Friendship /フレンドシップ


Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:10 “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect.” And that’s true of me too.

The other day, I was contemplating what thisgrace of God’ for me was. His grace is manifested in various ways in our lives, but one thing that sparked in my mind was ‘friends’, more precisely ‘brothers and sisters in Christ’. I wouldn’t be what I am without Jesus, and I wouldn’t be who I am, if I hadn’t had godly friends. I have nothing to boast about myself, but I am very proud of my/our friends. So, thank you, friends!

From 18 to 29 March, I had a trip to Switzerland. The Swiss Japanese Evangelical Church invited me to participate in their Bible Study group, lead the Youth Bible Study, and preach at their Easter Service. Sachi and kids also joined me for the second week.

The church is the only Japanese-speaking church in whole Switzerland, and they had recently had their 30th anniversary. Brothers and sisters of the church helped us enormously, while we were going through the cancer treatments. It was therefore a privilege for us to be finally able to visit the church in person and thank each and every one of them for their prayers and support.

I/we also had time to visit some friends. I can’t write about all visits and show photos for the privacy reason, but I will share some.

Spending a day with Immanuel and his family was a blessing. Last time I had met him and his wife was in 2018, and in the meantime, they had grown to be a family of four, blessed with two little boys. I first met Immanuel 20 years ago in Christchurch, New Zealand and spent a lot of time with the mature believer at the beginning of my Christian faith. In 2005, it was when I was visiting him at his parents’ house near the Switzerland’s capital, the Lord began speaking to me about missions in Europe. I was undergoing the change of the course of my life, and Immanuel was there. While playing with his sweet and energetic boys, I looked back 20 years and gave thanks to God.

The unexpectedly blessed opportunity was to reunite with Samara and her husband, Philipp with their two wonderful children. I got to know Samara also 20 years ago at the English language school in New Zealand, when I had become a believer shortly before.

One day, an older Japanese student insulted, “Aki, by believing in Christianity, you have sold your soul to the West. You’re not a true Japanese any longer, but a betrayer.” As offensive as it sounded, overcome by a shock, I didn’t have a clue what to respond. Samara and her friend intervened and defended me. Samara said to me, “my father is a Japanese living in Switzerland”. “She must be kidding”, I thought.

It was, however, not long after when I met her father, Koji, a born-again Japanese. He connected me to the Swiss Japanese Church in 2005. The former world-wanderer is also an outstandingly gifted lithograph artist, and Koji’s beloved drawings are in our website and at our house walls.

One of the highlights in Switzerland this time was also the time with my crazy Swiss friend, A. I had a lot of Swiss “friends” in New Zealand, but as time went by, I lost many contacts. A. is my only non-believing Swiss friend with whom I am still in contact after 20 years. We had a lot of fun and crazy memories of 20 years, but there had been no opportunity where I was able to talk seriously about life, faith, etc with him. Before the Swiss trip, I prayed to the Lord for such an opportunity. Though I was with him only for a day this time, we had deep conversations about life, work, faith, etc.

A. took me to the top of a mountain (2,500 m above sea level). Looking down the alps, I had a sudden prompt in my heart to pray for him. I asked him, if I could pray for him at all. He was rather startled, but soon gladly accepted my offer, which was also a surprise for me. In the freshness and quietness of the alps, I began the prayer by reciting Psalm 121. I felt that God knew A. and wanted him to know Him personally, because He loves him.

We went down the mountain, and I said farewell to A. In my train to the next destination, I received his message. “Danke für deinen Besuch, deine Freundschaft, dein Gebet und die spannenden und inspirierenden Gespräche! Bis bald einmal und bis dahin eine gute Zeit 👋” “Thank you for your visit, your friendship, your prayer and the exciting and inspiring conversations! See you soon and until then have a good time 👋”

Someone once said, “our God is a God of relationship”. The greatest commandments Jesus gave us (Matthew 22:36-40) are also about relationship. “Love God with all we are, and love our neighbors as we love ourselves.”

By God’s grace through friendship/relationship, I got to hear the Gospel and came to know Christ. God’s grace through friendship/relationship has matured me as a believer (The process is still present continuous). The Holy Spirit works through friendship and relationship. So, Sachi and I thank you, all our friends and brothers and sisters in Christ, and give all the glory back to the Lord.

パウロは第1コリント 15 章 10 節で「しかし、神の恵みによって、私は今の私になりました。そして、私に対するこの神の恵みは無駄にならず、・・・」と述べています。パウロのこの告白は、僕にもまったくその通り当てはまります。


3月18日から29日まで奉仕でスイスに行ってきました。スイス日本語福音キリスト教会 に招いてもらい、家庭集会に参加したり、ユースのバイブルスタディーで分かち合ったり、イースター礼拝でメッセージ奉仕をする特権に与りました。 2週目はサチと子供たちも加わり、本当に祝福の時となりました。この教会はスイス全土で唯一日本語で礼拝ができる教会で、今年創立30周年を迎えました。厳しいがん治療の間、スイス日本語教会の方々が私たちを大いに助けてくださいました。ですから、教会を訪問し、お祈りとご支援に対して教会の皆さんに直接感謝をお伝えすることができ、感無量でした。



思いがけずの機会は、サマラと夫のフィリップ、そして2人の子供たちと再会できたことでした。サマラとも20年前、ニュージーランドの英語学校で知り合いました。クリスチャンになって間もない頃です。ある日、年上の日本人学生が「アキ、お前はキリスト教を信じたことで西洋に魂を売ったな。もう真の日本人じゃない、裏切り者」と侮辱しました。不快でしたが、不意打ちにショックで、何と答えるべきか分からず無言でいました。サマラと彼女の友人が介入してくれ、僕を守ってくれました。サマラさんは「私の父はスイスに住んでいる日本人です」と言うのです。 「冗談でしょ?」と思いましたが、2005年に初めてスイスを訪問した際、彼女の父親の幸二郎さん に出会いました。彼が僕をスイス日本語福音キリスト教会に繋げてくれたのです。世界を放浪していた幸二郎さんがたどり着いたのがスイス、彼は卓越した才能のリトグラフアーティストでもあり、彼の作品は私たちのウェブサイトやアパートを華やかにしてくれています。

今回のスイスのハイライトの 1 つは、クレイジーなスイス人の友人、Aとの時間です。ニュージーランドでは多くのスイス人の“友人”がいましたが、時間が経つにつれて、コンタクトを失っていきました。Aは、20年経った今でも連絡を取り合っている唯一のスイス人ノンクリスチャンの友人です。彼とはこの20年間、楽しくてクレイジーな思い出がたくさんありますが、人生や信仰などについて真剣に話す機会は一度もありませんでした。今回のスイス訪問の前に、そのような機会を求めて主に祈りました。今回、彼と一緒にいたのはわずか一日でしたが、人生、仕事、信仰などについて深い会話ができました。

Aは僕をある山の頂上(海抜2500メートル)に連れて行ってくれました。 アルプスを見下ろしていると突然、心の中に彼のために祈るべきだという促しがきました。彼のために祈っても良いかと尋ねると、最初は驚いたようでしたが、彼はすぐに喜んで受け入れてくれました。断れるかもと思っていたので、僕にとっても驚きでした。アルプスの清々しさと静けさの中で、詩篇121 篇を暗唱して 祈りを始めました。神さまが Aのことを知っていて、彼に主を個人的に知ってほしいと願っておられる、主は彼を愛しておられる。そう感じました。山を下り、Aに別れを告げ、僕は次の目的地に向かいました。電車の中で、携帯が鳴ります。Aからのメッセージでした。“Danke für deinen Besuch, deine Freundschaft, dein Gebet und die spannenden und inspirierenden Gespräche! Bis bald einmal und bis dahin eine gute Zeit 👋”「君の訪問、友情、祈り、そしてエキサイティング(刺激的)でインスピレーショナル(心打つ)な会話をありがとう!また会おう、それまで楽しい時間を👋」



Akihiro Yabe