is aware of our family’s situation, yet they decided to accept us. It is truly only by God's grace and mercy.
We had to stop, were forced to stop many times so far but we’re finally moving forward slowly but surely. We’re grateful to be able to do what we want to do with our life. And we’re thankful for your love and support. Thank you for serving the Lord and people together with us.
Happy riding a bus/バスに乗って上機嫌
About to taste the dried sweet potato given by a good friend/いただき物の干し芋を味わう前のポーズ
“Is there such a delicious food on the earth?!/「この世にはこんなうまいものがあるの?!」