Travel suspension recommendation/渡航中止勧告
On March 23, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan raised the level of the infectious disease risk in Switzerland to Number 3 (Number 4 being the highest) and issued the official recommendation for Japanese citizens to stop traveling. If this happens, normally you should go back to Japan immediately, but here are the results of our discussions with the Japanese embassy in Switzerland and OM Japan.
Both the embassy and OM Japan initially instructed/recommended that we return home immediately. However, I told them the facts that at where we are staying; the population is 2,000 people and the village is less crowed, we have almost no contact with other people outside of our guest house, the air is clean at 1,800 meters above sea level, and thus safe. If we hurry and return home, we might have a higher risk of infection as we go through big cities to the airport, spending long hours in the planes, etc. As of tomorrow, there will be no direct flights from Switzerland to Japan. Going via another country would increase the risk of infection.
Even after we came to Switzerland, Lior, Liana and Sachi have had a cold, etc one after another and are not in the perfect immunity and health. Our top priority that our family be healthy and we won’t get the virus. So, we want to rest now and decide next week when to return home. The embassy and OM understood and agreed with us.
Also, though I won't go into the details, if the conditions are met, we may be able to extend our stay in Switzerland until the Corona situation gets a bit more settled here. We’re seeking God for our next steps.
At last, I’d like to share what Jesus taught me here. That is “Fix your eyes on the Lord”. In the midst of uncertainties, I must admit, I’m sometimes tempted to give into fear and anxiety.
Matthew chapter 14. Peter is able to walk on the water as long as he has his eyes on Jesus. But as soon as he sees the strong wind, fear comes in and he begins to sink.
Luke chapter 8. During the storm Jesus was asleep in the boat. The disciples were terrified, sensed a life-danger and "approached " Jesus and woke him up. “Approached” indicates that they were first far away from Jesus. The Lord asks those disciples, "Where is your faith ?"
The hearts of the disciples were seized by the storm and terrified as they were far away from Jesus.
Now, we’re in the midst of the coronavirus storm. I also feel the danger of life (for us and especially for older people we love and care) as Jesus’ disciples felt. Jesus may seem to be asleep (the reality is He is NOT though) while the situation doesn’t become better.
Are your hearts seized by the storm of the virus? Or are your eyes fixed on Jesus? I sometimes see the storm and my heart gets restless and worried. "Where is my/our faith?"
The more we read the coronavirus news (and the less time we spend with Jesus), the less peace we have. But when we turn to the Prince of Peace (i.e. to have faith), we are filled with peace from above.
Fear or Faith? As one increases, the other decreases.
Our family will spend our days in Switzerland by faith, trying to keep our eyes on the Lord, so you also please look up to Jesus and walk in His peace.
一昨日 3月23日、外務省はスイス全土に対して、感染症危険情報レベルを3に引き上げ、渡航中止勧告を出しました。通常ならば、すぐに帰国すべきですが、スイスの日本大使館とOM日本と話し合った結果をお伝えします。
コロナのニュースを読めば読むほど(そしてイエスさまとの時間が減れば減るほど)平安がなくなります。でもPrince of Peace (平和・平安の君)イエスキリストに目を向ける(信仰を持つ)時、平安に包まれます。
Fear(恐れ)か Faith(信仰)か?一方が増せば、もう一方は減ります。