Why risk at all?/なぜリスクを負うの?


① The focus of the Missions Panel was 'refugees' and we were invited to present what is happening in Austria/Europe and what our plan is to work with/for them. 

Luke and Izi who work in Greece and Katie who works locally among refugees in Christchurch were other panelists. 

Refugee crisis is truly heart breaking and I really hope it'd end soon. But now that the crisis is happening, the Lord uses it as one of the opportunities for refugees to get to hear the Gospel for the first time. (If they are stuck in their own countries where missionaries are not allowed, they'd have no chance to hear about Jesus). 

Some refugees become followers of Christ in Europe and go back to their own countries they'd initially escaped from, risking their lives to share God's love and truth. Great revivals are happening in these countries today.

I personally believe revivals would take place in Europe, where Christianity is declining, through refugees, immigrants and foreigners together with the locals who radically love Jesus Christ and the lost souls.  

② Another highlight was to attend the prayer meeting for unreached people groups.
Greg, a friend of mine and the leader of the group used to be my "teacher" in the mission-learning class at the church I attended over a decade ago.He invited us to speak at the prayer meeting. We again spoke about the current refugee situation in Europe and shared our plan to bring the Gospel to them. 

Beyond churches, denominations, languages and cultures, we all gathered for one purpose: to reach out to people who have no or little assess to the Gospel. 

Some of the attendances risk their lives in many ways to go share Christ Jesus in countries where Christianity is forbidden. Despite their weakness, they follow the Lord. Why risk at all? Because they know the Love of God and the heart of God. And to risk isn’t just suffering but rather a joy.

We were very encouraged to pray together with same-minded/passion people and be prayed for for our future mission. 



① ミッションパネルのフォーカスは「難民」でした。私たちはオーストリア/ヨーロッパで何が起こっているのか、そして彼らのために働く私たちの計画を紹介するためにパネリストして呼ばれました。


難民危機は本当に心が痛むものであり、すぐに終結することを願っています。でも危機が起こっている今、主は難民が初めて福音を聞く機会の一つとしてそれを用いられています。 (宣教師が入ることができない自国にいたら、イエスさまについて聞く機会は決してないでしょう)。  



② もう一つのハイライトは、未伝部族のための祈り会に参加したことです。





Akihiro Yabe