The first Japanese/初めての日本人


It was very encouraging for all our staff that Y. came back to Neue Heimat. 

A month ago, her Austrian friend brought Y., a university student from Japan to our Christmas service for the first time. (You hardly ever meet Japanese in Linz!) Being interested in the Bible, Y. had been attending a local church and its Bible study group for some time, but due to the language barrier and unfamiliar biblical concepts to the Japanese, she seemed confused. But she came back. As you know, we are not an Austrian church, not a Japanese church, but an intercultural church focused on the people with the Islamic background. So, the fact that Y. came back to the service alone indicated that she was really seeking the Lord and the Lord was inviting her to Himself. 

After the service, Susanne, our coworker engaged in a spiritual conversation with Y. and explained the Gospel to her with John 3:16. Then I was called in. I noticed that she hadn't understood the biblical concept of 'sin', so I explained it in Japanese. Then, what God did to rescue us, what we need to do/believe to receive His salvation made sense to her. Y. seemed to have tears in her eyes and wanted to study the Bible more.
We have begun the weekly Japanese Bible study at church before the Sunday service starts. Please pray that Y. would come to believe in the Lord Jesus and become His disciple. 

Because Y. started attending the service, Neue Heimat sang its first Japanese worship song. Oh, how I like my mother tongue! But after a while, I turned the below matter over in my mind. 

It feels comfortable and even relief to gather together with people of the same culture and language in a foreign country, and the understanding of the Bible increases, so a diaspora church is born. The diaspora church is basically a group of believers having moved from an original country to another, forming a church in their common mother language and culture. I am often for the diaspora ministry. We should appreciate our home country and treasure its culture. Sachi and I have received uncountable blessings from the diaspora churches ourselves. But one challenge/danger I find the diaspora churches face is that if we spend majority of our life with people of the same mother language, the integration to the local society (as a church and individual) is easily neglected. In our daily contact with immigrants and refugees, we encounter people (believes) who have lived here over 20 to 30 years but still have a very limited contact to the local Austrians or very limited German language ability. Please don't get me wrong. I am not criticizing nor judging them, but I find it rather sad and wasteful of precious opportunities. Here is why. 

No matter what the reasons and circumstances of our exile or diaspora are, the Lord God intends that we, foreign believers become a blessing for others including the locals. In history, when the people of Israel were scattered to elsewhere, they were/became the foundation of blessings in foreign lands, regardless of their social statuses. In lands full of false gods, they were the platform/medium by and through which the one and only true God revealed His truth and glory. Joseph was a blessing in Egypt. Daniel was a blessing in Babylon and the list of such people goes on. 

Why has God placed every one of us right where we are? In our home, school, work place, city, country, so on. Because He wants to extend His love and blessings, reveal His truth and glory through us, His children to others. God blesses us, so that we can bless others. 

Neue Heimat values 'integration' to the local society, while appreciating different cultures. It encourages and helps us to learn the language and the Austrian culture. In so doing, not only would we be able to integrate into the society better and enjoy life more, but we might also be used as a pipe through which God flows His blessings. We want to see more immigrants and refugees saved and grow as Jesus' disciples. May God help us foreigners integrate well and bless and reach the locals with the love and truth of Jesus Christ. We would appreciate you join us in this mission by prayer to build the Lord's church and expand His Kingdom in Linz and Austria where a great majority of population is without hope in Jesus Christ.

Luke 4:43 But he (Jesus) said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns (people) also, because that is why I was sent.”

YさんがNeue Heimatの礼拝にまた来てくれたことは、スタッフみんなにとって大きな励ましとなりました。 

一ヶ月前、オーストリア人の友人に連れられ、日本人留学生のYさんはクリスマス礼拝に初めて参加しました。(リンツで日本人に会うことはほとんどありません!)聖書に興味がり、しばらく現地教会とバイブルスタディに参加していましたが、言語の壁と一般的な日本人に馴染みのない聖書的概念のせいで、Yさんは混乱しているようでした。しかし再び礼拝に来たのです。ご存知のように、Neue Heimatはオーストリア人教会ではなく、日本人教会ではなく、イスラム教の背景を持つ人々にフォーカスした異文化間教会です。ですから、Yさんがそんな礼拝に一人で戻ってきたということは、彼女が本当にイエスさまを求めていて、主が彼女をご自身に招いておられることを示していました。


Yさんが礼拝に参加するようになったので、Neue Heimatでは初めて日本語の賛美を歌いました。ああ、やっぱり日本語はいいな〜!でもしばらくして、以下のことに思いを巡らせました。




Neue Heimatは、さまざまな文化を尊重しながらも、現地社会への融合を大切にしています。私たち外国人が言語とオーストリア文化を学ぶよう励まし、助けてくれます。そうすることで、私たち自身現地社会に溶け込み、生活をより楽しむことができるようになるだけでなく、神さまの祝福を流し出すパイプとしても用いられるかもしれません。多くの移民や難民の方々が救われ、主の弟子として成長しますように。私たち外国人が現地社会に融合し、イエス・キリストの愛と真理で現地の人々をも祝福できますように。大多数の人口がイエスさまにある希望をもっていないオーストリアで、主の教会を立てあげ、御国を拡大する、このミッションに祈りをもって加わっていただけると嬉しいです。

ルカ4章43節 しかしイエスは、彼らにこう言われた。「ほかの町々にも、どうしても神の国の福音を宣べ伝えなければなりません。わたしは、そのために遣わされたのですから。」

Akihiro Yabe