disAppointment /失望・落胆と予約
Yesterday on 17 October, Sachi’s white blood cells (neutrophil cells and platelets) were still low, but the values had recovered to the level where the chemotherapy was possible and she was able to finally receive the treatment again. God is merciful and faithful. Thank you for standing with us in prayer.
We have been learning again and again that "Our disappointment is God's appointment". If we keep trusting Jesus, God turns our disappointment into His appointment with us where He meets us and we experience Him in a new level. Here are the testimonies.
1.) On 3 and 10 October, Sachi's planned chemotherapy was repeatedly postponed due to the low white blood cells. We were very disappointed and even scared because more delay might now mean the cancellation of the chemotherapy treatment. Around the same time, Maria, a Romanian believer who had overcome an aggressive cancer herself 10 years ago, phoned us. She suggested that we should contact Fini and gave us her phone number. Fini is the wife of the pastor at the Romanian church and she works as a nurse at a house doctor.
When we called her, she said in excitement, she thought it was the Lord orchestrating all this because on the coming Friday, a new doctor was going to start her job there. This new female doctor, Dr. J. normally works at a private hospital especially specialized in breast cancer 4 days a week as an oncologist (?!) and now works as a general practitioner only on Fridays at Fini's house doctor! On Dr. J's first work day at the house doctor, Sachi was able to visit her.
Dr. J. who speaks perfect English gave Sachi a lot of reassurance and encouragement. She even called to check if her hospital could help Sachi in any way. She then prescribed a special self-injection for Sachi to boost the white blood cells before the chemotherapy appointment. Fini is also comforting. As she gives Sachi vitamin infusions, etc., she testifies to God’s goodness. Sachi is not only medically well-treated but also spiritually fed at the house doctor.
Yes, we were discouraged and disappointed by the delay in the chemotherapy treatment, but God had an appointment with us and led us to Fini and Dr. J. through whom we experienced the Lord in a new way, received heavenly encouragement, and gained renewed hope for the future treatments.
2.) A few months ago, I began playing soccer with the local Austrians on Friday (18:30 - 20:00). One of the main reasons why I joined the 'senior kickers' (men over 30 years old) was because some refugees were also there. I wanted to befriend them. But after some time, the locals began to withdraw one after another, and some opened up that they didn't like refugees on the field for some reason... Refugees stopped coming and I was hugely disappointed. However, God turned my/our disappointment into His appointment.
The senior kickers gave the refugees an opportunity to play at another day and time. A Catholic medical doctor and a Red Cross staff set up the time and day (Thursday 14:00-16:00), and I joined them in "taking care of" the refugees. Now I get to meet a lot more refugees in this small town.
I had been prayerfully looking for a "man of peace" (Luke 10:6), so that I could visit the refugee house. On the soccer field, I got to know N. from Africa and found out he is a believer in Jesus Christ, while almost all other refugees are Muslims. I also got to know A. from the Middle East, and his wife and Sachi later became friends as our family visited them at the refugee house. The ladies go for a walk when Sachi is feeling well. Now the refugees welcome me/us at their house.
Some Romanian believers also kindly cook and bake delicious food/sweets and I/we bring them to the house. Normally no one cooks for them as many of them are alone here without families. You can imagine how the food/sweets made in/by love touches and opens the hearts of the refugees.
Last week, N. and I even started the weekly Bible Study and time of prayer in the refugee house!!! Please pray that Muslim refugees will also visit the room and expose to the Bible and the true reality of Jesus Christ!
Our God is the Specialist in turning our disappointments into something that reveals His glory. To Him alone be all the glory and honor!
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
- I was able to pass the German exam required for our visa extension. The speaking part was challenging and I said to myself, "oh no, I don't have enough vocabulary for this..." but my topic happened to be 'car accident'. I had learned all the necessary vocabulary a week prior because of the hit and run accident and I was fluent on the exam😂. God surely has great humor!
- The cause for my long time stomach problem has been finally found out after a number of examinations. My problem is now not gluten but lactose.
Prayer request:
- Please keep praying for Sachi. If the values of her white blood cells are too low again at the next appointment, there would then be a possibility that the chemotherapy treatment would have to be stopped. We want and have to do all the remaining chemotherapy (Four more times). Neutrophil cells can be boosted by the injection but there is no medication to increase platelets. Sachi's body has to produce it, and we will greatly appreciate your prayer help, while we do everything possible for the platelets to increase.
「Our disappointment is God's appointment / 私たちの失望・落胆は神が私に出会ってくださる予約である」ことを何度も学んでいます。もし私たちがイエスさまを信頼し歩み続けるなら、神さまは私たちの失望・落胆を、『主が私に出会ってくださる、主を新たなレベルで体験する、予約・機会』へと変えてくださいます。証しをお分かちします。
1) 10月 3日と 10日、サチの計画されていた抗がん剤は、白血球減少のため繰り返し延期されてしまいました。私たち夫婦は非常に落胆し、恐れさえ感じていました。なぜなら、延期が続くと治療中止の可能性もあるからです。そんな時、10年前に自身も進行性のがんを克服したルーマニア人クリスチャン、マリアさんが電話をくれました。彼女は、フィニさんに連絡すべきだと電話番号を教えてくれたのです。フィニさんとは、ルーマニア人教会の牧師先生の奥様で、とあるクリニックで看護師として働いています。
勧められるまま、僕はフィニさんに電話してみると、「主の導きだと思った」と電話口から興奮が伝わってきました。と言うのも、次の金曜日に新しい医師が彼女のクリニックで仕事を始める予定なのですが、その女性医師、J先生 は通常、乳がんに詳しい私立病院で週4 日、腫瘍専門医(?!)として勤務しており、フィニさんのクリニックで金曜日のみ一般開業医として働くことになったのです。J先生の勤務初日、サチは診察を受けることができました。
2) 数か月前、金曜日(18:30 - 20:00)に地元オーストリア人たちとサッカーを始めました。僕が「シニアキッカーズ」(30 歳以上の男性)に参加した主な理由の 1 つは、そこに難民の人たちもいたからです。彼らと友だちになりたいと思いました。しかし、しばらくすると、地元の人たちがサッカーに次々と来なくなり始め、いくつかの理由から難民の人たちが参加することをよく思っていないと言うのです。僕はめちゃくちゃ失望しましたが、神さまは僕・私たちの失望を『ある予約・機会』へと変えてくださいました。
僕は、難民ハウスを訪問できるようになるため、「平和の人」(ルカ 10:6)を祈り求めていました。そんな中、難民サッカーでアフリカ出身のNさんと知り合い、彼がイエス・キリストを信じていることを知りました。他のほとんどの難民はイスラム教徒です。中東出身のAさんとも知り合い、家族で家庭訪問すると奥さんとサチが仲良くなりました。サチの体調が良い時、彼女たちは一緒に散歩に行きます。今、難民ハウスの人たちは、僕・私たちを歓迎してくれます。
「わたしの思いは、あなたがたの思いと異なり、わたしの道は、あなたがたの道と異なるからだ。―主の御告げ― 天が地よりも高いように、わたしの道は、あなたがたの道よりも高く、わたしの思いは、あなたがたの思いよりも高い。イザヤ 55:8-9
- ビザ延長に必要な僕のドイツ語の試験、無事合格できました。スピーキングは難しく、「ああ、語彙が足りない…」と思っていたら、たまたまトピックが「交通事故」でした。当て逃げ事故のため、交通事故に関する必要な語彙はすべて一週間前に学習していたので、試験ではとても流暢に話せました(笑)。神さまはユーモアにも富んだお方です!
- 僕の長年のお腹の不調の原因が、さまざまな検査の結果、小麦(グルテン)でなく、乳糖であることがわかりました。
- サチのために引き続きお祈りお願いします。次の抗がん剤予定日に白血球の値が再び低すぎる場合、抗がん剤治療を中止しなければならない可能性も出てきます。私たちは残り4回の抗がん剤をすべてやりたいし、やらなければなりません。好中球は注射で増やすことができますが、血小板を増やす薬はありません。サチの体自体がそれを生成しなければなりません。私たちは血小板増加のために可能な限りのことやりますので、お祈りで支えていただけたら嬉しいです。よろしくお願いします。